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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
This was a genuine question

What if your Grand kids are gay? how do you want them to be treated?
This is perhaps the only good point you have ever come up with VC.... and why it is NOT a binary argument.

I would hope nobody considered it particularly noteworthy, not normal, though not something to be reviled, just part of the spectrum of humanity

I would hope they did indeed have legal equivalence in law with respect to their relationships. Whether that was termed marriage would not concern me.

I would hope they always have liberty and respect the liberties of others.

I would hope that if somebody disagreed with their life choices and so long as nothing they did harmed anyone, they would focus on their own happiness and let them have their own opinion. I would hope they would embrace Voltairian principles.

I would be disappointed if they felt the need to label other with one of the various -isms.

It is exactly the reasonthat it is being presented in a binary way, that I am a no, because there are a number of nuances that are important

All that being said, keep in mind that my question was in response to techa not wanting his grand children to have to see a gay couple at a school formal.

This is an example of some of the stuff gays have to put up with, constantly being stigmatised by people in society and made to feel second class.

Now, I don't believe most of the people that currently hold attitudes similar to techa would want their own children or grandchildren treated that way, but they seem as one person put it "Happy to be homophobic"

I feel that not allowing them to marry, is just another way of treating them like second class people, when giving them the right is harmless.
Whether that was termed marriage would not concern me.

if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, why not just call it marriage? where is the harm?
One of My Brothers sons is gay.

So to your question.
If he was in my house or in the street outside and snogging his
Husband I personally would be sickened by the sight. I'm not gay.
If he was holding hands Id feel the same way. That's me and I'm not alone.

If a religion comes to my door and wants to shove its teachings upon me
I too would be offended.

So how would I like these people treated.
If they respect my wishes then Ill respect theirs.
I cant stop you being gay---nor do I want to.
Don't force your gayness on me and I wont force my alpha maleness on you.
Don't expect every person to be absolutely delighted that your in love with Bruce
and want to marry him---or Sally and Sarah!

legal or not to this male its cringe worthy.

What you do behind closed doors is your business.
Don't make it mine.---same goes for religions.
Best to steer clear of the Facebook comments section altogether, for any issue, on any topic.
I tend to avoid farcebook. It's akin to entering a skateboarding park with a walking stick.
So you don't want your nephew to be able to take a date to the formal?

the "eewww factor" is your problem, not theirs.

Frankly that's not the sort of Formal I or any of my ex's would like to be at!
Being a dumb duck I repeated a few times. Nothing like Young hormones on
a dance floor and then the after parties. Provided they are the opposite sex!

I don't have an issue with my "Problem"---which to me is being heterosexual.
Which evidently is now not normal.
Or perhaps it is if shared with Homosexuality it can be normal.

If I'm expected to tolerate them they should be expected to tolerate me.
I don't have an issue with my "Problem"---which to me is being heterosexual.
Which evidently is now not normal.
Or perhaps it is if shared with Homosexuality it can be normal.

No, being heterosexual isn't your problem, your problem is how you react to the thought of gays being around, thats not related to your heterosexuality, its related to how you were brought up to think about gays.

I am hetero as they come, but I am not bothered at all by gays being around, sure if I studied two gay men kissing I might get the "eww factor" but that is easily resolved by not studying them, but thats not different to seeing a couple of fatties kissing, not need to ban fatty marriage.

also the eww of men kissing is probably offset by the lesbian kisses, now I don't mind at all seeing to cute girls kiss, lol.

If I'm expected to tolerate them they should be expected to tolerate me.
So far I haven't seen anyone claim you shouldn't be able to bring a heterosexual date to a formal, or claim you shouldn't be able to kiss your wife in public, or say heterosexual marriage should be banned. So yes your sexuality is tolerated.

Do you have any examples where your heterosexuality has not be tolerated? or where you have been abused or suffered at all because of your heterosexuality in a way that would resemble treatment gays have had to endured?

