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Resisting Climate Hysteria

And Washington had its lowest temperature ever recorded just a couple of weeks ago. Many other US and European centres came very close to setting new record lows.
Parts of Britain had record rainfalls last year.

My area in south east Queensland had its hottest winter day on record in August last year - 35 degrees.
Two years earlier we had two days in July that both set new record lows.
Sixty or seventy years ago there was snow in two Queensland towns on the Tropic Of Capricorn.

So what does all this prove? Nothing. Absolutely nothing!

The extreme weather events of today have been happening for thousands of years, and are not evidence of man made global warming or anything else. They're just natural, normal events in the ever-changing climatic cycle.

Anyone with half an ounce of common sense will realise that in the last several thousand years there will have been many hotter and colder and drier and wetter days/years, and bigger cyclones and earthquakes and tsunamis than any we've seen since records began.

Ocean levels are rising, and sometimes falling too, and none of the mob who are shouting 'man made global warming' are honest enough to admit that part of the reason is that billions of tons of dirt are deposited into the oceans year after year through wind and water erosion.

Rudd and Wong are money-hungry liars who are deliberately misleading the Australian people.
They're pulling the wool over the eyes of the gullible. The more sensible people can see straight through them.
Rudd and Wong have gone very quiet.
Rudd has resorted to write a childrens book about a cat and a dog.
He just can't get the climate off his mind
Rudd and Wong have gone very quiet.
Rudd has resorted to write a childrens book about a cat and a dog.
He just can't get the climate off his mind

Don't for a minute think they are defeated. They are just reworking the propaganda. Expect an onslaught of BS at any moment.

The Fabians are on a roll and they won't toss in the white towel so easily.

I only made a statement of fact without comment.Why the strong reaction?There are some that you let go through to the keeper.
Why call people liars from reflects badly on your character!
I only made a statement of fact without comment.Why the strong reaction?There are some that you let go through to the keeper.
Why call people liars from reflects badly on your character!

I assumed you were implying that the South Australian heatwave was the product of climate change. Happy to concede that I may have been wrong there. No apology though, as my response was forthright and factual, but not abusive.

It might help people to see what your views are if you were to add some comment to the facts you present.

Rudd's dishonesty is glaringly obvious to anyone with the ability to think clearly. I haven't forgotten him standing in front of a dried out lake bed somewhere in outback NSW, with the carcass of a dead cow behind him, looking straight at the camera with that 'butter wouldn't melt in my mouth' look on his face, and declaring that the scene behind him was proof of man made climate change.
On at least half a dozen occasions since then he has lied publicly by making statements such as 'The Victorian bushfires and heatwave are proof of made man global warming'.

Being forthright in calling the man a liar does not reflect poorly on my or anyone else's character. But Rudd's continued lies to the Australian public certainly reflect poorly on his.
NASA quote that the 10 most warmest years of the planet since recording started were in the last 12 years.

Is this significant or an anomaly?
NASA quote that the 10 most warmest years of the planet since recording started were in the last 12 years.

Is this significant or an anomaly?

Records began only a few hundred years ago - a miniscule amount of time in the overall context of things.
I doubt if there's any significance in the last ten or twelve years being the warmest on record.
Ten or twenty or fifty or eighty years from now we may well go through a decade of the coolest years ever recorded.
Lowest temperatures recorded in the USA and Canada show that the last lowest temperature recorded was back in 1999 in Congerite at -36 deg F (-37.7 deg C), for a State low.
Lowest ever temperatures were at Snag, Yukon, Canada at -81.4 deg F (-63 deg C) on 3/2/1947 and at Northern Alaska at -79.8 deg F (-62.1 deg C) on 23/1/1971.
Siberia's lowest recorded at -90 deg F (-68 deg C)
Highest temperature recorded in the USA and Canada. Interesting that Colorado's highest temperature at 118 deg F (47.8 deg C) was recorded way back in 1888. Highest ever recorded at Death Valley in California at 134 deg F (56.6 deg C) on 7/10/1913.
I only made a statement of fact without comment.Why the strong reaction?There are some that you let go through to the keeper.
Why call people liars from reflects badly on your character!
Huh? How does a factual statement reflect badly on Bunyip's character, for heaven's sake? What a peculiar thing to say.
What about taking a rational long term approach to CO2 instead of pretending it's so urgent that we've got to clearfell, dam and nuke the planet to cut emissions because it can't wait another 10 - 20 years for geothermal, wind etc?

