Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Storm at Sea

Ahoy Brave and Loyal Crew

Surely, The Chinese by now have had enough of these Shitty Seas!
Extreme patience is now required by us while we Find and Distroy the ASF Shark posing as a Moderator

What a DISGRACE that Moderator has inflicted on this Once Great Forum
Salute and Gods' Speed

I Furnish You with 21 poor souls that have been LOST at SEA Please keep this under your hat.

Firstly, thank you El Capitaan for being upfront enough to furnish your list of unfortunate souls who are currently under penalty of banishment. A list of fine punters at a glance! :oops:

I would hope for some reconciliation if possible ....... Could I suggest you contact each listed punter by PM, and see if perhaps some reconciliation/common ground might be feasible?

If you still get negativity post contact, then so be it ... but without trying, there is little hope! :wheniwasaboy:
Sorry my lovable and recalcitrant young Sea- Cadet Barney

They are all Dead to Me !
Dead in the Water !

What don't you understand ?

Salute and Stay Well
HMAS  Ship of Fools.gif
Firstly, thank you El Capitaan for being upfront enough to furnish your list of unfortunate souls who are currently under penalty of banishment. A list of fine punters at a glance! :oops:

I would hope for some reconciliation if possible ....... Could I suggest you contact each listed punter by PM, and see if perhaps some reconciliation/common ground might be feasible?

If you still get negativity post contact, then so be it ... but without trying, there is little hope! :wheniwasaboy:
Using another family member to log in to the Mad Capt's depository of failed souls who were his deck hands of a kind on the un-renowned tub "the Ship of Fools", just shows what a morbid mind this person has.
Ahoy Brave and Loyal Crew---------------
Wet weather Gear is still in Order ---------------------------------as we turn our attention to the Chinese demand for our IRON ORE
Sailing for IRON ORE -----------One WEEK at a Time-----------------------------&---------------One DAY at a Time
Chart data is real-time, as of 11 01 2024 11:27am AEDT

Colour is based on price performance

Salute and Gods' Speed

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Ahoy Brave and Loyal Crew

God Bless the Chinese --------------------------------------------- This Promises to be a Most Brilliant session on Wall St tonight

Sailing the HANG SENG -One WEEK at a Time--&----------One DAY at a Time ------------------------&-------------5 MINUTES at a Time

Salute and Gods' Speed
XYZ Yacht.GIFtbc
Lol .... no secret I am a big fan of MP ...... I suspect many of your plank walkers would be similar ;)

If only we could all find some common ground and perhaps just argue in our spare time!:happy:

Ahoy there Young and Recalcitrant Sea-Cadet Barney

As the Champion of the 21 Bannished

#1 -----Who do you think can argue better than your magnoficent MP example above? Many Thanks

#2 -----Who cannot put a Full Sentence together
Some Barrack for their favourite one eyed Share/s as if it was their only Football Club

They love the Loyalty of a drowning crowd posting a minnimum of words and Maximum number of posts

They will never ever fill my E-mail box up again

I used to get hundreds and thousands of Nuisance emails I lost the purpose of being here on this once great Forum

IMO Young Barney You either have Too much time on your hands or No Money left to play this Greatest of all Sports to its best

#3 ----Who have the Skills and Disciplines of Seamanship to be worthy of a position on My Ship?

Who can throw all their Sweet FA Overboard and only Go a Sailing on TA only ?

Salute and Gods' Speed
HMAS  Ship of Fools.gif
Ahoy Brave and Loyal Crew

Decisions! Decisions! Decisions!---------This Captain's life is never Dull --------------------

Here Comes the DIGITAL Age of GOLD---------Introducing BITCOIN ETF's tonight
Sailing for BITCOINS-----One WEEK at a Time--&------------One DAY at a Time ---------------------&-------------5 MINUTES at a Time


Here Comes the DIGITAL Age of SILVER ------ Introducing ETHERIUM ETF's in ~ May 2024
Sailing for ETHERIUM -One WEEK at a Time--&----------One DAY at a Time ------------------------&-------------5 MINUTES at a Time


Crikey! If that is not enough excitement for ONE Night

Looks like a lot of BLUE SKY ahead at Dawn

Salute and Gods' Speed ( tbc )
Ahoy Brave and Loyal Crew-

As you all know --My love affair with BLUE SKIES and KARDASIAN Bottoms is INSATIABLE

My Love affair with SMALL CAPS is even Worse

Sailing the S&P500 E-Mini Futures ------One WEEK at a Time----------&----------One DAY at a Time


Sailing the US SMALL CAP 3000 ------ -One WEEK at a Time-------------&---------------------One DAY at a Time

