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Resisting Climate Hysteria

I think the the debate has moved from denial of change to one of "where the chips fall" versus can we offset what is happening regardless of the cause
What is the significance of 1950 Graph in that article. Particularly the red median line ticking up?

It's just another misrepresentation (lie actually) which is regularly trotted out by JoNova and her band of CC deniers.

The graph comes from temperatures calculated at one point in Greenland through ice cores. The last calculation on the graph refers to 1855. It doesn't in any way recognise the last 160 years of global warming - which would take the the red line way over the top.

When you go to the website you can see the the note at the bottom of the graph which explains the updated figure.

To quote

"This graph shows the ice core date until 1855. The last 150 years (1705 to 1855) are highlighted in red to show the warming as the Earth began coming out of the LIA (Little Ice age)"
What will your children and children's children do for a quality of life? Consider coal and the associated government revenue which the gov.s use for infrastructure, health, education etc. will not be there and it is a massive source of revenue which will need something to replace. That is if present life qualities are to be maintained. The businesses that rely on coal are significant and the local economies benefits significant. Large scale solar power production does not require people to run. Two people for a 95 megawatt field of arrays I heard. Where is the large revenue going t come from once coal stops? Expect a considerable timeline extension for achieving personal goals, local infrastructure maintenance (forget new), a degradation of social cohesion and a rising crime rate as no money bites hard. The industrial era will take a big hit and technology will make more people redundant. I do not see a way out.

If the planet becomes uninhabitable, is there a way out? Mars is pretty far away and we can't all go there.

2016 was the "warmest" (they don't use "hottest" now, it's warm not hot )... so it was hottest year ever recorded in a string of hottest 16 or 15 years in a row. Some might look at that and see a pattern.

Coal and mining are being automated, they will have autopilot driving those trucks at all sites soon. But if we assume there's at least some job, coal mine do run out of coal, eventually. Especially at the rates that modern machineries and top cutting mountain removal kind of practices allows.

But renewables, it being a new field... would create more jobs, more scientific discoveries; more manufacturing jobs in plant construction, in robotics etc. etc. Then when it's implemented, more new jobs are created to put it on people's roofs, new gridlines, new plants etc.

Charles Murray is a Libertarian rightwing economic/social adviser and author, a scholar who works for the American Enterprise Institute. Spend an hour here as he talks to Bill Kirstol... And then see if you carn't see a way out...

coal mine do run out of coal, eventually.

Estimates vary as to how much coal is economically recoverable but there's definitely a limit.

Looking at the UK, the first place to aggressively exploit their once-plentiful coal, well production peaked way back in 1913 and has trended down ever since. It's not zero today but it's minimal compared to what it once was. There's still coal in the ground but it's simply too expensive to mine - it's cheaper to use something else and that includes renewables.

China's offical reserves of anthracite and bituminous coal are about 60 billion tonnes. Sounds like a lot but they're mining 3 billion tonnes a year roughly so it won't last long. There's another 60 billion tonnes of lower grade coal but that contains less energy per tonne, so it's an inferior resource, and even if that's included it's still only going to last half a human lifetime.

Closer to home, estimates for NSW vary considerably but it seems very likely that a child born today will see the peak of extraction and the beginnings of decline simply due to the best quality, most easily accessible coal being used up. A point comes where what remains is simply too costly to get at and is effectively useless.

In WA they're already heading down that track. The best coal is gone, what remains is either inferior quality or costs more to mine. Hence there never was a coal boom in WA and the mines are struggling financially.

That we're proposing to export lower grade (sub-bituminous) coal from Tasmania says rather a lot. That was always considered worthless apart from local industry (mostly the cement works and paper mill) using it for boiler fuel and of course if we'd built a coal-fired power station it could have been used for that. That anyone else in the world wants to buy it says an awful lot about coal supply globally - nobody wants inferior product, of anything, if there's still plenty of the good stuff.

I won't claim to know how long it will last but most likely we're talking decades in terms of it being a growing industry (if there were no issue with CO2) and after that it's a long, slow decline as one by one the mines with good coal run out and it's increasingly uneconomic to use what's left. Even without the CO2 issue it would become uneconomic slowly but surely as coal extraction costs rise due to the best coal being used up first and renewables costs decline due to technology improvements.

