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Resisting Climate Hysteria

Get ready for a cool three months

Long-range forecaster tips below-average temperatures for next three months.
On the 6 o'clock news:

Himalayas glaciers won't be gone in 25 years after all. Apparently this oft quoted assertion (including by the IPCC) is the result of a typo. It was the work of some obscure Indian researcher who extrapolated the current and concluded that the glaciers might disappear by 2350...

...but some muppet transposed it as 2035 and it was never picked up.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is the quality of science relied upon by the IPCC.
Extreme weather conditions are still playing out in Australia and around the world.
January 2010 is unfolding as the coolest January on record for the south east corner of Queensland, with many days of well below normal temperatures. Today's 5 degrees near Stanthorpe was the coldest January day ever recorded in the south east region.

Global cooling?
Get ready for a cool three months

Long-range forecaster tips below-average temperatures for next three months.

Sounds pretty good to me.....a nice cool autumn coming up.
It's the hot weather that I hate.
Every warmer day is heralded as proof that we are in a grip of severe GLOBAL WARMING, that only heavy K Rudd style Warming Tax is only chance for us to survive.

While every well below average temperature is reported as unimportant and insignificant freak of the nature.

It would be funny if it wasn’t scary.
What's the go there? From an average low of 16.3 ° C down to a low of 7 ° C in one day. If the daily low temperature is back to average 16 ° C tomorrow I would suggest the unusual reading is inaccurate. Not April fools day yet.
Doesn't apply to the coast as far as I can see. It has been a pretty average summer here, certainly not any cold days. Most days are around 31, overnight about 22, with little variation other than a couple of days of 33, today included.
Get ready for a cool three months

Long-range forecaster tips below-average temperatures for next three months.



Below-average forecaster tips long-range temperatures for next three months.

Well, a few days ago here in Melbourne - we had a rather chilly night, and I actually had to wear a sweater to bed! Some Summer this has turned out to be. We've had maybe 4 beach-worthy days.

Global warming my foot.
What's the go there? From an average low of 16.3 ° C down to a low of 7 ° C in one day. If the daily low temperature is back to average 16 ° C tomorrow I would suggest the unusual reading is inaccurate. Not April fools day yet.

Yesterdays 5 degrees at Stanthorpe is quite believable for those of us who live in this area and know what Stanthorpe is capable of. I live about two hours from Stanthorpe - yesterday at 4.30am I went for my usual morning walk and I can tell you it was damned cold, certainly felt like well below 10 degrees (and we're normally a good five degrees warmer than Stanthorpe.)
I went out in light clothes as usual and had to walk like hell to try and warm up. My hands were still half frozen even when I did warm up after ten minutes of hard walking.
It was merely a sudden cold snap due to the air coming in from the desert to the west of us. The previous day we had just under 35 on a westerly wind. Typical of what happens out in the desert country, a very cold night followed the hottish day due to the fact that the westerly wind kept blowing ever so slightly through the night.
I've experienced this very same weather pattern at Alice Springs even in summer....a cold night after a hot day. We got a taste of it here yesterday, courtesy of the westerly wind that brought the weather system in to us from Central Australia.

I couldn't resist having a dig at the global warming fanatics by suggesting that the cold snap is a sign of global cooling!
Any weather event, no matter how extreme, is simply a case of history repeating itself. It's all happened hundreds or thousands of times before...we just weren't around to witness it.
It's all happened hundreds or thousands of times before...we just weren't around to witness it.

Today the B.O.M. recorded a low today of 7.5 ° C. in Stanthorpe following on from yesterday's 7 ° C. so a cold snap it most certainly is.
Today the B.O.M. recorded a low today of 7.5 ° C. in Stanthorpe following on from yesterday's 7 ° C. so a cold snap it most certainly is.

Our weather program here reported 5 degrees yesterday for Applethorpe, near Stanthorpe. I notice that Applethorpe is usually the coldest place in QLD so I guess it could well have been a couple of degrees below Stanthorpe.
Tonight is pretty chilly here too, well below normal.

