Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Social Engineering

Gender/diversity appointments versus merit didn't work out so well for Tracey Gaudry,

and maybe linked to that news:

Luke Hodge looks like he might get back into the game at the Lions
So you can say you read it here first FMD!

You need to read the link, but:

Whose best friend? How gender and stereotypes can shape our relationship with dogs
October 3, 2017 5.41am AEDT
  1. image-20160317-30237-1uk1eaz.jpg
    Paul McGreevy
    Professor of Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare Science, University of Sydney

  2. file-20170908-9945-1sxn61d.jpg
    Fiona Probyn-Rapsey
    Professor of Humanities and Social Inquiry, University of Wollongong
Disclosure statement
Paul McGreevy has received funding from the Australian Research Council and the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation. He is an Honorary Fellow of the International Society for Equitation Science and a life member of the RSPCA NSW.

Professor Fiona Probyn-Rapsey has received funding from the Australian Research Council and was Chair of the Australasian Animal Studies Association up until July 2017.



University of Sydney and University of Wollongong provide funding as members of The Conversation AU.


One man and his dog. Pierre Malou, Author provided

The relationship between people and their dogs can be a lasting and loving bond if the match is right. But when acquiring a dog, how do you know if that match will be a good one?

Research shows there is a difference in the way some dogs react to men and women, and it can also matter if the dog is a he or a she.
The debacle with Lisa Wilkinson and women's pay equity, is starting to show what a joke, our social engineering is.
Lisa should be paid the same as Karl:$200,000/9058950
So she left to join channel 10.

Hughsey takes a pay cut because it isn't fair he gets paid more than his co host.

Now Lisa is apparently on more money than her co host.

We really have lost the plot, Political Correctness out of control.
We really have lost the plot, Political Correctness out of control.

An urban park in autumn. Mist, leaves, squirrels. Two young dogs sit talking at a remove from their owners. One of them is squatting over a puddle.
“You probably think I’m doing a wee,” says one.
“I wasn’t presuming to make a judgment,” says the other.
“Well I’m not,” says the first. “I
am steaming my froo-froo with rainwater to promote pudendal health.”
“Well, you knock yourself out.”
“I read about it on Goop when I was hunting for a vitamin supplement that will help me to get over this terrible listlessness I’ve been feeling ever since the referendum.”

“SQUIRREL!” shouts the other dog suddenly, leaping up, pointing, panting.
“And?” says the snowflake dog.
“It’s a freaking squirrel! Let’s get it!”
“I don’t eat red meat any more. I find that a chargrilled aubergine, peeled and mashed with tahini, makes for a more than adequate “mock-squirrel”. And if you drizzle a little linseed oil over the top, for the correct balance of Omega three and six fatty acids, combined with a regular programme of cardiovascular . . .”
“Nobody’s going to eat it, you clown. We’re just going to scare the bejesus out of it, like always.”

“That squirrel has as much right to enjoy this park as the rest of us.”
“You what?”
“Some of my best friends are squirrels.”
“No they’re not.”
“True, but I wish they were. Then people could see how open-minded and progressive I am. I’d even be cool with it if my daughter went out with a squirrel. In fact, I’d like to go out with a squirrel myself. I’m hoping to meet one at yoga.”

One of the humans whistles loudly and shouts, “Rex!”. Neither dog moves.
“You off then?” says the old dog.
“No,” says snowflake dog. “I don’t approve of gender-determinant names. I refuse to be sexually pigeon-holed. How do they know I’m a boy?”
“From your massive dangly knackers and horrid, red, stubby penis?”
“That’s just biology. Gender is a social construct.”
“What if they called you Regina?”
“No good. They need to recognise my right not to be defined at all. For my gender, like my sexuality, is subjective and fluid.”
“You’re a genderqueer dog?”

“How dare you?”
“I just said, ‘woof’.”
“Which is a traditional expression of patriarchal lust and disrespect.”
“I’m a dog. ‘Woof!’ is just what I say.”
“Find some other way to say it.”
“Another way to say ‘woof’?”
“This is my safe space.”
“It’s a park.”

“It’s a relic of empire, is what it is. These were hunting grounds that were owned by a king, not democratically elected, where dogs were worked, unpaid, in dreadful conditions, and to the great harm and impoverishment of other animals. It’s an elitist symbol which needs to be torn down and . . .”
One of the humans throws a stick. The dogs regard it. They do not move.
“You not going after it, then?”

