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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
Do old people have the moral right to be voting, given they are not likely to see the mess they left behind.

WTF - you do come up with some drivel, finding it amusing.

I no longer have to go to the asylum house to see the nutters
How so? Homosexuality exists in nature.

But I don't think things being "natural" stop you normally, for example you see to be using the internet, thats not natural.

The universe, the world does not operate like that. You have yin and yang, day/night. BTW i have no problem with gay people.
The universe, the world does not operate like that. You have yin and yang, day/night. BTW i have no problem with gay people.

Really, so the world exists without gay people?

day and night,black and white, really that simple? how about shades of grey, transitions between them.
Just like sexuality. Nothing in nature is binary, 1 or 0.
Really? So all the people here (which includes priests ) must not be into religion...

Everyone knows you're always going to get some offshoot on the same side. We've all seen that before. Basically Christianity doesn't mix with drugs, theft, prostitution, especially homosexuality , etc.

Here, see for yourself :

"For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men ...(Romans 1:26-27)"
(one of many verses. not meaning to offend people,just explaining that it's total rubbish that one can be christian/religious and support gay marriage. )
Everyone knows you're always going to get some offshoot on the same side. We've all seen that before. Basically Christianity doesn't mix with drugs, theft, prostitution, especially homosexuality , etc.

Don't think so graph33. One of the striking things about Jesus Christ was that he did associate with the prostitutes, the tax collectors (who were pretty scummy), the adulterers, the Samaritans in fact most of the "low life" of the time.
Christianity was for all people and in particular the sinners.

I also posted a couple of stories from Catholic teachers highlighting their argument that the Church did not have a role in trying to dictate to the secular community that gay marriage was unacceptable.


This article in The Jesuit Post explores the issue in more detail. Interestingly it makes a very strong point that supporting SSM is NOT a religious attack.


Published Jun 27, 2015 in In the News, Sexuality ~ Approx 3 mins
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A frequent piece of advice for new priests serving at weddings and funerals goes: “Do nothing to take away from their joy and never add to their grief.” It’s tough advice to follow when one group’s joy entails another side’s grief. Right now, many same-sex couples are celebrating the civil right to get married. At the same time, pundits and political candidates as well as our own church leaders are lamenting the death of democracy, states’ rights, and religious liberty.

Those of us loyal both to our church and to our LGBT family and friends are left in a difficult position. On the one hand, we want to proclaim the way, the truth, and the life – we want to witness to the radically transformative power of God’s love in the world – and we want to follow the church’s lead in that endeavor. On the other, we struggle to reconcile the church’s teaching with the suffering of our loved ones, or the church’s disappointment with our loved ones’ joy.

Just to add to the what basilio said.... when you refer to the many verses... you mean there more than 6 mentioned here (by Robyn J Whitaker is Bromby Lecturer in Biblical Studies at Trinity College and a lecturer at the University of Divinity.)...

or here

and to quote from the first link "In other words, monitoring and proscribing human (homo)sexual activity is not a particular concern of the Bible when compared to the overarching demand for justice, economic equality, and the fair treatment of foreigners and strangers."

so where does justice and equality fit in for "gay marriage"?
satanoperca, I have said I am standing up for traditional marriage because that is what Marriage is.
One man and one woman.
A mother and father to raise their children, and be responsible for their children.

Civil unions have been set up for same sex and transgender to have the exact same rights.
To me, we are all men and women, and Marriage has a purpose.
It is about keeping the family together.

Just as our parents, our grandparents, all did the same.
Each generation is an extension of the other, and we build on from them, we don't think we are better than our parents.
We only get one mum and one dad in the biological sense.

It takes a man and a woman to have a baby, and it takes both to raise them.
They are equal, but they are different, in what they give to a child.
A father and a mother matter in a childs life.

Making marriage about friendships has no purpose.

Grah, I haven't put up any biblical quotes, even though VC likes to have his 'Rage against God'.
Our country was built on our Christian foundations, as I have mentioned.
Our language, our culture, all come from that.
One nation under God.

Love one another as I have loved you, does not mean, free love.
God accepts all people, the sinners, but not the sin.
We live in a fallen world but we know what is right and wrong.

Pornography, prostitution, and LGBTI marriage on the same line was a give away that it was from the sex industry.
The state to be demanding and over riding parents to be teaching children about homosexual acts, is not on, imv.
What people do in their home is their business, but for the state to over ride parents.
The state has no business pushing that on children.

This is my view.
WTF - you do come up with some drivel, finding it amusing.

I no longer have to go to the asylum house to see the nutters

So you hang around asylums? did you notice if they have bigotry towards heterosexual marriage?
Do they have same sex marriage though?

It's not uncommon to see homo and interracial sex on a farm. I recall the sheepdogs getting a bit on the side with the sheep, a leg from the nearest human female, even other blokey dogs. I can understand how this is reason for homohuman marriage, dogs are metaphors for universal ownership of nuptials for everyone, sheep, legs, ..........
Check out this video, it has some interesting facts about Gays, according to our google searches a lot more of us are gay than you would think.

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