Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Swine flu pandemic fears

Either they got it wrong, and or there is something they were not telling us in the first place.
i think this one can be buried now, as yet another case of hysteria..

300,000 pigs in Egypt would have liked it to be sorted out at least a few days earlier.
And they didn't have a single case of swine Flu.

Imagine if a person to person bug appeared.
Atleast no one would get it!
Nothing to see here people.

As we suspected it doesnt appear to be that bad at all. On ABC radio this morning a health expert in the US said that 200,000 people are hospitalised and 32,000 people die every year from the common flu in the USA.

So unless this flu reaches at least a quarter of those figures, it is a massive over reaction.
both the WHO and IMF have shown just how shallow they are....the IMF produced a different prediction 5 times in the past 6 many more times are they likely to change their minds ??

and for the first time ever....the olds have a benefit....can anyone imagine benefiting from being old......apparently this old virus attacked them when they were they have immunity from it now....

where was the concern and scaremongering when it was really know with the heat wave that hit us in Feb....and hundreds of old people died....those who thought their parents were safe...sitting there in the air conditioned comfort of their homes....well no...the electricity broke down...and they died by the hundreds.....or dont we care about old people ?

ps I do not get the flue every year....however I do get the influenza virus every 5 or 10 years (it used to be 10 years as I get older its 5 years) that knocks me out for about 4 months...apart from the normal flu symptons...feel like I have been run over by a truck....find it very difficult to get out of bed and go to productive work hours and income earning capacity is almost zero, the coughing spasms make the chest and stomach painful.....
just thinking out much money do the big pharma companies donate to WHO each year ?? its the big pharma's who stand to profit from all this scaremongering....are the donations transparent...or in a brown paper bag
just thinking out much money do the big pharma companies donate to WHO each year ?? its the big pharma's who stand to profit from all this scaremongering....are the donations transparent...or in a brown paper bag

That is the one thing I hate about "capitalism" we say we operate in a largely free market yet it is abundantly clear that large corporations manipulate the market to gain an advantage.

Whether it is Pharma companies providing incentives to doctors or them paying off the WHO it has just gotten out of hand in my opinion.
ps I do not get the flue every year....however I do get the influenza virus every 5 or 10 years (it used to be 10 years as I get older its 5 years) that knocks me out for about 4 months...apart from the normal flu symptons...feel like I have been run over by a truck....find it very difficult to get out of bed and go to productive work hours and income earning capacity is almost zero, the coughing spasms make the chest and stomach painful.....

Get your flu jab every autumn. It's free for oldies.
I rang the Swine Flu board and all I got was crackling
Well, it might all seem like an over-reaction, but personally I'd prefer over activity by government than neglect in a situation which had the potential to be a problem.

No one has been harmed because seemingly unnecessary precautions have been taken but we'd be squealing loudly if the virus had been allowed free reign in Australia.
Now if someone would invent a flu-vacine in a pill and hand it to me I would take it, the needle is for desperate people that large corporations use to mutate the virus for next years cure, if you can call it a cure .
overuse of antibiotics...means there is no cure for the really big bugs that live in our hospital system and now out there in main street
I believe the annual flu needle is doing the same thing
No one has been harmed because seemingly unnecessary precautions have been taken but we'd be squealing loudly if the virus had been allowed free reign in Australia.

Apparently last time the Swine Flu hit the USA in the 1960's there was compulsory vaccinations using a new and largely untested vaccine. More people died from the compulsory vaccination in the USA then died of the Swine Flu.
Apparently last time the Swine Flu hit the USA in the 1960's there was compulsory vaccinations using a new and largely untested vaccine. More people died from the compulsory vaccination in the USA then died of the Swine Flu.

Actually it was in 1976. The vaccinations weren't compulsory. A rare (about one in a million) side effect of flu immunisation killed 25 people. One person died of the H1N1 virus.
Apparently last time the Swine Flu hit the USA in the 1960's there was compulsory vaccinations using a new and largely untested vaccine. More people died from the compulsory vaccination in the USA then died of the Swine Flu.

Actually it was in 1976. The vaccinations weren't compulsory. A rare (about one in a million) side effect of flu immunisation killed 25 people. One person died of the H1N1 virus.
Thank you for the correction, Calliope.

Maffu, I don't think any reasonable person would have believed your statement that a "new and largely untested vaccine" was administered compulsorily.
So far there has not been a single case of swine flu in Australia.

But stocks of Tamifu are now so low that the wholesalers have to ration supplies to pharmacy.

What does this say about
(a) the hysterical reaction of people who "think they might just need it" but who will probably waste it
(b) the doctors who were prescribing it to people who did not have the virus?
So far there has not been a single case of swine flu in Australia.

But stocks of Tamifu are now so low that the wholesalers have to ration supplies to pharmacy.

What does this say about
(a) the hysterical reaction of people who "think they might just need it" but who will probably waste it
(b) the doctors who were prescribing it to people who did not have the virus?

It's got a use by date of a number of years, a good idea to have it on hand just in case, for travel or for the next time this happens, which it will.

There's no law against prescribing this , if you're travellng overseas you wouldnt be without it.

Get some when this calms down before the rush next time.
I very much doubt that everyone who has acquired Tamiflu is travelling overseas.

My point was that if people who don't need it were to have used up the available supply, it's pretty tough on anyone who may actually contract the virus and be unable to get the medication.

Much of what is now sitting on bathroom shelves will eventually be thrown out unused.

But maybe hoarders like the notion of making Roche Pharmaceuticals even richer than they are already.
I very much doubt that everyone who has acquired Tamiflu is travelling overseas.

My point was that if people who don't need it were to have used up the available supply, it's pretty tough on anyone who may actually contract the virus and be unable to get the medication.

Much of what is now sitting on bathroom shelves will eventually be thrown out unused.

But maybe hoarders like the notion of making Roche Pharmaceuticals even richer than they are already.

be prepared.