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Resisting Climate Hysteria

I note China has reduced by 1/3 their new coal powered plants develpmenr over the last decade. Heartening.

Yes, from 60 to 26K pa. Australian hasn't added anything for 10 years that I can see there and has been reducing. I can't believe anybody who truly believes in the CAGW hypothesis thinks it's OK for China to be building any more coal plants at all. It's a complete and utter mind bend in any sense of logic to think one is compatible with the other. It's either the World is going to explode by 2030 due to CO2 emissions, or we let China keep spewing plant food into the atmosphere.
We can't control China only put pressure on them.

If we have major western countries refusing to sign onto world climate change treaties, we give them a way out.
We can't control China only put pressure on them.

If we have major western countries refusing to sign onto world climate change treaties, we give them a way out.

Agree, we can not, but no one is pointing fingers in the right direction. Australia is a carbon dioxide sink, by the way. Who is even talking about that?

If anyone is supposed to talk to China, it's the UN, and they've given them a free pass. Absolute hypocrites.
There must be a web site dedicated to exposing the hysterical predictions climate activists have made over the past 20 years that have proved grossly wrong.

This popped up on twitter today. Classic.

We have three months to live.

getting back to the original thread content about resisting climate hysteria, I would like members to cast their minds back to the furore created by Tim Flannery back when he said in a 2017 Landline Interview
Flannery's 2007 comments were in context and were correct.
I come from a WA wheatbelt farming family and know with certainty what's required to fill dams, and this Flannery article is another one that is repeatedly dragged out by climate science deniers through ignorance.
So Flannery was right for one season, then got it absolutely wrong for the next three.
Well no, as Flannery was talking about hydrology, in a scientific context, and this has no specific regional footprint.
If you were talking about trends, you would now say the trend is for above average water volumes.
No, as El Niño and La Niña have the strongest influence on year-to-year climate variability for most of the country.
This is what irks me about climate alarmism, the media is constantly looking for disaster stories, and there are plenty of people like Flannery to provide the bull**** sensationalist headlines.
Yet it you who is spruiking unscientific BS, and using climate change denial material to do so!
So where are the stories now about how wrong he got it.
You will not find them in science, as Flannery gets most of it right.
Where are the stories about how resilient the Oz landscape is.
There are few as Australia's landscape - at least the "environmental" aspects of it - are exceptionally fragile.
What utter crap @rederob.
Flannery got it wrong, and no amount of your generalising bull**** can change that.
I come from an area that relies on irrigation, and has done for about 100 years.

No, as El Niño and La Niña have the strongest influence on year-to-year climate variability for most of the country.
Flannery did not say the dams would never fill , except when we are under the influence of El Nino, mainly because no modelling has yet been able to predict when we shift between El Nino and La Nina.
We know what the some of the changes are during these phases, but no one has been able to ptedict them

Yet it you who is spruiking unscientific BS, and using climate change denial material to do so!
I never claimed anything about climate change denial, what is the unscientifc BS?
I showed real world data that cannot be brushed away, not the modelling you put up,
Models are a guestimate at best, I showed what has really happened.
If you think thats denial you are an even bigger fool than you first presented.
You will not find them in science, as Flannery gets most of it right.

There are few as Australia's landscape - at least the "environmental" aspects of it - are exceptionally fragile.
What about the recovery of he GBF?
Or the massive wildflower blooms that have occurred over the last three years in your WA wheatbelt.
I used to marvel at the explosion of life that came round every year in the channel country when they had big rains up there.
get a life you miserable ghost..
A discussion between alt-right, ne-nazis, Herr JP Peterson and Frau JC Curry

