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Resisting Climate Hysteria

Interesting that the reef of today is only 8,000 years old, and grew not despite, but because of a gradually warming climate and rising sea levels since the last Ice Age.
Interesting that we are going beyond that. But who cares.

More 50 to 70 year weather events today. Even cricket fans scratching their heads.
Interesting that the reef of today is only 8,000 years old, and grew not despite, but because of a gradually warming climate and rising sea levels since the last Ice Age.

So we shouldn't try to save it from the various influences that we contribute to its demise, like phosphates, oil and bilge spills, concentrated synthetic chemicals, rising water temps, over fishing, irresponsible charter operators, etc

Personally I think the oil and gas operations in the Timor seas are like the elephant in the room when it comes to killing coral and the worst damage being the part of the barrier reef closest to that operation.
We were warned about coal 104 years ago. And we even contemplate crooks like Adani to get on our land to ruin it. Flash floods in Victoria overnight washing soil away. Of couse we thinned out the trees in the hills over the last few years, so nothing to hold it.

And how can one question this. Particularly the comparison between what is happening underwater to where we are headed above. Our planet is dying but the money machine does not give a fig.

“Australia argued to UNESCO that the outstanding universal value of the World Heritage area is intact because we have this northern 30% of the Reef where everything is hunky dory,” says Professor Terry Hughes, director of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies. “That is no longer the case. In the space of a month or two, the northern third is now more degraded than the southern two thirds.”

In early May, as Canberra waited for the bell to ring on the federal election campaign, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) chairman, Dr Russell Reichelt, broke the news to a distracted Senate committee that more than half the coral in reefs in the far northern section were dead. He was unequivocal about where the blame lay. This was not the consequence of this summer’s whopping El Niño, a natural warming cycle that occurs every five years or so. Bleaching was driven by “the upward trend in ocean temperatures, which is about 1 degree [Celsius] in the past century ..."
Rained in Brisbane and surrounds tonight!! This is a welcome event, given we are supposed to be a sub tropical location with monsoonal reliance and apparently climate change is a socialist invention that is doomed to failure.....very clever the way politics has hijacked the weather systems around the world ... who would have ever thought telekinesis was real.
Yeah, and the all the sceptics just stay inside, turn their air cons up and pretend it's nothing unusual.

Don't forget that pig headed skeptics have the full power of the internet at their disposal and not fooled by actual data and training in the field. So they have a more valid argument than scientists, common sense and the bleeding obvious. Gut feel and romantic nonsense always gazumps godawful truths.
Nah Tisme this is 2017. A Post truth world where reality is what you make it and where reality can be denied as fearlessly as your lack of scruples will allow.

One of the most challenging problems in the cliamte change issue has been watching the past three years of record breaking world wide temperatures (and then some) and still having people refuse to acknowledge the rapid increase in temperatures.
We were warned about coal 104 years ago.
That is correct and the time to be weaned off coal has begun. It isn't going to stop abruptly in some knee jerk reaction. Then the cars/trains/planes burning oil derivatives, then the industries pumping waste into the atmosphere/waterways/earth, then the nic nac factories closing down, then the planting/conservation of vegetation, then the reduction in human population and the planet can breathe again.
Excellent article in The Guardian on a research paper that shoes the world is warming faster than we originally thought.

What makes it really interesting is the analysis of how the research was done and the scores of parameters that had to be considered. Great insight into the scientific method.

New study confirms NOAA finding of faster global warming
Thomas Karl and colleagues were harassed by Republicans for publishing inconvenient science. A new study proves them right.

House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith, R-Texas. Photograph: Scott J. Ferrell/Congressional Quarterly/Getty Im
John Abraham

Thursday 5 January 2017 06.00 AEDT Last modified on Thursday 5 January 2017 11.37 AEDT


A new study has shown that a 2015 NOAA paper finding that the Earth is warming more rapidly than previously thought was correct.
Once again, science is shown to work. The laborious process in which scientists check and recheck their work and subject their ideas to peer review has led to another success. An independent test of global warming data has confirmed a groundbreaking 2015 study that showed warming was faster than prior estimates.
Because of its inconvenient findings, the study’s lead author Thomas Karl was subjected to harassment by Lamar Smith (R-TX), chair of the House Science Committee, in an effort to impugn his credibility. But now Karl and his co-authors have been vindicated.
Let’s take a step back and discuss the science. Measuring the temperature of the Earth is hard. There are many locations to measure and many choices to make. Should we measure the temperature of the ground? Of the ocean waters? How deep in the water? If we measure air temperatures, what height should the measurements be taken? How many locations should we make measurements at? What happens if the instruments change over time or if the location changes? What happens if a city grows near a measurement location and the so-called urban heat-island effect grows? How do we estimate the temperatures in areas where no measurements exist?