So an intentional shift to renewables will bring the timing forward but ultimately coal is dead eventually no matter what we do or don't do about CO2 emissions.
Charles Murray is a Libertarian rightwing economic/social adviser and author, a scholar who works for the American Enterprise Institute. Spend an hour here as he talks to Bill Kirstol... And then see if you carn't see a way out...
He certainly has an opinion, generalised in many cases and drew conclusions. An Americans experience that I don't connect with. Thanks for posting though.

That's probably a concern of the ages.

I seem to recall a figure of 0.5% of Australian coal reserve is exported annually and we only use 0.05% for domestic use. It's a shame we didn't get into the carbon swap scheme, we could have all sat back and let other nations double pay us to take our carbon, just like those Indian solar guys convince us to install a system and take the carbon credits for India's benefit.
Al Gore's 10 year predictions in 2006 about Global Warming has come back to bite him......He now has egg on his face.

Coleman’s Key Climate Facts:

  • 97% of scientists do NOT agree that the science of climate change is settled. Not by a long shot. That oft-quoted statistic was totally fabricated as is the claim that the tiny fraction of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as a result of mankind’s use of fossil fuels to power our wonderful civilization of smart phones, heating and air conditioning and swift and safe transportation is in some magical way destroying our climate. The 97% claim has been disproved over and over again, but Gore, government and media continue to issue horrible scare claims.

  • The oceans are not going to flood our cities.
  • Massive killer storms are not going to sweep the Earth.
  • Heat waves are not going kill millions.
  • Our crops are not going to fail.
  • (More on the latest climate science here:
  • The oceans are not going to flood our cities.
  • Massive killer storms are not going to sweep the Earth.
  • Heat waves are not going kill millions.
  • Our crops are not going to fail.
  • (More on the latest climate science here:

Hasn't that happened already???? Maybe they didn't get Andrew Bolt's permission to be included in the soup.

And perhaps if things aren't as bad as might have been, mitigation by responsible nations/corporations has been working?
And maybe your just regurgitating complete and total BS as is Climate Depots and your want Noco.

But with President Alternative Facts in power clearly any tosh can be thrown up for belief by the dumb and feeble.
And maybe your just regurgitating complete and total BS as is Climate Depots and your want Noco.

But with President Alternative Facts in power clearly any tosh can be thrown up for belief by the dumb and feeble.

So sorry if the truth hurts Bas......When the USA pull out of the UN things will gradually get worse for the Global Warming Alarmists.....There will be a domino affect and we will see other countries following suit....The UN will eventually disintegrate and will go down in the history books as a disgraceful organization.
And maybe your just regurgitating complete and total BS as is Climate Depots and your want Noco.

But with President Alternative Facts in power clearly any tosh can be thrown up for belief by the dumb and feeble.
Petulent leftist labeling and name-calling (sigh); when will you ever learn.

Clearly basilio, most of the dire predictions of the catasrophists have no eventuated. Sorry, but that's just the truth.

Now that the politics of CC has had a rocket fired up its ring, let's see if we gan get to the bottom of this thing. Looking forward to some revisions of the revisions.
Quite right Wayne. With President Alternative Reality on the throne I'm certain there will be revisions of all current CC "facts".

Temperatures around the globe but particularly in the US will fall. There will be adjustments made to past calculations to show that nothing significant has actually happened. Any scientists employed with any US government money who says otherwise won't be employed with US government money forwith.

All that will remain to complete the task is convincing the Antarctic ice shelves, Greenland glaciers, Amazon forests, assorted plants, animals ecosystems and what not to accept the new dictaks.


PS. You have a very selective view of no catastrophes as a consequence of global warming
I'm guessing employment within the Office of Global Change will be rather smaller come their summer.

Good prediction if I say so myself. Suncorp had a CEO that said global warming was bunkum. They have now have had natural hazards exceed provision in 9 of the last 10 years and announced they in trouble again this year despite add 10% to their modelling this year as a sort fudge figure. IAG also has been wrong 8 times out of 10.
Darling Downs is losing it's crops due to heat...13 years ahead of schedule. Hottest summer ever.

Expect high grocery prices.

Next seven days more record breaking temps expected
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