Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Stock Market Trading Simulation

Simulation Tools/Sites

Good afternoon all,

First off, let me say that I am completely new to the world of trading.

My situation is that I am in my mid 30's, have been employed by a government organisation for 15 years and have been able to build a property portfolio that consists of 2 investment properties and my PPR, all with no debt. My background is engineering and computer science, so I have good understanding of mathematical concepts (stats, calculus and algebra).

Now, I don't want to dive into trading straight away with my own money and I am happy to spend 12 months researching and 'playing' before I get serious. I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on what would be a good software package/web site to simulate trading on for 12 months??

I have seen that the ASX has a game, and there is another site Stockwatch. Has anyone had any experience with these sites or others??

Thanks in advance,

Re: Simulation Tools/Sites

Good afternoon all,

First off, let me say that I am completely new to the world of trading.

My situation is that I am in my mid 30's, have been employed by a government organisation for 15 years and have been able to build a property portfolio that consists of 2 investment properties and my PPR, all with no debt. My background is engineering and computer science, so I have good understanding of mathematical concepts (stats, calculus and algebra).

Now, I don't want to dive into trading straight away with my own money and I am happy to spend 12 months researching and 'playing' before I get serious. I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on what would be a good software package/web site to simulate trading on for 12 months??

I have seen that the ASX has a game, and there is another site Stockwatch. Has anyone had any experience with these sites or others??

Thanks in advance,


Lucky you,
Another 30 years in front of you; you certainly can afford to take it easy and study the theories for a year or so.

I have a similar background to yours: Maths and Computing - except that I'm a generation ahead of you, both age-wise and as a Technical Analyst.

As to websites/ software packages, I know these three from personal experience:

IncredibleCharts, which is a freebie with lots of educational material thrown in;

MDS Financial, whose Market Analyser I have been using for 12 years; it has a unique backtesting facility, so you can determine in advance, whether a trading method you wish to employ has an "edge", and if not for all stocks, which ones are best traded by it.

Pulse is an emerging application. Paritech has been around for a number of years and excels in real-time data delivery; while its market scanning and backtesting facilities are still catching up to those if the MA Pro.

Have a look at them all - even the latter two offer new subscribers a free trial. Then take your time and study. It doesn't have to be expensive in terms of $$, but without discipline and a fair amount of skull-sweat you won't get far.
ASX game is ok but I find they don't have the stocks i want. Used Incredible charts too.

Amibroker is worth the time to get to understand Can do all sorts of things with it. The backtest is helpful.

If you want a "game" try