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Social Engineering

Life in the postmodern world you helped create bas

Really Wayne ? You don't mind what baseball bat you use in your culture war do you ? I assume we are also to blame for Donald Trump, CC , the death of Bambi and the universal spread of child sex abuse via the Church's.
It says more about us as a society that this is what tv producers have to come up with to rate well.
Apparently the rumor is they are mostly paid actor's.
Really Wayne ? You don't mind what baseball bat you use in your culture war do you ? I assume we are also to blame for Donald Trump, CC , the death of Bambi and the universal spread of child sex abuse via the Church's.
Well, Trump, yes, indirectly... and lots of other stuff which would make a very long list. But that's just lump it under the Great Moral, intellectual, and logical schism as it exists today.
Why would you call it a woman sport/competition, if there are no women?
Perhaps, considering the intersectional postmodern cultural Marxists believe gender is a social construct, we should abolish gendered events altogether.

The media really need a reality check IMO, dangerous drinking and letting off steam, when on active service OMG.
Maybe the SAS should be given free iPads and lifetime subscriptions to netflicks with backpack satellite dish , that could keep them grounded and entertained while they are behind enemy lines. ?
All great reading.
From the article:
The Chief of the Australian Defence Force was told almost six years ago about SAS soldiers drinking alcohol, often to excess, in an unauthorised bar known as "The Fat Ladies Arms" on their Afghanistan base.
In March, Lieutenant General Angus Campbell was asked in Senate Estimates if he had ever visited the unauthorised bar.

"I was unaware of it. I never visited it and have not sighted it. I don't even know if it was a physical location or if it was a concept around which drinking occurred," he said.
ABC Investigations has been told some SAS soldiers drank home-brew spirits at The Fat Ladies Arms, and that in one incident a pistol was discharged into the ceiling by a drunken SAS soldier.
In another incident, a female Special Operations Task Group soldier has told ABC Investigations she woke up semi-naked in an SAS operator's bed at Tarin Kowt after being plied with home-brew spirits at the Fat Ladies Arms in 2012

What sort of people is the ADF training I wonder.

Pretty unprofessional at the least.
What sort of people is the ADF training I wonder.

Pretty unprofessional at the least.
I guess they are training the types that you drop in behind enemy lines, the ones who usually have to fight hard, also play hard unfortunately.
From the article:
In the biggest battle involving Australian soldiers since the Vietnam War, Special Air Service troops helped rescue 36 American survivors of a downed Chinook helicopter under attack in Afghanistan.
The Defence Department revealed yesterday that 100 SAS soldiers are playing a key role in what has been described as the bloodiest battle of the Afghan conflict.

One patrol in Afghanistan's Shahi Valley prevented the American troops who survived the helicopter crash on Tuesday from being overrun by al Qaeda and Taliban forces, then directed a rescue.
The Commander of Special Operations, Brigadier Duncan Lewis, told a news conference in Canberra yesterday that the SAS was providing half of the special forces contingent to Operation Anaconda, aimed at "squeezing" 1000 alQaeda fighters out of their mountain stronghold.
From the article:
Bravo Two Zero. For many people those three words conjure up the image of the soldier hero: the special-forces trooper - the kind of cool-minded killer who could go anywhere and seemingly do just about anything. It was the call sign for a British Special Air Service (SAS) patrol during a mission in the 1991 Gulf War that was "compromised" behind enemy lines. Three of the eight-man team were killed, and four captured and tortured, while trying to destroy Scud missile launchers in north-west Iraq. One managed to escape by foot across the desert into Syria.
The hostage-takers were members of an obscure Arab terrorist organization who opposed Ayatollah Khomeini and wanted Iran to give autonomy to Arabistan, or Khuzestan Province, a small but oil-rich province in southwest Iran.

Their intrusion began an ordeal that would end with a spectacular raid by the UK’s top special-operations unit, the Special Air Service (SAS), on May 5.

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Letting off steam is fine.

It doesn't excuse everything though.

But I agree the media is oversensitive to certain things.
Letting off steam is fine.

It doesn't excuse everything though.

But I agree the media is oversensitive to certain things.
I grew up in mining Towns where worse happened in the front bar, than being reported happening in a front line wet canteen.
Interesting comments by the usually left leaning Gratton Institute, I wonder how the media will take it? It does smack of discrimination and will anger some.
I bet a few politicians choked on their weeties, when they read it and probably thought "I'm glad it wasn't me, that said the comment". ?
From the article:
When Australia's borders reopen to migrants there is an opportunity to change the makeup of people accepted to work and live in our nation permanently.

Key points:​

  • Think tank the Grattan Institute and others are calling for a revamp of Australia's skilled migration program
  • The report suggests that post-COVID, Australia should shift from taking older workers with less proficient English to younger and more highly skilled workers
  • The federal government has launched a parliamentary inquiry into Australia's skilled migration program, which is due to report back by July
Australia is simply not attracting the right migrants — the ones who pay economic dividends — according to a Grattan Institute report that calls for a complete rethink of immigration policy.
Grattan's report argues that if we want to innovate our businesses, grow the economy and slow the rate of our ageing population, we need to stop taking older migrants with poor English language skills.

Maybe we should stop letting them bring in their old parents under family reunion too.
As you said frog, it is a long way to go to look at a rock, climbing it the view was amazing. Well it looks as though we were right, not many going there, even with everyone holidaying at home.
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