OK I'll have to assume that you can't read and leave it at that.
Ted "Carpet Bomb 'em" farking Cruz. That's the "sceptic" you're asking people to listen to?
The smarter guy there told Cruz that by "not open to debate" he meant the issue is settled by scientific evidence. That is, it is clear from research and data that Climate Change will first kill poor minority community.
How can you not see through the political spin Cruz did there? What are you saying Mr Smarty Pants, that we can't debate your hysteria?
No, Ted! You can debate it, but the results are quite clearly evident that when the shiet storm hits, those in poor areas will get stuffed while those in richer areas will get rescued and properly looked after by both the insurers and the high grounds and the welfare state.
That when famine hit, the poor will not be able to afford food or medicine or a jet plane ticket out of the country.
I guess that kind of common sense from any idiot with two eyes and a grey cell is just too much for some people.
Let's bring on Rex Tillerson on Climate Change; or Ryan what's his face on Healthcare.
From the contents of your post, it appears you are siding with the alarmist views as expressed by the Sierra Club. Irrespective of the fairness (or lack thereof) of Senator Cruz's approach, there is no question, that this incident highlighted a lack of integrity in the "scientific" conduct of the Sierra Club.
There are many other instances of people raising doubt about the integrity of the "science". Would you like me to provide some more examples so that you can also "shoot those messengers"?
Surely if the "science" were truly settled, as alarmists like to claim, they shouldn't have too much to fear from open debate. Their reluctance alone, gives ample cause for suspicion about the integrity of the "science".
The thing about Science is that no theory or findings are ever closed to debate. So for a sell out moron of a politician like Cruz to twist a simple fact into some "Sierra Club" hysteria and denial of scientific facts... that's a bit much mate.
As discussed previously, a very simple study counting how many peer-reviewed climate science studies concludes that CC is happening, is substantially caused by human activity... it found that 97% of those studies came to that conclusion.
But ey, those are UN backed commies, greenies hoaxes. Unlike the honorable Ted Cruz not at all in the pocket of the Kochs and fossil fuel industry's pocket. At least Cruz is a bit more glib than some other idiot US Senator who said that global warming cannot be happening because God promised Noah He won't flood the Earth again. That and if it is God's plan that the Earth be flooded, who are we mortals to go against His wishes.
I guess if the water does rise and wash away poor people's homes, they can call up God to complain about forgetting His promise to Noah.
Like the Sierra Club, other alarmists are having problems embracing this thing called reality. My understanding is that the claims to the existence of the 97% consensus have been thoroughly debunked.
Dr. Judith Curry had some interesting things to say:
My understanding of your very first comment, is that you believe that you somehow know my understanding to be incorrect.Well... your understanding is wrong.
My understanding of your very first comment, is that you believe that you somehow know my understanding to be incorrect.
How have you arrived at this conclusion?
Do you have any concrete scientific evidence to back up your statement, other than the bogus claims to the existence of that consensus?
Do you believe Dr Judith Curry is misinformed in her assertions?
If so, on what basis?
(I should hope by now, that you realise that I am most definitely not disputing the known harmful impacts of pollution from heavy metals such as lead, mercury etc.
I happen to believe that those issues are genuine cause for some concern and warrant mankind's attention. I am however unaware of any significant causal relationship between that form of pollution and the matter of climate change. As such, I consider the discussion of same, to be out of accord with the topic of this thread.)
The rest of your post strikes me as akin to an evangelist preacher, standing on the corner of a busy thoroughfare, telling everyone they're damned if they don't repent!
Firstly, please take care not to misconstrue what I, and others, have "been saying all along".Only the poor will be damned if we richer folks don't repent. So no, humanity won't all be doomed. Not at once.
See, the poor goes first, then we second. The uber rich will get into their giant yachts in the Himalayas then repopulate the world, creating useful industries like finance, derivative tradings or just being regal. A good way to start any new world order, it seem.
Mate, if 97% of the world's climate science research fail to convince you, my brain farts ain't going to do it. I know my limits.
How do I know Dr Curry is misinformed? hmm... maybe the fact that 97% of studies in her supposed field of expertise came to a different conclusion than hers. All else being equal, unless she discover a direct proof that human activities have no impact on the climate... she's just another incompetent idiot.
