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Swine flu pandemic fears

22 March 2008
bio tech stocks running......?
Mexican swine flu - is this the big one?

I've always wanted to start a doom and gloom thread, so here is is!

What I find slightly concerning is this article from some Aussies in 2001, which put Spanish flu down to pig flu RNA! Any scientists out there?

Re: Mexican swine flu - is this the big one?

I've always wanted to start a doom and gloom thread, so here is is!

..and then I find out that Metric beat me to starting the same topic by 3 minutes!! Any chance of having his rolled into mine??
better yours is merged into least mine has a link to stocks .......

oh, tis done.
Re: Mexican swine flu - is this the big one?

watch for massive run on biota holding monday- according to some scientists in the know - this latest swine flu is a combination of humane pig and bird flu genetic material - and roches tamiflu is 99 % sure to be rendered useless very soon as it is already showing near 100% resistance to common H1N1 human flu world wide - leaving biotas relenza as the only anti viral to fight the ensueing pandemic which has started in mexico with 1000 infected incl 500 hospital staff and 68 dead as of today - plus spread to ca , tx and poss new york. WHO meeting tonight to decide on lifting pandemic alert from level 3 to poss 6 - sealing boarders mexico and usa if it speads to a third country we are likely to see major panic and in an already stressed economy it couldn't come at aworse time - unless you own bta or gsk shares of course.
This is the first time that we’ve seen an avian strain, two swine strains and a human strain,” said Daigle, adding that the virus had influenza strains from European and Asian swine, but not from North American swine.

strange that it has euro and asian pig strains but not a strain from the americas where it is supposed to have originated. many on the net are openly saying it is a weaponised flu virus.
I remember having a few chops at IMU during the bird flu scenario. They also have a porcine drug too but the trials and lead time with these companies is very very long.
for an answer to that check out henry nimens web site recombinomics - he should have the gene sequences worked out very soon
Re: Mexican swine flu - is this the big one?

watch for massive run on biota holding monday-
I agree, and could last a few days depending on the news out.

I'm going to Mexico on Friday so I might put a Relenza order in myself!
Re: Mexican swine flu - is this the big one?

I agree, and could last a few days depending on the news out.

I'm going to Mexico on Friday so I might put a Relenza order in myself!

and perhaps quarantine for you apon return...?
I think the most disturbing aspect of the Mexican outback is that all the deaths so far have been otherwise healthy young adults. The majority of Spanish flu deaths were in the same age group. Millions of healthy young ex-servicemen who had survived WW 1 succumbed to the flu.

yes...flu fatalities occur when there is a cytokine storm in the body which happens if a persons immune system is very strong.

very young and older people seem to survive it better...just like 1918....
sky news just reported a UK cabin crew member taken to hospital with flu like symptoms.......

someone is getting worried when an incident such as this makes news...
current know outbreaks. pretty sure you can add the uk to this list...

Mexico City

Imperial County, California

San Diego County, California

San Antonio, Texas

Long Island, New York

Queens, New York

Chappqua, New York


Ontario, Canada


Hm what specific stocks are FLU related?

IMU - Imugene Limited (IMU) specialises in the development and commercialisation of animal health products for pigs and poultry, including vaccines and productivity enhancers. IMU also owns the worldwide rights to the Fowl Adenoviral Vector Delivery System for poultry and the Porcine Adenoviral Vector Delivery System for pigs.

BTA - Biota Holdings Limited (BTA) is an Australian based, anti-infective drug development company. They specialise in the discovery and development of pharmaceuticals, focusing on research for the treatment of viral respiratory diseases, particularly influenza.

Any others?



good post.
Swine flu has pandemic potential.

Forget nuclear bombs and the Taliban, if anything will wipe us from the face of the earth it will be something like day......

The World Health Organisation (WHO) says a new strain of the flu virus, suspected of killing more than 60 people in Mexico, is a potential pandemic.

The WHO says the outbreak is already an international public health emergency.
Re: Swine flu has pandemic potential.

Forget nuclear bombs and the Taliban, if anything will wipe us from the face of the earth it will be something like day......

Wow the mods around here are quick, I started a new thread on this subject not seeing this one and they flicked my post over to here immediately, big brother is watching
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