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StockyBailx's monthly discussion

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Yes Joe i think its time to get rid of this joker.

The whole point of this thread was for this ego and how he could show every1 that 40% a month is a poor month for him and every1 thinks he's some sort of hero. And this thread was for discussion?? Wat are we meant to discuss?? His 3-line monthly summaries??

StockyBailx said:
Well Thank you!', I'll consider that a complament.

I think we both know that it wasn't a compliment Stocky.

If you want other members to take you seriously with all these statements about making mega dollars you need to give some details of your system.

Tech A got a hammering for making claims (which he later proved) and you seem to be getting away with making much bigger claims of fortune making and hardly anybody bats an eyelid.

If you are making those gains it is a lucky streak and certainly can't be
more than a short term blip. Unless you prove otherwise of course.

Hey I and everyone here would love to see someone trading 45-150% a month.

They dont even have to reveal their method


Bought $10,000 XXX today sold $10,000 ZZZ today,pretty easy to follow,gives you a chance to tell "someone" (actually I know how lonley it can be when you have a great win and you cant tell anyone as they all think you bragging! mind you yours is common place.).

AND for me would have me seriously looking at the way I trade.

I say go for it but a brag board after the fact---boring!!

I don't have to prove a thing, I know whats true and whats false..... Intention was to break the manotamy for my self and to find something really worth discussing. my bank details were not posted to boast. I would of thought most of you people, would of made much more then me. And I certianly didn't exspect to be hammered by rif raf, who's deapest discussion would be there big toe. No thank you....I couldn't care less of your thoughts towards my portfolio, and to be honest i hope your jelous, but not that I care. The only problem I face is the fact that Administration had not allowed my thread on finding Alerts before they broke out, for What reason I understand to be the fact that people will visit the site to educate, and learn sum essiance in trading. very Important I would of thought. But never less a Thread finding breakouts after the alert is aloud. They are exactly the same simularity's.
Seeming as I'm losing interest in the same boring discussion week in week out that has no relavance into my form of trading (successful) and if I can't have my sort of conversation posted, Than I'd rather not post hear. Simple.

As for the time of the month its july with this thread not StockyBailx you Porper!

StockyBailx said:
I don't have to prove a thing

If you want to be taken seriously, oh you do.

StockyBailx said:
I certianly didn't exspect to be hammered by rif raf, who's deapest discussion would be there big toe.

You are entitled to your opinion but just posting after the event facts does your credibility no good.You haven't as far as have seen contributed to issues such as money management, risk management, expectancy etc.Just saying you think your picks will go up is not a positive expectancy.I hope you prove me wrong and post something we can all learn from.

StockyBailx said:
Seeming as I'm losing interest in the same boring discussion week in week out that has no relavance into my form of trading (successful) and if I can't have my sort of conversation posted, Than I'd rather not post hear. Simple.

This is the best forum by a mile stocky, but maybe (IMO) you would be better at Hotcopper.

StockyBailx said:
As for the time of the month its july with this thread not StockyBailx you Porper!

As usual, not a clue what you mean by this sentence.Use spell check if you have trouble forming sentences.
Ego smego....let stocky have his say....I love a good yarn....If you don't wanna listen to his spiel then don't come here!

If you think he's the only one here who talks bull (or then you all better go have a good long look in the mirror........I just did and GODDAMN I'm a good looking dude....and made a little lately......ZFX/KZL/RIO/MBL....and I'm not even a techie/fundie.....I'm a gut

thankyouverrymuch.....pacer has left the building!

Damn did that give away my true identity...forget you ever saw that!

I'm with Porper.

If you want a quality site dont fertilize it with Shizzen Hooven.

Pacer, you and stocky will both be leaving the ASF building permanently if you two don't read and follow ASF's policies. Pacer, your posts in particular are more like rants than anything of substance imo. Humour is fine but posting on ASF is not about bragging or trying to be a joker at every opportunity......em looks like one of my partners was quicker on the draw, stocky is it's just you now Pacer....beware, this is serious.
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