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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
When I am 80, religion will be gone hopefully.

Your being very hopeful there. I Don't know how old you are but I can't see religion being gone in my lifetime. I don't think certain regions around the world receive enough unadulterated education when they are young to allow them to break the trend of the generations before them.

It would be a wonderful thing to see how society would progress without the influence of outdated scripture. I can imagine that many of these social "issues" would not exist and we could put our resources so much more efficient and important use.
Your being very hopeful there.
Yes, very hopeful, lol. Maybe "gone" was the wrong word, sidelined into irrelevance might be a better description.

"You may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one"
We've already seen a world without religion. The ancients had unusual sexual relationships, nothing was off the table, and society was highly dysfunctional (lots of social problems). Indeed, a wonderful world to live in... It was a cold world as well – the disabled were spat on.

When religion came people started helping the poor. That goes along with believing in a deity. Marriage values also came too, which obviously protects children etc, and probably keeps men mentally sound.

You should watch some professional debaters. Last time I checked dawkins was getting beaten a fair bit by Lennox/Lane.
All religions will be gone, except Islam, with the complicity of the left.

They'll be gone too, murdered for the blasphemy of their atheism

Are you sure that only Islam will survive and all other religion will gone out?
Is there higher incidence of gender confusion amongst youths nowadays. Are parents confusing their children, are there greater mutations in the gene pool, interbreeding. Maybe I grew up in a more disciplined society because there were no grey areas of gender or who am I. Males were males and females were females. Blokes worked to support the family and sheilas worked or looked after the children. Puberty came with a booklet called 'What's happening to me'.

Homosexuals (and whatever "identity" you could create) were exceptionally rare people.
Society shouldn't become too soft mentally and I know everyone isn't going to be strong all the time but can people generally firm up. Malcolm T. you are a soft touch. A bit of discipline and firm decision making like with the human traffickers but here at home would go along way to securing another term in Government.
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Maybe I grew up in a more disciplined society because there were no grey areas of gender or who am I. Males were males and females were females.

That's because they were hiding in the closet for fear of being beaten up or humiliated. There were still those grey areas, but were hidden from view through fear or in many cases a lack of understanding of self. In the latter case, they saw it as an abnormality of self rather than something they just needed to accept and not be ashamed of.
Yes, very hopeful, lol. Maybe "gone" was the wrong word, sidelined into irrelevance might be a better description.

"You may say I am a dreamer, but I am not the only one"
One of my favourite artists. I think they were well ahead of their time.
Threats over traditional marriage stance

The family of a Victorian woman who fronts a national TV campaign opposing same-sex marriage has been vilified on social media and their church threatened with violence after LGBTI activists falsely claimed they were behind an ad in the local newspaper critical of homosexuality.

Heidi McIvor, her husband Julian McIvor and the City Builders Church in Sale, where they both work as pastors, have been subjected to false accusations and insults over an unattributed ad in The Gippsland Times a week ago urging people to vote against changing the Marriage Act.

Ms McIvor did not pay for the ad to be placed. Nor did Mr McIvor, who is also the advertising manager at the local paper. The church has previously campaigned for traditional marriage.

The parents of two have been accused of spreading hate speech and being morally bankrupt. Their names and phone numbers have been splashed all over Facebook, resulting in Mr McIvor being hit with a steady stream of abuse.

“Let’s burn there (sic) church,” piped in another.

The “heinous, vile, f. king bizarre advertisement”, as it has been described, has been interpreted as a slight on LGBTI people, those who have used adoption services or IVF, and single parents.

“When the wife’s egg is fertilised by the husband’s sperm in the marital act of love, a flash of light occurs and a baby is conceived,” the ad stated.

“This is not physically possible for two people of the same sex. A baby produced has to be manufactured.”

Retired farmer Pat O’Brien, the father of Gippsland South MP Danny O’Brien, has since claimed responsibility for the ad, but Ms McIvor is bracing for another round of the battle — a likely side effect of agreeing to take part in the Coalition for Marriage’s TV ad.

