Well nothing so far.
Battlers ALWAYS find life hard.
Thats why they're Battlers.
It wont get any easier for ANY Battlers unless they (The Battlers) do something to alter their circumstances. Its not a governments job to make it easier for Battlers. Labor OR Liberal.
These people arent Battlers either. Go to Sudan or Ethiopia and get a grip on what poverty REALLY is.
It actually is a government responsibility to ensure everyone has equal access to wealth. At the moment it is very easy to make money if you are a 30 year old white suit. Would not matter if technical and/or management skills are weaker than others, the young white suit will get the job. Discrimination is none more evident than in our own parliament. How do a bunch of middle aged and/or old white men represent Australia?
This is in fact a poor exploitation of our nation's greatest asset being the human resource, badly managed at the expense of greater productivity.
So yes, very much a government responsibility. If you had good management skills you would recognise that the most efficient and effective use of staff is the way to beat the competition. Makes staff happy through empowerment and has a flow on effect to the companies bottom line.
If you have companies whining about rewarding staff then it says to me, maybe the company should fire it's management.