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Resisting Climate Hysteria

So Mick do you reckon highlighting how dangerous current extreme weather conditions are is hysteria ?
Something to be ignored or putdown in favour of cute diversions ?

What is this thread about Mick ? It was always a means to debase any intelligent discussion about climate change. It began with an article that postulated CC was way overblown and that climate scientists and anyone who acknowledged their efforts were just being "hysterical" . Labelling people as "hysterical" is the go to position of simply denying there is any problem and that in fact anyone who says there is is just "unstable" "hysterical". You may or may not be aware that this label was a common mechanism for 19th century husbands to have difficult wives put into asylums when they wanted them out of the way.

Maybe its well past the time to stop the name calling and look at the issue realistically.
You have a separate thread for your pearl clutching
Windmill blades can be recycled. Past, present and future. As indeed they should be.

As of course should the vast reams of fossil fuel infrastructure that is routinely decommissioned every year not to mention the pollution produced during construction and operation.

Ya right Bas, thy should be recycled, but obviously they aint.
Ya right Bas, thy should be recycled, but obviously they aint.
Seriously. I reckon there is far, far more environmental damage in the fossil fuel industry than the confected sadness about windmills.
Yes they should be cleaned up. But hey lets look at the whole picture

Seriously. I reckon there is far, far more environmental damage in the fossil fuel industry than the confected sadness about windmills.
Yes they should be cleaned up. But hey lets look at the whole picture
Trouble with all this is the politics.

I say that having followed the debate for a long time now. So many games played, so many missed opportunities, now the problem basically is going to be very hard to fix.

To be clear I'll blame both sides there. Both ends of the political spectrum have been too busy either denying the problem or opposing realistic solutions to it.

The whole thing's been nothing more than a game that, one by one, has seen pretty much everyone who ought be driving debate simply walk away shaking their head.
What problem?
What problem?
Between wars, acid rain, oil spills, mercury emissions, ash dumps, groundwater contamination and so on there's more than enough problem with fossil fuels without needing to mention climate.

As for the climate though, well common sense says changing the composition of the earth's atmosphere ought have some effect on something. The surprise wouldn't be if it warmed or cooled the planet, the surprise would be if nothing at all happened.
Things are getting hot and hysterical in Algeria.

Algeria wildfires kill 34 people, including 10 soldiers

Posted 2h ago2 hours ago

Wildfires rage on Algerian mountains amid heatwave across North Africa.
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Thirty-four people, including 10 soldiers, have been killed in forest fires in Algeria, as a heatwave spreads across North Africa.

Key points:​

  • Ten soldiers are among those killed in the wildfires
  • A major heatwave is sweeping across North Africa
  • Thousands of firefighters are battling the subsequent fires

Some 7,500 firefighters were battling to bring the flames under control in the mountainous regions of Bejaia and Bouira, authorities said.
The interior ministry said it was continuing firefighting operations in the Boumerdes, Bouira, Tizi Ouzou, Jijel, Bejaia and Skikda regions.
About 1,500 people have been evacuated so far.

Smoke rises following a wildfire in Bejaia, Algeria. (Reuters: Ammouri Abderahmane)
A major heatwave is sweeping across North Africa, with temperatures of 49 degrees Celsius recorded in some cities in neighbouring Tunisia.
In Tunisia, wildfires swept through the border town of Melloula.
Witnesses told Reuters that fires that had begun in mountainous areas had reached some people's homes in the town and forced hundreds of families to flee.
A civil protection official said that they had evacuated hundreds of the town's residents by land and by sea, in fishermen's boats and coastguard vessels.


Wanna see a graph of those deaths attributed to "Climate Change"
The real one, or the "adjusted" one?
Bit of a waste for you really Wayne ? After all you don't take CC seriously and it seems that nothing that has been noted around off the scale temperature extremes and the results cuts any ice.
Bit of a waste for you really Wayne ? After all you don't take CC seriously and it seems that nothing that has been noted around off the scale temperature extremes and the results cuts any ice.
Another lie. You are a propagandist and a liar.
Another lie. You are a propagandist and a liar.

Indeed. What a total tosser you are Wayne. You can't even argue with a third party analysis without debasing them. Lets save you the trouble of having to be exposed to such material.
Ah statistics, as I may have mentioned once beore, you make them tell you want you want if you beat then hard enough.
For example, the Lancet published a chart representing deaths due to heat versus cold in Europe.
But they used a different scale for each one. When you adjust the chart to use the same scale, the deaths due to heat are insignificant compared to the deaths due to cold.
The idea that more people are dying due to climate change, can only be accepted if one also accepts that a lot more people die due to climate change induced cold.
Such a conundrum.

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