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Resisting Climate Hysteria

Probably more representative of the canard,

" If you are not a socialist when you are young, you have no heart, and if you are a socialist when you are old, you have no brains."

When I was a young boomer I was out there getting whacked by coppers, now I am in agreement with the anti Carbon Tax mob.

Its is interesting watching the disconnect in generations as the selfish baby boomers fight to defend their wealth at the expense of the younger generations.
Ah, jolly good: here we go again with the stupid mass generalisations about any age cohort. Can't you just perhaps think for yourself instead of incessantly subscribing to such a cliche?

The rally's against climate change filled with gray hairs and the rally's for filled with future generations.
I can't help myself here, although I usually refrain from correcting spelling, there is no such word as 'rally's', unless perhaps someone called 'rally' were to be indicating something belonging to him/her.
Try "rallies", a simple plural of "rally".

What utter piffle! I'm a baby boomer and fairly typical amongst my friends and acquaintances of this generation. If there are additional costs as a result of a carbon tax, it isn't going to materially affect our standard of living in the slightest.

I'm way more concerned about the impact on those individuals and families who are not well off, and who are already very stressed about the rising cost of living.

But most of all, I'm simply outraged about a government, in its state of being held hostage to the nutty Greens, which is about to impose on the whole population a tax which even they or their 'advisers' have openly admitted will make no difference to the climate, especially in the light of any such similar action being taken by major emitters of the dreaded carbon dioxide.

So, IF, kindly save your irrational generalisations and misconceived conclusions for someone more vulnerable to stupidity than most of the members of this forum.

I am so down with this it is not funny.


In addition to what Julia and GG wrote:

Ifocus, when you learn about the real world, you will then realise that the government wants to take you for a ride.

Do some research into CO2 and then, when you have made up your own mind, then come back and post in 10 years time.

Something that generally comes with life experience is looking at something for yourself, as opposed to just taking what other people say (whatever their own focus is influences what they say).

The worst thing anyone can ever do is trust what people say, without thinking for themselves.
Not at the current rate, ever.

This has been the coldest winter in Qld for a while, so I don't know what you are on about, explod. Skies are still wonderfully blue and clear on fine days. Weather cycles seems just as normal as 50+ years ago.

Its is interesting watching the disconnect in generations as the selfish baby boomers fight to defend their wealth at the expense of the younger generations.

But what will carbon tax actually achieve? I posted an email the other day from Mark Dreyfus who stated that temperatures will not fall with carbon tax even up to the next 50 years. It seems very unlikely that carbon tax will do a thing for the environment - so how does that make anyone (let alone baby boomers) selfish for resisting this unnecessary tax imposition?

And before you go on about baby boomers being selfish, there are more baby boomer grandparents helping to look after grandchildren than I think in any other time in history. And that's often an expensive process. Most raised their own families and then have had to almost do it all over again so both parents can work and some times because the kid's parent/s can't cope.

Some baby boomers have helped their kids get into the housing market, paid for education, etc. Calling them selfish is rude and unnecessary, imo.

There are selfish and unselfish people in every generation, so please go somewhere else with your generalisations.

The carbon tax is about attitude. Many believe we have to start somewhere and this tax will impact on the biggest polluters who will have to clean up their act and approach.

I do not know if the carbon tax is the correct way to start but any move to try and change the general mindset towards having greater regard for our fragile planet is good in my view.

And yes Australia is less than a mere grain in the sand compared to the rest of the world but we are an educated developed country and it is at this level world wide that needs to lead the less developed worlds. If is was not for us from our Motherland England/Spain the third world would still be in their jungles healthy and happy.

So we have to take some reponsibility.

Dreadful droughts across China and Texas at the moment and apprently a lot of the Antartic ice shelf is about to slide into the ocean. Happened before, sure but not at this speed. Check out the book "The Sixth Extinction", what was before is all there.

And of course its colder than before at times in some places, I was told by my Children doing science 20 years ago at school that global warming would bring about grteater extremes. Warmer areas bring more cloud at times which creates colder spots at times. And apart from being an armchair expert just looking out the window is not going to tell us very much at all.

Explod, how do you separate carbon from carbon dioxide? Do you have to put it through a strainer?

I think you have summed it up very well.
But I think the timing is the problem. With our economy in a spiral down, add Gillards interference and Swan saying we are in great shape, well something has to come to a head.
I believe there has to be a change, but I read that (some) but probably not enough, company's are reducing energy etc, but Gillard will not admitt it.
I haven't noticed any erosion or abnormal high tides at the Strand in Townsville or at Cungulla where I sometimes go fishing with some mates.

Lots of crocs, no erosion.

When does the sea start to rise according to the theory of Al Gore and the other alarmists.?

I was told by my Children doing science 20 years ago at school that global warming would bring about grteater extremes.

So your children were indoctrinated at school? Indoctrination is not science. Whoever told them this, were themselves indoctrinated.

And by the way, does your policy of one child per family apply only to the third world, and not to the Green Plods?:shake:
In last weeks Australian, there is a article by Tim Flannery on Carbon Dating.
He refers to Stager who states "55 million years ago when a vast pulse of greenhouse gas entered the atmosphere, caused a reddish colour in the sea and caused the extintion of some marine life."

