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Resisting Climate Hysteria

Ah Wayne Back to posting more of your usual rubbish posts I did check it out. Lies, distortions and misinformation. Only good for worm food.

But since you love climate fiction so much have you had a chance to check out the "Wind farms kill Whales " story ? Apparently it has drawn thousands of the usual suspects on Farce book and other places that such people frequent.

Editor of scientific journal says fake study linking whale deaths to wind farms is 'deliberate misinformation'

ABC Illawarra
/ By Tim Fernandez and Melinda James
Posted Tue 7 Nov 2023 at 11:18amTuesday 7 Nov 2023 at 11:18am, updated Tue 7 Nov 2023 at 2:42pmTuesday 7 Nov 2023 at 2:42pm

A Facebook group claimed a study had linked offshore turbines with whale deaths.(Supplied: Equinor Hywind)
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The federal government's resolve to establish an offshore wind industry is being tested by the emergence of community opposition which the government claims is being influenced by misinformation.

Key points:​

  • The editor of a scientific journal says a study linking wind farms to whale deaths is fake
  • The claims were shared by a Facebook group opposing the development of offshore wind farms in the Illawarra region
  • Scientists have refuted other claims about wind farms, including that they will significantly impact swell size and coastal winds
Strawman argument, and a poor one at that.

Get in the sea, propagandist.
Strawman argument, and a poor one at that.

Get in the sea, propagandist.

What ? Which part didn't you get Wayne ol boy?

The fact that the You Tube video you posted is just another dribbling, lying, misinformative piece of rubbish or that given you clearly believe such dribble you should get onboard with a similar lying, misinformative piece of rubbish ?
The whales, you utter fool. You attacked me over whales whereas I never mentioned, nor have investigated that. Classic strawman fallacy.

Additionally, all you have done is cast aspersions rather than addressing the substance of the arguments presented.

As I have mentioned above you behave like a preacher of one or another cult, calling all who disagree as heretics and blasphemers.

You are no better than the the hate preachers supporting hamas.... Oh wait, yes, you are doing that too.

Go to hell where you belong
Wayne I have given up wasting time disproving the dribble thrown up by the sources you carefully curate. You don't care. I doubt your fellow supporters on this thread would care either.

I chose to offer you the Whale story because, just like your other post, it is based on proven lies and misinformation.

Main points from Bruce Everatt

1) The "Myth"of Climate Emergency. Folks we have nothing to worry about ! CO2 is great . Causes no problems. Let's go

2) Carbon Dioxide has made Natural Disasters worse. Again ignore all the evidence of fires, floods, storms. We have cherry picked a careful bowl of distortions to persuade you there is no problem.

3) Renewable energy is less expensive than fossil fuels.
Yep Myth 3 according Bruce. One of the most critical changes in the past 5-10 years has been the economic reality that renewable energy has indeed become cheaper than fossil fuels. But Bruce and co are having none of that.

4) Myth 4 The global community has united to reduce CO2 emissions. This is where they point out India, China and Asia have increased emissions from 2000-2020. Totally ignores the fact that China has become the Wests major source of many manufactured goods.

5) The world is undergoing a transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Says rubbish. "Batteries are not good enough" stood out like the proverbial.
These points are adequately addressed with appropriate citations in the video itself.

I am not saying that these points are not up for debate, however as usual, you have castigated these points as blasphemy on a quasi religious level rather than an intellectual level.

You are no better than the Islamists who want to kill people on the basis of a cartoon.

Je suis science objective
While holidaying in the Cook Islands, Airbus announced we taxpayers were providing $400m or so to some sort of resilience fund for the politicians of the PI nations. No doubt to be used to build a wall around their waterfront mansions.

Meanwhile, China provide about a quarter of the development aid to the Pacific compared to Australia. We've been taken for a ride here.

Another one of those climate hysreria predictions down the gurgler.
Makes no difference, just keep making dire predictions, you will not be held to account.
And heres another from the SMH.

The data below from the BOM goes back to 1900.
The year 2008 was particularly dry in the south eastern quadrant with well below average rains, but the other half had above average to well above average rain.
2009 was not much better, but then in 2010 and 2011 there was widespread well above average rainfall over most of the continent.
2018 and 2019 were well below avergae accross almost the entire continent, but then the next three years with the advent of La Nina.
It would take data torture of the highest order to make a case for permanent drought based on these figures.
PS 1974, what a year that was, almost the entire continent with highest on record or very much above average.

So what do you take from the above figures Mick ? That Australia doesn't face a threat of "permanent drought" from global heating ? Or that there is no significant global heating in Australia so ... what is to worry about ?

Or are you just recopying the "failed predictions" list from various websites to demonstrate that global warming is just a scare scam and nothing serious has or will happen ?

The only thing I take is that we constantly bombarded by predictions of doomsday that so far have failed to eventuate.
You take the usual straw man argument.
I commented on rainfall, and permanent drought.
I never mentioned temperature and global heating.

And why does it matter where the data concerning failed predictions comes from?
They failed; period.

It matters little who first observed and commented on them, they are data based, not your scaremongering based.

Yo Bas.
Heres another one, this time from your Bible at The Guardian .
It was published in 2013.

The Climate models, not a patch on one of Oz great bands , The Models lead by Sean Kelly and James Freud. At least they made the hall of Fame.
Tuvalu Borrow Pits Remediation (BPR) project was approved so that 10 borrow pits would be filled with sand from the lagoon, leaving Tafua Pond, which is a natural pond. The New Zealand Government funded the BPR project.[109] The project was carried out in 2015, with 365,000 sqm of sand being dredged from the lagoon to fill the holes and improve living conditions on the island. This project increased the usable land space on Fongafale by eight per cent.[110]

We are taking 280 of their citizens a year. Might not be quick enough!
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