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Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

Same sex marriage - Yes or No?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 55.8%
  • No

    Votes: 61 44.2%

  • Total voters
Why though?

they aren't that different, they can be easily be dealt with the same.

Because a lot of people are getting sick of a minority pushing the majority around.

A same sex union Act would preserve the tradition of marriage but still allow SS couples to have their partnerships recognised in law.

It would also solve the question of religious freedom. Churches could choose only to perform marriages under the Marriage Act, other celebrants could choose either or both. Everyone should be happy.
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Because a lot of people are getting sick of a minority pushing the majority around.

So when blacks protested against being forced to seat in the back of the bus, was that the "minority pushing the majority around",

Was it enough to say, "well the blacks still get to ride the bus, and go to all the same places, so they have nothing to winge about"

It would also solve the question of religious freedom. Churches could choose only to perform marriages under the Marriage Act, other celebrants could choose either or both. Everyone should be happy.

Pretty weak reasons to me.
So when blacks protested against being forced to seat in the back of the bus, was that the "minority pushing the majority around",

That's pretty weak.

Under a separate act, SS couples would have the same rights under the law as straight couples.

Your problem with that is ?
LGBTI's will have the same rights as others to have their partnerships recognised in Law.

Except they won't have the right to marriage.

any way this is going around in circles, and still no one has shown a single way same sex marriage causes harm, it all seems based around protecting the feeling of the religious crowd, or unrelated red herrings.
Gays are perhaps 1-2% of the Aussie population. Those who would actually want to get married, at best, perhaps half of that.

There is no real comparison with % of 'blacks' in the US.

Have you noticed how Women are becoming more Masculine and
Males are becoming more Feminine.

Making marriage of like sexes just adds to the acceptance that
society is happy with this move toward Equality.

Problem is that there are areas that wont ever be equal no matter
you package it.

Frankly I'm glad I've lived in a world full of REAL men and REAL women
Men who are men and women who love a door opened or a few Roses.
Rather than the one in the car park at the shopping centre at lunch who
with a Bieber hair cut and overalls gave me the fingers--- told me to
Duck off as she came towards me in her Pick up going the wrong way.

OR the Advertising guy that came down the other day wearing a pair of
Sunnies that Paris Hilton would have been proud of. But when asked if
he'd like to come on site to understand what we do declined--it was too wet
muddy and cold.

In the long run I'm sure it will cause way more harm than imagined and the
gender gap closes and the meaning and role of real men and women is blurred
possibly lost to some.
But if that's a world you want---that's what you'll have.

Now you have the possibility (and will be more so soon) of Husbands leaving
marriages for another man and Women for another woman.
A night out with the girls/boys brings on a whole new meaning!
Are you sure your JUST friends?

I can see baby showers when genders are known sporting both sex gifts.
Single cubicles in men's locker rooms.
Sexual harassment cases going same gender.
The list goes on and on.

no one has shown a single way same sex marriage causes harm

No one is game to speak up ---too afraid of being seen as Biased/Bigoted.
To the SSM lobby, I don't think lesbian in vitro treatment should be entitled to the Medicare rebate.

Kids like a Mummy and a Daddy. The taxpayer dollar should be spent where it can provide both.
Except they won't have the right to marriage.

It's pretty obvious that you are just playing word games. If separate legislation gives equal rights under the law then I thought that was what the gay lobby wanted, but if not it seems to be a political strike at "normal" society, trying to pretend that they are just the same as the rest when in this case they are not.
'' Dad why are those two men Kissing?

Because they are attracted to each other.

Its totally normal
Nigel --- You know Uncle Gary well Daddy went out with him
before I married your mother.

Yes Mummy is attracted to Aunty Sophie. She comes around
a lot.

Totally normal Nigel."
'' Dad why are those two men Kissing?

Because they are attracted to each other.

Its totally normal Nigel --- You know Uncle Gary, well Daddy went out with him
before I married your mother

Overhang, where is you evidence for that?

The Coalition were elected on the promise of a plebiscite. That's clear evidence.
The coalition were elected on many promises they have broken, not sure why this one matters so much. But I never really like that argument anyway, I support SSM but it's low down on my priorities that dictate my vote, I'm sure many others are the same.
Here is your evidence.

And just today
The poll, conducted for The Australian less than a month out from the postal plebiscite, shows 63 per cent of Australians are planning to vote ‘Yes’.

Do you have evidence to the contrary?
People keep talking about the right to marry. Well yes, men and women have a right to marry. People of the same sex have never had that right as it must engineered inro existence via changes in definition and appeal to virtue signalling.

If we're fair there probably should be a legal facsimile of marriagewith some exclusions regarding children etc, but I'm wirh others, call it something different.

Then everyone is happy.

As it stands, I'm still a firm no.
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