Salute and Gods' Speed
HMAS Ship of Fools.jpg
Ahoy Brave and Loyal Crew

Looks like our Patience will be Tested today ------Chart data is real-time, as of 12 01 2024 10:26am AEDT


Colour is based on price performance

Salute and Gods' Speed
Ahoy and Brave Crew---

Here Comes the Wind------
It does not get much better than this ----

Sailing for LITHIUM ---------- -One WEEK at a Time----------------------------&---------------------One DAY at a Time
Salute and Gods' Speed
XYZ Yacht.GIFSee you all on Tuesday/ Wednesday maybe
It seems to me you all need a rest from me

See You Again Somewhere
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I Can't See What all the Fuss is about
Sailing for GOLD ----One WEEK at a Time---------&----------One DAY at a Time ------------------------&-------------5 MINUTES at a Time

Salute and Stay Well
Ahoy Brave and Loyal Crew

The FIRST rule we Learn at Sea is to "HOLD on TIGHT" to a GOOD THING
The SECOND rule we Learn at Sea is "LET the PROFITS RUN"

Crikey! URANIUM has gone BALISTIC overnight and throughot the whole week !
Did you all let your Profits Run on my Uranium 9 ?

I hope you did

I now have to explain to my 1st mate tomorrow that I forgot about Rule #2

"Do as I Say"
"Don't Do as I Do"

Sailing for URANIUM ---One WEEK at a Time--&--------------One DAY at a Time ------------------&-------------5 MINUTES at a Time

Salute and Stay Well
Ahoy Brave and Loyal Crew

Sailing the Global Exchange is like Playing GOLF ---"There is NO PERFECT GAME "

Just Looking Back to my URANIUM 9 performances

AEE 07/08/2023 0. 2300.29510.2950.065 28.26 %

21/08/2023 0.2250.32010.3200.095 42.22%

URNM 14/08/2023 6.4709.74019.7403.270 50.54%

BOE 28/08/2023 3.3205.09015.0901.770 53.31%

PDI 07/08/2023 0.7751.20511.2050.430 55.48%

DYL 14/08/2023 0.8501.34011.3400.490 57.65%

AGE 28/08/2023 0.0420.06910.0690.027 64.29%

92E 28/08/2023 0.3250.55010.5500.225 69.23%

BMN 14/08/2023 1.8153.38013.3801.565 86.23%
Salute and Gods' Speed
XYZ Yacht.GIFWe Can't All Be Champions
Ahoy Brave and Loyal Crew-

All Hands On Deck at Dawn MONDAY ----

At Dawn on the Open-- HOIST the Following Saills In Quick Time and in Alphabetical Order

Sailing the NEXGEN Energy (Huge Spinnaker) -One WEEK at a Time'-&--------One DAY at a Time ------Sailing for URANIUM


Sailing the DEEP YELLOW (Heavy Mainsail) -One WEEK at a Time---&---------------One DAY at a Time-----Sailing for URANIUM

Sailing the Alligator Energy (Mid-Cap)--- -One WEEK at a Time---------&------------One DAY at a Time ----- Sailing for URANIUM

Sailing the Elevate Uranium (Light Storm Sail ) -One WEEK at a Time--&--------------One DAY at a Time------Sailing for URANIUM

I know you know I am infatuated with "A Beautiful Rounding KARDASIAN Bottom"
Please don't forget to hoist The Beautiful BSN

Sailing the Basin Energy (Maiden Storm Sail)-One WEEK at a Time--&--------One DAY at a Time------Sailing -for URANIUM


Salute and Gods' Speed
HMAS  Ship of Fools.gifThis Looks like a Nice 5 set of Uranium Sails Presented to the Wind to me DYOR
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Ahoy Brave and Loyal Crew

I think I got through to my 14 year old Grandson today /My First Mate on the HMAS Ship of Fools

I proved to him that DIVERSIFICATION is for the BLIND Leading the BLIND and a Game for FOOLS

Naturally I could be wrong but I informed him I only have One (1) GOLD Share atm
The Beautiful TCG I entered in the Jan 24 Monthly Competition
"That's enough GOLD for my Liking" I said atm

Salute and Gods' Speed
XYZ Yacht.GIF"Each to Their Own Poison" I Say
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Ahoy Brave and Loyal Crew--------

--Here Comes the Wind and Magnificent BLUE SKIES ahead-------------------- HOLD onto Your Hats

Sailing the S&P 500 futures -One WEEK at a Time--&------One DAY at a Time -----------------&-------------5 MINUTES at a Time

Salute and Gods' Speed
HMAS  Ship of Fools.gifPATIENCE is Everything
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Ahoy Brave and Loyal Crew-----

Wet Weather Gear is Still in Order-----------------Chart data is real-time, as of 16 01 2024 10:19am AEDT


Colour is based on price performance

Salute and Hold on Tight