Well I was involvedin setting up a prawn farm with MCM.

We refer to this reddish colour as "toxic algae". It comes about by excess phosphorus in the water.
In prawn farming you create a green bloom to prevent the sunlight causing growth on the bottom of the pond. "algal bloom"
This bloom also is a source of food for small prawns etc.

So if Tim Flannery can use such a event to scare people about " toxic algae", and then link it to climate change, people are going to be reading a lot of rubbish.

But then most of you know that. Just thought I would mention it.
Dreadful droughts across China and Texas at the moment and apprently a lot of the Antartic ice shelf is about to slide into the ocean. Happened before, sure but not at this speed.

WTF?? China is flooded !!!!!! June 17th 2011 this happened.

China has mobilized troops to help with flood relief and raised its disaster alert to the highest level after days of downpours forced the evacuation of more than half a million people in central and southern provinces.

Texas is in a drought BUT GUESS WHAT ??? It has happened before and the trend is WETTER!

So the ice shelf is falling into the sea at an unprecedented rate eh? NASA and USCS do not support this theory.

The situation is perplexing
My youngest son spent 6 months in Antarctica a couple of years ago and he told me ice falls into sea every summer. When he first arrived at Davis base, the Aurora Australis (ship) stopped 4km from the base and they had to walk over the ice to get to the camp. That was in mid October.

Whitin 2-3 weeks of his arrival the 1.5m of ice had melted and the next supply ship was able to dock at Davis.

Yes, the ice falls into the sea every summer; big deal according to the Climate Change Alarmists.

At that time Smurf you were likely to be concerned about the future of the environment rightly so. Australia continues to lead the world in extinction of threaten and endangered wild life with absolutely no change in pace of that trend.

As for the Greens they seem more worried about gay rights that the environment these days.

Back to the future

The future for the generations to follow the selfish baby boomers isn't all that rosy as the ratio of workers supporting retirees changes quite dramatically. Nothing new here including lack of sufficient action by the BB's other than excuses.

I say selfish because BB's are, they failed to provide enough savings to provide for their retirement even though they have more than enough information as to what was going to happen.

They are selfish as they blow their money on rampant consumerism bigger cars, bigger houses, etc regardless of the fact that they have more than enough resources available to provide for their future, longer life spans, health care and retirement costs. But nope they expect some one else to pay...........

Similar to all the rally's now taking place of selfish gray hairs who polling has shown are not willing to pay one cent regardless of whether they believe in CG or not towards negating CG.

Nothing, zilch, Nada regardless of the method. The BB's will always be first in line with their hands out winging about the lack of government support.

Any change that could in any way effect the BB's wealth is meet with hysteria. Hysteria driven by the "Bugger everyone else its me that matters"

Abbott understands this selfish side of the BB's and feeds the manure accordingly which is lapped up by the faithful.

There is always a divide between the generations, the old claim wisdom as they send the young off to fight their wars. Sound familiar?

Vietnam, the young demonstrated about the wasted lives and cause and the old sent in the truncheons and tear gas. Who got that one right?
People who got sent off at the age of 19 like my Brother-in-law have payed for that one everyday since.

Make love not war that wasn't some old farts idea.

Oh and on the self righteous and indignant replies from forum BB's, they duly noted with a ironic smile lol
*GOSH* IFocus you are on a tangent today.


So quite the opposite in reality there IFocus. The BB's have actually prepared for their retirement and will be self funded. Less than a quarter will accept the Guvmint handouts.

The BB's are still working? Making uo 40% of the entire workforce??? NAhhhhhh that can't be right? They are all sucking on the Guvmint teat and welfare handouts !!! Selfish buggers, fancy having superannuation
IFocus: Let's see you put up reliable links to the hysterical accusations you are making about baby boomers, huh?

Trainspotter has quickly made your ranting look pretty silly.
We'll give you a chance to redeem yourself with some facts before either laughing hard or feeling sorry for you.

Reality: every generation will always have members who are selfish, wasteful, and thoughtless. It's the wild generalisations about whole cohorts that betray the ignorance of the accuser.
P.S. What has the BB's got to do with Climate Hysteria? Other than the IFocus hysterical posts whereby he is using electricty (generated by a coal gobbling electicity station) to fire up his computer with ranting vitriol?
IFocus: Let's see you put up reliable links to the hysterical accusations you are making about baby boomers, huh?...

IFocus is clearly becomming more desperate by the day. Now it's the baby boomers fault....

I think it is labor policies on the run are causing most of our problems. Very likely a selfish PM who is greedy about power, selfish independents who thumbed their noses at their constituents are the thin threads holding this minority government together. It's not a good recipe for the best interests of the country.

I previously posted a few paragraphs pointing out the stupidity of blaming all baby boomers as some are very unselfish people. I pointed out how many, not only raised their own families, but then settled down to help their kids raise theirs either for economic or sickness reasons (as in my case).

But what's the point. IFocus just keeps squawking out the same repetitive stuff, it seems in an effort to blame anything else but labor's failed policies...
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