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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
You mean an opposing view
Cant have that can we.

Like a group of kindi kids stamping their little feet.
I want I want!
No I don't mean an opposing view. I mean false propaganda - exactly as I stated.
Your False propaganda is a valid view to some.
Just because it is at right angles to those who
have a different view doesn't make it less valid.
So if someone is labeled a religious bigot or a homophobe if they vote NO you're saying it's a valid point of view and not false propaganda? That's a new one
I'm saying its an opinion.
All are opinions
Labels are handed out by those with opposing opinions
generally wildly opposing.
My opinion may not reflect your opinion.
My vote may not be or may be the popular vote.

Label as much as you like the fact is Ill and others like me
AND you will cast a vote.
The result will have to be accepted by all of us.

Brexit/Trump. SSM?

Better get out there and vote!!
Ok, so it's gone from false propaganda to a valid view to an opinion.... which completely digresses from my original point - which was why people were opposed to a plebiscite as per the article.

They were opposed to it because of the very negative social / psychological impacts on themselves and their children. It's a valid view in my opinion.

The Act should have been handled the same way it was last time - a vote in the parliament.
Let's have a dictatorship in that case.

Imagine you are in a car, and you are the driver(parliament), you listen to the opinions of passengers(public) about where they want you to drive etc, but if the passengers(the public) suddenly start asking you to run read light, drive on the foot path or knock people over, its your job to say No, their opinion on certain topics doesn't matter, the civil rights is one of the topics where their opinion doesn't matter.

Lets say the big question was slavery, lets say years of oppression had lead 1% of the anti slavery protestors to be a bit crazy,

Should that stop you doing the right thing and ending slavery? I don't think so.
You the yessers keep trying to make it a binary argument

it is binary, its about 1 thing.

The No side is trying to distract from the question with red herring issues

You are even trying to distract from the real issue simply because you say you don't like the attitude of some of the campaigners. thats just stupid.

Try going on Twatter or Farcebook and posting in a debated topic a simple statement like "having weighed all the pro and cons, I will be voting no" , likewise in another debate you will be voting "yes" and see which solicits the more aggressive responses.

Kim Jong would agree completely.

But that's your opinion.

I don't want my grand kids subjected to schools which have male and female SS going to the same formal and making out.
Or in the change rooms un sure of how they are being seen by their same sex.
I don't want to see kids confused about their own sexuality and what is considered right/correct.
EG its ok for other men/women of the same sex to show affection toward you without the fear of upsetting someone
if its not wanted.
I don't want to see kids without the guidance of a mother OR Father.
I don't want to see same sex partnerships accepted as "Normal".

But that's My opinion.
I reckon they'll both be aggressive and probably range from labels of homophobia to communists... neither of which are accurate.
I don't want my grand kids subjected to schools which have male and female SS going to the same formal and making out.

Thats going to happen no matter what, that is not the topic of the vote.

But what if your Grand kids are gay? how do you want them to be treated?
Lets say the big question was slavery, lets say years of oppression had lead 1% of the anti slavery protestors to be a bit crazy,

Same sex marriage is not slavery.

The civil right you refer to is freedom of association, which is not being infringed. Nobody is telling anyone who they should associate with.

Marriage is societal recognition of an association. Society has the right to make a choice whether it recognises a relationship in law. Hence the plebiscite/survey. The public has a right to express it's opinion on this issue.
I reckon they'll both be aggressive and probably range from labels of homophobia to communists... neither of which are accurate.

try it. I did it with fake neutral profiles, and I got hammered by the bolsheviks for betraying the 60% who are already onboard

refusing to recognise a marriage based is a breach of civil rights, hence why same sex marriage is becoming common place around the world.

There was a time it was illegal to have interracial marriages, I doubt you would use the same argument for that.
Thankfully I only have at best about another 30 yrs to go on this planet!
Thankfully I only have at best about another 30 yrs to go on this planet!

By that time they will be walking into a restaurant demanding your seat next to the window, in the name of equality and under the umbrella of the law.

VC's balls will have dropped and he'll be a gnarly old coote demanding justice to right the wrongs gone too far in a highly ordered and strict society. No one will be allowed to listen or respond
Thankfully I only have at best about another 30 yrs to go on this planet!
lol, thats a bit dramatic isn't it, e.g. being glad to die because you can't bear the thought of a lesbian couple on the other side of town having their marriage recognised.
try it. I did it with fake neutral profiles, and I got hammered by the bolsheviks for betraying the 60% who are already onboard
Got a link to an open group for both sides?
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