Thanks Smurf, that's the same argument I have been using in every climate change argument. No one bothers to listen and argues we will all die within 20 years.

The capitalist market (as much as some uninformed people hates), will eventually provide the solutions to all our unsustainable technologies that MAY BE hurting the planet with pollutants. Technologies will eventually catch up where it may be far more economically and environmentally superior to use it over existing unsustainable ones.

All these carbon-tax scams to transfer the wealth of the taxpayers to the government/big businesses is anti-free-market and will just hinder the innovation process.
Huh? How does a factual statement reflect badly on Bunyip's character, for heaven's sake? What a peculiar thing to say.

Where I come from if you are going to call people liars or cowards as some do on this forum-you do it up close and personal-giving the recipient a chance to respond in person.
However on these forums some come to definitive conclusion and use the internet to accuse people on matters which,in the very least,are contentious.
You see if you are unwilling to do it in person,do not do it from afar.
I bet that you do not understand that Julia!

Whoa there Sapphire!

As far as I can see, the only people referred to as liars from afar are politicians, bureaucrats, and VI scientists. These people have pretty conclusively been outed as liars at least part of the time.

Your final comment therefore, is totally out of order and treading the raggedy edge of personal abuse.

In fact, Herr Rudd himself is quite capable of accusing people of all sorts of unsubstantiated villainy. Need there be any better example of KRudd's unjustified and unjustifiable castigation of Lord Monckton in public, to which he doesn't even have the basic manners and good grace to respond to Monckton's refutations?


A disgraceful double standard there I feel!
It was you who cast aspersions on Bunyip's character, with no discernible reason as far as I can see, so maybe take your own advice.
What would have happened if Jokenhagen was "successful"?

So, assuming the developed countries committed to reducing their emissions by 30% by 2020. That only accounts for about half of the world's emissions..... the other half being from the developing nations..... who were due to get a free get out of jail card.

That means that world CO2 levels would go from around 388ppm to 406ppm by 2020. If it were business as usual, we add around 2ppm per year, leading to a value in 2020 of 408ppm.

Now if you look at the temperature change due to that increase in CO2, you get (using IPCC formula) a delta T of 0.29 degrees for business as usual versus 0.27 degrees had Hopenhagen been successful. So for all the pain it would inflict you get a change of 0.02 degrees (theoretical). You can extrapolate this out to 50 or 100 years if you like but you get much the same comparative result.

So, 0.02 degrees change, from doing nothing! Of course a (very) few people would have become extremely rich from the outcome and there would be a lot more bureaucrats running your lives. Oh, and krudd would probably have become ruler of the world.

Imagine if all the effort of Dopenhagen went into solving some real problems, like real pollution, correcting bad land management practices, water quality improvement, peak oil ........ the list goes on.

I for one am glad Crapenhagen failed. Now, how about solving some real problems.
Where I come from if you are going to call people liars or cowards as some do on this forum-you do it up close and personal-giving the recipient a chance to respond in person.

Well ol' son, I can assure you I have no intention of flying from QLD down to Canberra just so I can see Rudd in person and give him a piece of my mind.
However, if he ever happens to visit my area and I have the chance to speak to him face to face, I won't hesitate to tell him exactly what I think of him.

If you want to cast doubt on someone's character, then look no further than Kevin's him, not me, who continues to publicly display a lack of honesty and integrity.

If Rudd continues to be blatantly dishonest with the Australian public then I and others will keep pointing out that he's a liar.
And if that doesn't suit you - tough luck!
You see if you are unwilling to do it in person,do not do it from afar.

What makes you think that we wouldn't say it to Rudd's face? Sounds like you're assuming that we're cowards, and breaking your own rule.
Some posts on this thread appear more than a little illaqueate or dare I say it, a touch of callithumpian disc-ordination and maybe dollydaw, indeed.
Especially for Kevin Rudd and Al Gore and all those who are allowing themselves to be duped by them......



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