I've got one of those and 250,000 litres of tank water which I will double over time. Bushfire is a big issue where I live and I love living in nature and I am deeply grateful to be living on Dharawal land immersed in that culture which is all around my local landscape. I will be handing over my land title to the custodians of the this land when I die.
I'm open to all reform proposals but there is one thing that is certain, which is that significant tax reform is needed in Australia and has been for decades now. So, if older people aren't prepared to be part of that then I think it is inevitable that they are going to be euthanized one way or another. Right now, old people in nursing homes are sitting in their own feces with open bed sores drugged up so they don't cause trouble.
What I do not understand is why the young people, what every we call them (millennials?) are not in open revolt right now.
All the above is just focused on the structure of fiscal affairs. So no need to even start on the environmental issues.
I think the have nots will rise sooner rather than later,with social media it wouldn’t be too hard to get it going
Trickle down economics,gig economy,penalty rates
How about we train our own before we open the front door