Ok I'll have a go.
Global pertains to round, from the latin globus, a shpere, a ball.
Garpal ol chap, don't you be misleading us.
The earth is not round, it is in fact an oblate spheriod, but I know that you knew that
On a serious note, below is the list of tax payer funded freeloaders that were in that little jolly to Copenhagen.
(too many for one page!)
H.E. Mr. Kevin Michael Rudd Prime Minister
H.E. Ms. Penelope Wong Minister, Climate Change and Water Office of the Minister for Climate Change and Water
H.E. Ms. Louise Helen Hand Ambassador for Climate Change Department of Climate Change
Mr. David Fredericks Deputy Chief of Staff Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Mr. Philip Green Oam Senior Policy Adviser, Foreign Affairs Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Mr. Andrew Charlton Senior Adviser Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet
Mr. Lachlan Harris Senior Press Secretary Prime Minister’s Office Office of Prime Minister
Mr. Scott Dewar Senior Adviser Office of Prime Minister
Ms. Clare Penrose Adviser Office of Prime Minister
Ms. Fiona Sugden Media Adviser Office of Prime Minister
Ms. Lisa French Office of the Prime Minister Office of Prime Minister
Mr. Jeremy Hilman Adviser Office of Prime Minister
Ms. Tarah Barzanji Adviser Office of Prime Minister
Mr. Kate Shaw Executive Secretary Office of Prime Minister
Ms. Gaile Barnes Executive Assistant Office of Prime Minister
Ms. Gordon de Brouwer Deputy Secretary Prime Minister and Cabinet
Mr. Patrick Suckling First Assistant Secretary, International Division Prime Minister and Cabinet
Ms. Rebecca Christie Prime Minister’s Office
Mr. Michael Jones Official Photographer Prime Minister and Cabinet
Mr. Stephan Rudzki
Mr. David Bell Federal Agent Australian Federal Police
Ms. Kym Baillie Australian Federal Police
Mr. David Champion Australian Federal Police
Mr. Matt Jebb Federal Agent Australian Federal Police
Mr. Craig Kendall Federal Agent Australian Federal Police
Mr. Ian Lane Squadron Leader Staff, Officer VIP Operations
Mr. John Olenich Media Adviser / Adviser to Minister Wong Office of the Minister for Climate Change and Water
Ms. Kristina Hickey Adviser to Minister Wong Office of the Minister for Climate Change and Water
Mr. Martin Parkinson Secretary Department of Climate Change
Mr. Howard Bamsey Special Envoy for Climate Change Department of Climate Change
Mr. Robert Owen-Jones Assistant Secretary, International Division Department of Climate Change
Ms. Clare Walsh Assistant Secretary, International Division Department of Climate Change
Ms. Jenny Elizabeth Wilkinson Policy Advisor Department of Climate Change
Ms. Elizabeth Mary Peak Principal Legal Adviser, International Climate Law Department of Climate Change
Ms. Kristin Tilley Director, Multilateral Negotiations International Division Department of Climate Change
Mr. Andrew Ure Acting Director, Multilateral Negotiations International Division Department of Climate Change
Ms. Annemarie Watt Director, Land Sector Negotiations International Division Department of Climate Change
Ms. Kushla Munro Director, International Forest Carbon Section International Division Department of Climate Change
Ms. Kathleen Annette Rowley Director, Strategic and Technical Analysis Department of Climate Change
Ms. Anitra Cowan Assistant Director, Multilateral Negotiations Department of Climate Change
Ms. Sally Truong Assisting Director, Multilateral Negotiations International Division Department of Climate Change
Ms. Jane Wilkinson Assistant Director Department of Climate Change
Ms. Tracey Mackay Assistant Director International Division Department of Climate Change
Ms. Laura Brown Assistant Director, Multilateral Negotiations International Division Department of Climate Change
Ms. Tracey-Anne Leahey Delegation Manager Department of Climate Change
Ms. Nicola Loffler Senior Legal Adviser, International Climate Law Department of Climate Change
Ms. Tamara Curll Legal Adviser, International Climate Law Department of Climate Change
Ms. Jessica Allen Legal Support Officer Department of Climate Change
Mr. Sanjiva de Silva Legal Adviser, International Climate Law Department of Climate Change
Ms. Gaia Puleston Political Adviser Department of Climate Change
Ms. Penelope Jane Morton Policy Adviser, Multilateral Negotiations (UNFCCC) International Division Department of Climate Change
Ms. Claire Elizabeth Watt Policy Advisor Department of Climate Change
Ms. Amanda Walker Policy Officer, Multilateral Negotiations Department of Climate Change
Mr. Alan David Lee Policy Adviser, Land Sector Negotiations Department of Climate Change
Ms. Erika Kate Oord Australian Stakeholder Manager Department of Climate Change
Mr. Jahda Kirian Swanborough Communications Manager