“You heard what I said: this whole park is a colonial throwback. I come here to poo and stretch my legs but I assert my right not to be governed by outmoded rules and conventions which are quite out of touch with modern thinking.”
“He’s actually shouting ‘fetch, Rex’ now. What are you going to do about that?

“I am going to record it on my snoutcam is what I am going to do. And use it as evidence of bullying in the workplace. We millennials will not be pushed around.”
“Millennial? You’re only four.”
“Yes, but in dog years that’s 28, which means I was born in 1989; slap on the demographic.”
“But you weren’t, you were born in 2013.”
“Don’t you dare impose your phallocentric numerical system on my right to be who I am.”

“I’m going to get that stick.”
“I’m going to get a tattoo. Of a weepy face emoji.”
“See you around.”
“I hate Donald Trump.”

The older dog trots off to pick up the stick and delivers it to the humans. The younger dog gets on a bicycle and heads off for a coffee and a squiz at The New Statesman before his reiki class.
The debacle with Lisa Wilkinson and women's pay equity, is starting to show what a joke, our social engineering is.
Lisa should be paid the same as Karl:$200,000/9058950
So she left to join channel 10.

Hughsey takes a pay cut because it isn't fair he gets paid more than his co host.

Now Lisa is apparently on more money than her co host.

We really have lost the plot, Political Correctness out of control.

It's been downhill ever since they got the vote, stats show women are ridiculously overpaid.
The debacle with Lisa Wilkinson and women's pay equity, is starting to show what a joke, our social engineering is.
Lisa should be paid the same as Karl:$200,000/9058950
So she left to join channel 10.

Hughsey takes a pay cut because it isn't fair he gets paid more than his co host.

Now Lisa is apparently on more money than her co host.

We really have lost the plot, Political Correctness out of control.

Does Lisa really think she is the same drawcard as Karl? I don't think so and I'm not drawn to either of them
Does Lisa really think she is the same drawcard as Karl? I don't think so and I'm not drawn to either of them
Karlos is not a drawcard, he just has friends in high places.

When Karl separated from his wife, and was living on the streets, he moved into one of Jamie Packer's spare penthouse apartments. Just shows how much of a tight arse he is. Multi-million dollar salary and he had to freeload.
Just saying it as it is in nature: :troll:

With early adolescence, 8-12 years of age in males and 8-10 years of age in females, chimpanzees begin to show significant differences in their behavior. Males spend more time with adult males patrolling the perimeters of their home territory, to detect and pursue chimpanzees of other communities. Females remain close to their mothers and begin to show adolescent swellings that signal the reproductive status of the female to males. Young females learn to be mothers by watching their mother and helping her with younger siblings.

At 13-15 years of age, late adolescent male chimpanzees spend most of their time with adult males and females in estrus (sexually receptive), remaining peripheral to the main body of the community. During this period of time, young males attain dominance over all females. Late adolescent chimpanzees, 11-13 or 14 years of age, begins with the onset of estrus cycles and adolescent sterility and ends with females being able to successfully reproduce. Consortships, the distancing of a male and female from the group for sexual privileges, first occur at this time. Some females transfer to another community for a brief period of time, and reproduce with males in that community. Returning females are often pregnant or carrying an infant.

Chimpanzees are mature at 16-20 years of age. Old age begins at 33 years of age in the wild. We now know wild chimpanzees live to be much older than first thought. Wild chimpanzees may live to be 40 or 50 years old or more.

President Donald Trump slammed Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., early Wednesday for his role in launching the program that reportedly allowed an extremist onto American soil.

Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, 29, a green card holder from Uzbekistan, mowed down pedestrians and bicyclists in a rented truck Tuesday afternoon in lower Manhattan before crashing into a school bus. He then got out of the vehicle brandishing imitation firearms and shouting “Allahu akbar.”

Authorities suspect Saipov may have sworn allegiance to the Islamic State, or ISIS, based on Arabic notes found at the scene and materials found on his computer.

The attack left eight dead and about a dozen injured. In the aftermath, Trump quickly called for stricter immigration protocols.
Yes it is definitely worth the effort. The view of the Olgas and Mt Connor are amazing.
I climbed the rock and it was an amazing sight. I would not bother going there if not for climbing; the Olgas are better and when I was there Mt Connor was an unexpected great amazing sight indeed
I was young and foolish.I will push my son to go ASAP and climb Ayers Rock while he can