I mean, any idiot can tell you it's hard for them to know or see evidence proving human activities and CC so they're sceptical. That doesn't make them some sort of genius, them being stupid and incompetent also explains their lack of knowledge.
To knock people's socks off, she'd need to maybe, I don't know, go prove that others research are wrong, reached the wrong conclusion. To shrug and say "i don't know"... that just doesn't have the same level of credibility, does it? My dog can tell you the same thing.
So unless she's the modern day Galileo while all her scientists are cranks and religious nuts... oh wait, you've been saying all along that that's the case.
Firstly, please take care not to misconstrue what I, and others, have "been saying all along".
From your response, it appears that you're also claiming to know that Dr. Curry is wrong, and that your opinion is formed from your faith in the existence of the purported consensus, and upon an absence of disproof, from its detractors, of the associated ACC claims.
I note your liberal usage of the word "fact" throughout your postings. What you seem to have overlooked in all of this, is that your beliefs, like mine, are based upon your opinions on what the facts are. The objective (as opposed to subjective) facts may turn out to be quite different to those opined. As such, I consider it unwise to mistakenly represent opinions as facts.
I happen to hold a quite different opinion to yourself on the integrity of the purported consensus, and of those claiming to its existence.
One fact, of which I am quite confident, is the fact of my expressed opinion differing from yours!
A further fact, of which I am similarly confident, is that having a different opinion to yourself doesn't automatically make me wrong!
How is one justified in insisting that everybody accept another's opined (and unproven) fact as true, based solely upon the absence of disproof of said opinion.
Shouldn't it be the other way around?(i.e. first prove the opined fact to be actually true, or at the very least demonstrate that it has a reasonable level of merit.)
Failing this, in the absence of the ability to disprove the existence of Lucifer, we may all have to accept the evangelical preacher's dictates to repent lest we be damned for all eternity!
You write very well. Gotta start learning some critical thinking skill to make the most of it though.
The 97% of climate scientists and their research does not agree with Dr. Curry. Does that make her wrong? To a lay person like me, yes it does. Will she ultimately be proven right... well, what is she right about, really? From that video clip, all she said was she weren't sure about human impact; maybe climate change doesn't exist at all.
errmmmm.... You know how Darwin proposes a theory on the evolution of species? He kinda show his line of reasoning, show "evidence" to support his claims, came to a conclusion. Our Dr. Curry here just shrugs and said she couldn't find any definitive answer, that she's not sure... well fark me, how can you prove anyone's wrong when they didn't say anything or know anything?
What's two plus two? I don't know. Wrong! The answer is not "I don't know".
Well, I'm sceptical about what two plus two is.
But you're wrong because the answer is four!
Can't say the person is wrong when they are "sceptical", can you?
As to my or your opinion... I'm no climate scientist so let's listen to the expert shall I?
When there exists so much disagreement between the experts, how exactly does one determine whom to believe?
Should one give more credence to the expert humbly confessing to areas of uncertainty and recommending further investigation, or should one simply submit to the dictates (and apocalyptic threats) of those claiming that their findings are indisputable?
Which of those experts poses the greatest threat to the progression of science?
Which allows the freedom and enhancement of mankind's ability to accumulate and validate information?
I can recognise from your postings the type of "expert" you have chosen to heed.
Whilst I believe that everyone has the right to make their own choices about what to believe, I confess to having great difficulty respecting those choosing to side with tyrannical religions which deny outsiders the right to freely choose whether or not to partake.
How does 97% of climate scientist making the same conclusion show "there exist so much disagreement between the experts"?
The purported 97% consensus wasn't derived from climate scientists arriving at the same conclusion!
It was derived from an analysis of diverse research paper abstracts!
A Washington Journal article, highlighting concerns about the derivation of the purported consensus, has been reproduced in the linked blog:
Would you purchase "a pig in a black sack" based upon the assurances of the author of this email:
It seems that many climate alarmists are quite eagerly doing so!
Since opinions seem to somehow be getting more attention, within this debate, than objective data, why not allow consideration of the information presented in the following opinion piece?:
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