Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Resisting Climate Hysteria

. There is no money in scepticism :laugh:

Well that's probably true after the eccentrics take all the media monies by spruiking conspiracies all over the world and at town hall meetings.

I wonder how much loot Lord Monckton makes from his crusade public speaking and cashing in on his unearned hereditary title to the gullible who think his titular status means he has calibre?

I'd also like to know how much public money Tony Abbott gave to his mates under the disguise of balanced, albeit skepticism of climate change.
The Global Warming debate is over.......It has been proven to be a scam, a farce and full of lies set up by the UN....The models presented are contrary to the actual happenings.

End of story.

Time to close the thread.

Do you ever wonder Noco why your views on this issue are regarded as totally delusional and completely separate from reality ?
( Of course not. Tha'ts the point of being totally delusional isn't it ?)
Do you ever wonder Noco why your views on this issue are regarded as totally delusional and completely separate from reality ?
( Of course not. Tha'ts the point of being totally delusional isn't it ?)

Bootstrap argument
Do you ever wonder Noco why your views on this issue are regarded as totally delusional and completely separate from reality ?
( Of course not. Tha'ts the point of being totally delusional isn't it ?)

I can see I used the right bait this morning....Hook line and sinker.
But you must admit, there has been plenty of evidence to debunk this AGW scare campaign....If you need more just let me know.
I can see I used the right bait this morning....Hook line and sinker.
But you must admit, there has been plenty of evidence to debunk this AGW scare campaign....If you need more just let me know.

Good point ! You are an excellent troller and use the finest bait. But your "evidence" is bit smelly so I think you can keep it to yourself
Actually I agree with the 97% consensus.

97% of scientists agree that the best way to get funding is to be pro AGW. There is no money in scepticism :laugh:

You haven't heard of Trump's hatchet job at US departments of environmental protection, sciences or anything that's not supportive of big fossil? Have not heard of the Koch Brothers and a gazzillion other fossil multinationals funding certain groups of "sceptical" experts, buying politicians who will quote the bible and remove all references to CC in department planning documents?

It's not just them buying advertising at the Murdoch presses, they also buy/sponsor university research, chairs etc. etc.

I'm surprised at the number of scientists who haven't sold out yet.
You haven't heard of Trump's hatchet job at US departments of environmental protection, sciences or anything that's not supportive of big fossil? Have not heard of the Koch Brothers and a gazzillion other fossil multinationals funding certain groups of "sceptical" experts, buying politicians who will quote the bible and remove all references to CC in department planning documents?

It's not just them buying advertising at the Murdoch presses, they also buy/sponsor university research, chairs etc. etc.

I'm surprised at the number of scientists who haven't sold out yet.
That's the best news I have heard in a very long time!!

The response in kind, that you have described, was long overdue!!!
That's the best news I have heard in a very long time!!

The response in kind, that you have described, was long overdue!!!

I know right?

How do you solve CC? Global Warming? Just remove the words from all documents.

Sure beats head in the sand.
I know right?

How do you solve CC? Global Warming? Just remove the words from all documents.

Sure beats head in the sand.
Isn't that the same way alarmists tried to expunge skepticism of catastrophic CC and AGW?

The alarmists have nobody to blame but themselves! After all, they set the ground rules when they started attacking the freedom of others to express a contrary opinion!!

And now the hypocrites are crying about being stung by their own venom!!!
I guess it would look suspicious if they sold out twice

Who did they sold out to first time round Sifu? Humanity or Science? Both?

The Green and Renewable Industry cartel didn't really exist until, maybe, the late 1990s? Climate Science have been around a few decades before that.

Ignoring the Indigenous and Natives and their hippie dippy love for not clearing land and slaughtering wildlife wholesale... the Greenie National Parks and preservation trend got started with Theordore Roosevelt in the early 1900s. And that's probably because the guy like to hunt and enjoy the outdoor a bit.

The next greenie piece of achievement was when the hippies forced Nixon to establish the Clean Air Act. Not because of the green cartel, but because people thought, for some reason, that clean air and clean water... you know, not seeing their rivers turn black or red... might be a nice thing to have.

Guess who will wear the greatest impact from CC? Poor people in rich countries, and poor countries.

The thing about the poor is that while they can barely afford food and safe housing, they sure can buy scientists, politicians and media personalities.
I'm surprised at the number of scientists who haven't sold out yet.

Many have. I read their twisted logic as they try to keep their jobs and I just feel sorry for them.

We are entering a new age of science where common sense and superstition rule with the populace just like the 13th century. It's not just climate science its environmentalism, vaccines etc.

There was an article of a lady in the Age a week ago who had rheumatoid arthritis and went three years avoiding the doctors trying one type of natural healing after another. She was so sick her daughter had to dress her. Finally she went to the doctor and he fixed her within a week. now she is writing a book of how she was conned by the fakirs. What's the point? People with superstitious beliefs won't read it.

The following article exemplifies the new fuzzy thinking.
Isn't that the same way alarmists tried to expunge skepticism of catastrophic CC and AGW?

The alarmists have nobody to blame but themselves! After all, they set the ground rules when they started attacking the freedom of others to express a contrary opinion!!

And now the hypocrites are crying about being stung by their own venom!!!


Having witnessed you dismissing things as 'bs', and further refuting media articles on the basis of being obviously biased and/or agenda driven, how exactly is your delivery of same in response to myself justifiable?
Having witnessed you dismissing things as 'bs', and further refuting media articles on the basis of being obviously biased and/or agenda driven, how exactly is your delivery of same in response to myself justifiable?

It's called satire. Since I'm not that funny or talented, I let the folks at Juice Media do it for me.

How can anyone seriously debate with you when you honestly believe that 66% of papers not holding a position on the causes of CC ought to also be counted as to whether or not it hold a position on CC.
It's called satire. Since I'm not that funny or talented, I let the folks at Juice Media do it for me.

How can anyone seriously debate with you when you honestly believe that 66% of papers not holding a position on the causes of CC ought to also be counted as to whether or not it hold a position on CC.
There you go again totally misconstruing what I was saying in a vain attempt to defend your precious 97% illusion!

34.8% does not a consensus maketh!!
Nice little (satirical) summary of Adanis 19th Century Coal mine and Rail project Luutzu. Made my day.
Every MP should be sent a copy-- repeatedly
PS You really need a Gold Star and an Elephant stamp for continuing to engage with Cynics convoluted non sequiters. Truly bizarre "reasoning"
Ah Grasshopper,

Don't confuse climate alarmism with environmental sustainability. two different issues.

We have tje situation now where increased co2 is actually benefiting the environment
While we are on the subject of Juice Medias take on Government policies check out where Koalas and Forests are going.


That's a nice little line on the evironmental value of CO2 you have there Wayne. I won't bite because you are almost as good a troller as Noco and that is especially smelly bait.

By the way I understand the other CC (concentration camps) were excellent at curing obesity problems. 100% success I believe.
Ah Grasshopper,

Don't confuse climate alarmism with environmental sustainability. two different issues.

We have tje situation now where increased co2 is actually benefiting the environment

Of course, Sifu. Increased CO2 is great since trees live off of CO2. Greater still now that there's a lot less trees, meaning there's more food for them, meaning they'll get fatter and healthier :D

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