Just read the thread.
Oh Dear, I use indicators exclusively and have been consistently profitable for years
I must be using them the "wrong way"
or is it something else?
Of course the market is based on support and resistance!!, what a revelation - if it wasn't it would be a "one way street"
Why do we make profound statements such as "indicators are a complete waste of time?"
Some traders say that volume is a waste of time
At the end of the day - its only an opinion
Who are we to say that a particular methodology does not or cannot work for
Some of the price S/R levels / price patterns that I have seen drawn by some "expert" - to me were very subjective, but so what - its what they see and thats all that matters
Analysis can be a bit pedantic at times
Its the control of RISK that counts, pure and simply
(Oh and pos. expectancy etc, etc, etc)
Analysis is way down the food chain, and its something that there is no finite answer to!, but the different methodologies sell books and give us something to talk about and impress each other with
Its not what you know - its how you apply it
Sorry Tech - I'm not picking on you, just some of the phrases used (makes my blood pressure rise a bit) I totally respect the time and effort you devote to helping others