A relative of mine is driving out to Alice Springs tomorrow - will arrive on the weekend after a four day drive. I've suggested plenty of warm clothes, even though it will be hot during the day.
I've never forgotten the night we camped in the desert about three hundred km east of Alice.
The day had been warm to hot but we damn near froze that night.
In the last 6 weeks we've had about 12 days of snow and several with driving and swirling winds. Following this was 3 days of continuous rain and sleet. The sky has remained grey to dark grey with only one day of sun. Temperatures between minus 8c and plus 6c.
My relatives in Canada are not impressed as temperatures there have hit minus 27c.
Never mind though, as it kills off the bugs for next season and a lot of other nasty little creatures.

I believe climate change is affected more by spraying of crops than all the cars in the world. The second worse pollutant, and I can't remember many marches by Greenpeace, up and down the rows of cabbages and carrots etc.
Average temperature in Townsville varied 26-34 over the last week.

A cyclone is now to the north, closer to Cairns/Port Douglas.

All not unusual for this time of year.

Goreballs continue to be emitted from the wwweatherisnotweather lobby.

Again not unusual.

When will this silliness all end.

At least I can admit when I'm going troppo.

The Warmeners cannot.


A Turnaround on Climate Change

IMO a fairly accurate description of the state of play at present from the ABC's 'The Drum' today.

Unfortunately, their conclusion is not good news-

"Where to from here? It seems inconceivable that global warming as a scare will abruptly go the way of Y2K.

This is because the research grants, taxpayer subsidies to renewables, public statements by political leaders and long lags before there can be certainty about the degree of warming that might take place. At the same time there will be no international emission restraint on the scale necessary to stabilise existing global levels of CO2.

But the vested interests promoting wasteful expenditures are well established. The impetus created by over a decade of poor policy is too strong to allow the sort of "peace dividend" like that which came with the Fall of the Berlin Wall.

Instead we are likely to see only a gradual reversal of the wasteful abatement expenditures and investment risk measures set in train by the IPCC claims of catastrophic global warming."

'The Brave New World of Carbon Trading'

A paper by former CSIRO scientist Professor Clive L. Splash which the Government tried to muzzle.

The conclusion-

The billions of dollars now being generated in trading carbon and offsets has created a powerful institutional structure which has many vested interests whose opportunities for making money rely on maintaining GHG emissions, not reducing them. The transaction costs inherent in these markets are actually being seen as a source of economic growth rather than a deadweight loss to society. Once created, how politicians will cut the market by 80 percent””even within the 40 years they are allowing themselves””is hard to imagine. After all, the reason for emissions trading is that corporations and the technostructure proved too powerful for the political process to establish a tax or direct regulation in the first place.

The framing of the whole issue of human induced climate change is highly important to how it is addressed. There seem two opposing characterisations. On the one hand, financiers, bankers and major polluters argue we must bravely face the new opportunity for markets to innovatively show how the most intangible of objects can be bought and sold, reaping vast financial gains and stimulating economic growth. On the other hand, society can realise that ever increasing material throughput based upon fossil fuels has led to serious environmental problems, and failed to address social inequity, so that a change in economic structure, institutions and behaviour is now necessary. Clearly the former is dominant and perhaps we must await a financial emissions trading crisis and increasing environmental disasters to reverse that situation.

In Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, the drug ‘soma’ offered inhabitants of a future Earth the means to distract themselves from addressing life’s problems while supporting the established social and economic order in the promotion of happiness through hedonic pleasures. Today emissions trading promises a painless way to avoid human induced climate change which will leave the growth economy unaffected in its pursuit of happiness through materialism. The reader is left to judge illusion from reality and the desirability of the society created.

Link -
Dr Splash is no longer working for the CSIRO, having resigned in protest at his muzzling.

So Australia loses another valuable scientist because he failed to toe the political line.
Using "hysteria" in the thread title (sadly) turned out to be very accurate.

I still think any form of fundamentalism is dangerous...
Which political line do you suggest Dr Spash failed to toe?
Which political line do you suggest Dr Spash failed to toe?

You don't think a CTS is the epitome of politics?

You don't think ipso facto mandatory support of CTS is having to toe the political line?

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