The ad features three mothers talking about politically correct sexuality education, such as the Safe Schools program, which has been criticised for teaching gender fluidity and crossing the line between education and advocacy in the classroom.

“I’m not worried about a backlash because I’m not worried about having a conversation or having a debate with anybody,” Ms McIvor said.

“What does worry me though is that it seems that no one can put forward an alternative opinion about marriage without it descending into personal attacks and threats.”

Fellow campaigner Cella White has been accused of falsifying her claim that her son was told by a schoolteacher that “he could wear a dress to school next year if he wanted”.

Fairfax Media yesterday reported that the principal of the school, Frankston High in Melbourne, said Ms White’s claim had no substance.

“I have never had any complaints that we advised the boys they could wear dresses,” principal John Albiston said. “We didn’t offer them that option.”

Ms White last night angrily stood by her claim. “I spoke to the deputy principal, I spoke to the school chaplain, I spoke to two people from the Department of Education. I even spoke to the front-office lady,” she said. “To suggest that the school was not aware of my concerns is a lie.”

Ms McIvor said she had conducted her own research into the Safe Schools program and was active in a Facebook group with other concerned parents.

Having worked on staff for various politicians in the past, including former Family First senator Steven Fielding, she joined the Australian Conservatives two weeks ago. She said her newfound activism was driven by a desire for her children to be able to attend public school “without being indoctrinated”.

While critics of the television ad have argued that same-sex marriage has nothing to do with the Safe Schools program, which has been defunded by the federal government but remains compulsory in Victorian secondary schools, Ms McIvor said international experience suggested otherwise.
As I said, it was all sorted for them in 2008 with their Civil Union.

Nothing will change for them, they just want the word - Marriage.
That's because they were hiding in the closet for fear of being beaten up or humiliated.

Or ashamed of themselves for entertaining and developing an itch they shouldn't scratch. Or they were being groomed into the lifestyle necessarily kept out of public view. The local buggery priest opened a door they feel they can't go back through for shame. etc

There is an innate reaction by the procreators of the human tribe to consider the queer and wierd as inferior and repugnant. You see it where ever men meet, without the restrictions of social graces and women present.

It's that inbuilt consideration of an inferior construct, that is the reason for the empathy drive to have homosexuals accepted into the group by dogooders. It's like giving native americans wampum; at the end of the day it has no real value and the attitude toward the takers still remains the same....... pity favours, not merit based.
The three mothers on the 'No' advert have been tracked down and are being bullied on Facebook and beyond. There have been threats of a demonstration outside the medical practice where one works.

All the claims in the 'No' advert are factual and evidence based. And yet many 'No' campaign supporters and donors are fearful of being identified.

The 'Yes' campaign has been infiltrated by thuggish left wing extremists. These heavy handed tactics are doing no favours to the LGBTQIA community.

I surmise Tisme that you have very little personal knowledge of such "inferior and repugant people". It would certainly be surprising if any friend, family member or business associate opened up about themselves or friends or family being gay.
It must have been tough for you (and similar like minded friends) when homosexuality was legalised. I just can't remember it being made compulsory ... ?

Its unfortunate that you are too far gone by your upbringing to think objectively when it comes to certain topics. I don't mean that disrespectfully I honestly think you are blinded to see reason.

I can't beleive that people still think this way. Its quite incredible. So backwards.

You make it sound like everyone is slightly gay and those that choose to act on those urges are lesser.

Hey I'm just stating how it is, I'm not judging. Like you insist that homosexuals are "born that way" and therefore they are "normal" and "just like us" (which is discrimination right there BTW), I'm just explaining that we heterosexuals think the way we do because we are born that way, it's normal, it's just like us (well for alpha males it is). The beige who walk amongst us choose to look away and detach themselves insipidly from the discomfort, other social vandals spruik equal for all oranges and apples (for all oranges are equal to apples apparently) and then there are those with clarity, purpose and God on their side .....

It's just plain common sense and if you want to wrap it up in some scientific mumbo jumbo it's heteronormativity.... an hierarchy of social needs based procreation of the (healthy) species... it's normal, we are born that way, .......
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