What utter crap @rederob.
His comments were in the context of the science of soil hydrology.
If you do not get runoff then dams do not fills and rivers do not flow.
Unfortunately the science denial camp does not understand this.
Flannery did not say the dams would never fill , except when we are under the influence of El Nino, mainly because no modelling has yet been able to predict when we shift between El Nino and La Nina.
That's not relevant to anything as Flannery never mentioned ENSO cycles, and nor were there questions about them.
Nevertheless, Flannery's comments were predicated on El Niño cycles, and these are visibly stressing our natural environment. The reality is that during these cycles major dams are getting critically low and river flows are so poor that irrigators don't always get their allocations.
We know what the some of the changes are during these phases, but no one has been able to ptedict them.
You mean we don't know which year it will occur in, as distinct from knowing it's predictable because its a cycle.
Models are a guestimate at best, I showed what has really happened.
ESMs are are based on reality - the things you say have "really happened" - and have proven remarkable accurate in predicting future temperature outcomes because they are based on inviolable principles of physics. If you can show how the physics is wrong there is a Nobel Prize waiting for you.
I used to marvel at the explosion of life that came round every year in the channel country when they had big rains up there.
Australia has some very hardy plants and animals, but we also have many that are not so hardy. You need to separate anecdote from science.
Really Sean ? We only have 3 months to live ?
Is that what that the scientist was saying or are you just jumping to totally wrong conclusions which of course is the objective of the person who flicked this little line around.
Really Sean ? We only have 3 months to live ?
Is that what that the scientist was saying or are you just jumping to totally wrong conclusions which of course is the objective of the person who flicked this little line around.
Though I realise that according to the climate alarmist community, that both Peterson and Curry are considered apostates, I would recommend viewing (or just listening to) the video I posted above for a bit of discussion.
Really Sean ? We only have 3 months to live ?
Is that what that the scientist was saying or are you just jumping to totally wrong conclusions which of course is the objective of the person who flicked this little line around.

That's just one example. Many of the catastrophic predictions from the climate scientists came and went a long time ago, so we should already be dead. I've lost track of the number of 'tipping points' that have been stated as fact but have been, in fact, false. I think the old adage 'the boy who cried wolf' will in the future be changed to 'the Greta who cried catastrophe'.
Really Sean ? We only have 3 months to live ?
Is that what that the scientist was saying or are you just jumping to totally wrong conclusions which of course is the objective of the person who flicked this little line around.
Unfortunately, the way in which that particular claim was represented, allowed for an ambiguous understanding of what was actually intended.

Regardless of the aforesaid, now that the date has passed, how can it be reconciled with current reality?

Did humankind somehow avert its passage beyond an irredeemable tipping point, despite all the alarmist claims to the contrary, during that period, or are we now doomed to future extinction?

Whichever way it is sliced, this surely demonstrates that, some alarmists, have, to date, clearly made some significantly erroneous predictions.
Though I realise that according to the climate alarmist community, that both Peterson and Curry are considered apostates, I would recommend viewing (or just listening to) the video I posted above for a bit of discussion.
Peterson has ZERO climate credentials and Curry has not demonstrated an ability to explain the present state of global climate.
What exactly do either offer?
I'm surprised Australia is listed above the UK and France on this chart but we are actually emitting 50-80M more tons of CO2 than them. Not sure how that is possible. Nuclear energy? More gas? Maybe our exports of coal are included in our emissions.

Newspapers are a pretty good place to keep up with the science.

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Well congratulations Sean. What a fantastic find. No doubt years of trolling through newspaper records to uncover the critical facts which discredit anything and everything that is happening in 2023 (or the last 40 years ) Touche indeed. How could anyone argue with such an important journalist discovery.

PS Yes I was wrong to suggest that one could find detailed evidence of what was happening around the world as a result of global warming through a media search and not realise that such a search would inevitably through up such critical evidence that really nothing new has actually happened after all.
I reckon Al Gore's last few terrifying speeches about 'oceans boiling' etc could be added to this list down the track. Even though it's Wiki, which is a well known Lefty activist site, they will just have to add some of the dire (failed) predictions of the climate activists eventually. I might have 30 years left so I do hope to see how it pans out and Al's crazy statements to be added.

I did see some cartoons on another thread about whinging baby boomers, that may or may not be deserved.
However, when it comes to abject stupidity, you just cannot top this guy, who fits into genx , gen y millenia, or one of those groups.

Farming has to stop.
Yeah, pretty sure that will be fine.
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