Again this is an honest question, I genuinely want to know how you feel that your sexuality has not been tolerated and where your rights have been clipped.
No, being heterosexual isn't your problem, your problem is how you react to the thought of gays being around, thats not related to your heterosexuality, its related to how you were brought up to think about gays.

Im happy with how I have been bought up then.

We are different then.
Heterosexual anything showing affection in public---no problem.
Same sex---cringe.

also the eww of men kissing is probably offset by the lesbian kisses, now I don't mind at all seeing to cute girls kiss, lol.

Why is that I don't find that in some cases offensive. In public different.

So far I haven't seen anyone claim you shouldn't be able to bring a heterosexual date to a formal, or claim you shouldn't be able to kiss your wife in public, or say heterosexual marriage should be banned. So yes your sexuality is tolerated.

Its not my sexuality its my opinion.

Do you have any examples where your heterosexuality has not be tolerated? or where you have been abused or suffered at all because of your heterosexuality in a way that would resemble treatment gays have had to endured?

YEH I'm (And a few others) voting no and there are many who don't like the idea!

Again this is an honest question, I genuinely want to know how you feel that your sexuality has not been tolerated and where your rights have been clipped.

Right here and right now I am having to vote to keep the status quo.
My kind are no longer being tolerated we evidently MUST change.

Seriously you want Daffy to be able to Marry Donald!!!
If I remember rightly NODDY will at least be able to make a comeback!
AUSTRALIANS will face fines of up to $12,600 for vilifying, intimidating or threatening to harm another person under tough new ground rules for the postal survey on gay marriage that will go before Parliament this week.

Both sides of the campaign will receive protections under the new safeguards, which would make it an offence to vilify, intimidate or threaten to harm another person based on their gender identity, sexual orientation, intersex status or religious views.

Acting Special Minister for State Mathias Cormann told a party room meeting of Coalition MPs today the laws would include the standard provisions for elections, plus the additional measures.

The protections will cover the campaign period only.

Parliament will vote on the safeguards this week.

If they go through, any legal complaint against someone must be approved by Attorney-General George Brandis before it heads to court.

It’s understood the protections will not just apply to advertising but to all conduct during the campaign.

There you go, no hurry for the Conservatives to change the free speech laws just yet
Im happy with how I have been bought up then.

clearly your indoctrination causes you to feel discomfort, so I can't see why you would be "Happy" about it.

Its not my sexuality its my opinion.

you are allowed to have an opinion, just like you are allow to have a stick.

But you aren't allowed to hit people with your stick, people refusing to allow you to continue hitting people with your stick aren't denying you your rights, they are protect the rights of other to not be hit.

My kind are no longer being tolerated we evidently MUST change.

actually no one is asking you to change, they are just asking you to stop denying them rights, as I have said before, nothing about your life will change, no one is trying to force you to have a gay marriage.

If your nephew decides to marry no one will force you to go, or even talk to him, if you want to let your fears control you and stop you embracing life, thats your decision, but saying no one can eat cookies because you are on a diet is stupid.

Seriously you want Daffy to be able to Marry Donald!!!

Well Disney already have a gay character, and he is pretty funny actually.
All hetero formals, all gay formals, opposite sex marriage act, same sex marriage act, each can do their own thing and everyone is happy.

Don't change the marriage act, make another one just for gays and make them feel special.
Thanks VC for the Exchange.

I'm voting NO.
Regardless of outcome Ill deal with it as it comes.
Seriously you want Daffy to be able to Marry Donald!!!

For two decades some people have suspected lefou, who is Gaston's side kick in the 1991 film beauty and the beast was gay, due to his infatuation with Gaston.

Then in the 2017 live action remake, its quite clear that he is gay.

i used to play i a band in the early 70's one of our jobs was at a gay function, the sight of 2 middle aged men pashing and groping each other on the dancefloor sickens me to this day. I guess we can expect a lot more of that.
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