These and many other questions make measuring global warming challenge. Different groups of scientists make different decisions so that depending on the institution, they will get a slightly different temperature result.
Excellent article in The Guardian on a research paper that shoes the world is warming faster than we originally thought.
etc etc

Have you had that peer reviewed by an anti Fabian with a subscription to Newscorp, or are you trying to slip it under the radar instead?
The article you put up reflects the extremes we have come to know noco. No argument, 50 to 70 year extremes recorded somewhere on the planet every few days. BUT..... BOTH HOT AND COLD.

Caused by displacement which I have conferred a number of times. Warmer at the poles is causing greater air and moisture movements both north and south respectively. Of course you can point to new freezing areas and in some places not seen before, equally there are very hot bursts in places not seen before, as well as exceptionally strong winds, abnormal rains and hail.

Caused by the OVERALL rises in world temperature. How about the huge ice shelf breaking away in Antarctica at the moment, which will clear the way for massive glacial collapses and resulting then in further displacement for even greater increases in weather volatility.

The stories you put up noco are very much one sided concoctions to keep the masses from becoming alarmed. However the message is getting through and not only that, alternative clean power is coming online across the planet as a result. Something new everyday, this morning some place in Europe (from memory) have all their trains now running on solar and wind.

You are so wrong my friend.....Extreme heart.....extreme cold ......The alarmist always blame it on Global Warming.......You are being brain washed by the United Nations who started all this crap in their endeavour for World Government......All you alarmists want 2 bob each way and people are finally waking up to it all.

If the USA pull out of the United Nations there will be a domino affect and that will be the end of the UN.
I hope you noted there will be more coal sold overseas than ever before.
Rubbish, Noco, my Father was concerned about it in 1965, from his and forebears observations in working and understanding the land. And you say I am wrong without any qualification or reasoning from yourself. And the UN, where would their expertise come from, probably a similar pace as yours from below. Anyone can Google up something to fit an argument. How about speaking for yourself.

No two bob each way here Pal, due to excessive fossil fuel use anyone with eyes open can see we are on the downhill slide which is not a gambling issue, its one for action.

As a kid we had to wear gumboots from late April till November each year and now it gets wet there for a week or two a couple of times a year. And the frogs who took many millions of years to evolve where our driveway used to run have been wiped out in a heart beat. I'd love to take you for a trip over the land I worked and know so well and know you'd learn some surprising facts, not just from myself but old experienced cockies along the way.

I quote you actual happenings and you say it is rubbish...Rubbish in the eyes of the Greenies who don't like to be proven wrong.

The UN are so corrupt that most of their "Peer reviewed" modelling is rigged to suit their cause....It is all a pack of lies and the sooner countries pull out of the UN the better and soon they will die of natural death.

You don't have to lecture me about country life...I have already told you I spent some years in the South Western Queensland...I went through drought, floods and fire
before you were born.

Plenty of frogs in Townsville ATM....Had some good rains last week.

The Bendigo frogs are probably being frightened away with all those wind turbines down your way and they also kill millions of rare birds every year....Why aren't you Greenies shouting from the roof tops about the loss of birds?
The Aussies are getting the same BS as Canucks.

The Carbon Tax....

Who do you really believe an engineer or a scientist, the jury is still out!

Make your own mind up on who is telling the truth. I merely pass this along.

It's just three minutes of Primary School CO2 Science that the Government doesn't want made public.

This three-minute video puts carbon dioxide into perspective.

You really should watch this. WHY? Because when someone asks, you will then know the answer!

Yes, it's principally aimed at Aussies but the science, not hype, is universal.

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