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Religion, Science, Scepticism, Philosophy and things metaphysical

I'm not an Atheist, but I don't believe the Bible is the word of God (hence I don't do church), yet I have my reasons for believing in the existence of.... well, some form of... other realm? Or something? Not quite sure what.

But I wear a cross I made myself from horseshoe nails (it's kinda bold and rustic. People may think it's shyte, but it's mine, it has my vibe).

Why? Because I believe in cultural Christianity, that we can pick the good bits and toss what we don't like. I believe that western culture such as it is(despite it's drawbacks and capacity for improvement ), is a doggone miracle. And I believe that our collective Christian, New Testement basis is largely responsible for that.

So it's my way of claiming, owning and defending that, because it's damn well worth defending... from without AND within.

I support your feelings here, Bruce. Believe what you want to believe, eschew overt proselytizing BS and religious legalism , but recognise and promote the good.

Interesting to point out that in the current paradigm it is completely cool to bag out Christianity.... as it should be in a free society with free speech.

...but it is hate speech to bag out Islam.

Let that sink in... again.

It's a sad reflection on our Society when Christians and their Churches need Security because of all the misdirected abuse. I've been there when Idiots kick the front door and start yelling abuse at the Christians. Next thing me and a Moari Mate come out and they take off. Even when they don't and they just stand there yelling abuse these Christians stand there so peaceful and loving and forgiving. Then I've almost had to drag my Moari security mate inside The Lord forgives, he doesn't.
One night two skinny buggers were trying to rip a fence down. One under each Armpit as I forcibly pulled them off the fence and removed them from the property. Little mouthy tykes, musta been Vegans
Someone made threats they were coming with a Gun or Guns. I rock up Friday or Saturday night to chat to Security. I come in and the two old retired volunteers hav raided the Church sporting cupboard. All the tennis racquets, cricket bats, stumps etc are lined against this table. I couldn't stop laughing. I doubt the old Christians knew how to use them, but against bullets???

Some metal ping pong bats might come in handy too.

Ever watched Dad's Army ?

Did you know that the Australian army Chaplin Corps motto is “in this sign conquer” and their logo is the cross.

As I said different people have different interpretations, I am not the person saying all true Christians believe the same thing, that’s DK.

My uncle is a pacifist Christian (Jehovah witness) that is against the army and says he would rather be killed than defend himself, however there are also, Christians in the Army, the army actually has a Corp of preists and pastors called the Chaplin Corp, and they preach that their is good Christian reasons to fight wars.
Plod, everytime VC gets proven to be lying through his teeth you jump in to deflect attention off his blatant lies.
Don't give me any of your pre-election BS "can we be friends and sort this out". Too many strikes.

He's a disgrace.

Where did I lie?

Are you still talking about the Bible verse I quoted, Because I provided a link for you to show the Bible verse is there.
There are hard and fast rules to Christianity though.

Not really, as I have said different Christian groups interpret things different.

For example, some Christians interpret the 10 commandments as saying you should never kill ever, while others interpret it as you shouldn’t murder, and they don’t consider the death penalty, war or self defense as murder.

Some Christian groups think being gay is a sin, others are now fine with it, the list goes on, they read the same book, but interpret things differently, I bit like lawyers.

If there was only one interpretation there wouldn’t be 10,000+ brands.
Interesting to point out that in the current paradigm it is completely cool to bag out Christianity.... as it should be in a free society with free speech.

...but it is hate speech to bag out Islam.

Let that sink in... again.

I am fine with bagging out Islam, just as I bag out Christianity, it is only when it crosses the line and becomes more about attacking the people rather than the ideas, that I have an issue.

Despite what DK says, I am not attacking “Christians” in general, I am not saying all Christians are bad, or trying to take any of their rights away.

DK has just flipped his lid a bit, it’s clear to see he isn’t capable of having a rational conversation on this topic, without resorting to throwing insults.

All the above applies to Muslims too, agreed ?
VC, I don't respect you as a human being or as a knowledgeable contributor on this topic.
Firstly, you're a spoilt brat whose Mummy n Daddy loaned you the money to invest. Mummy n Daddy then took care of your investment Property whilst you were off pursuing your sexual fetishes on the Taxpayer'' coin.
Secondly, your continued lies and propoganda aren't just based on naivety, the are a vendetta.

Yep, not nice but the truth and more charitable than VC's trype. Cue the complaints and whatever else. I can't stand being on the same page or website as this "person".

You seem to have a lot of pent up hatred for me, that’s fine, but where is it coming from, surely it can’t be just our discussion in this thread, I am confused because I thought we had had a lot of positive interactions in other threads.

Do you know me in real life? Have I done something to you I am unaware of?

The reason I ask is because of what you said, although you got the details wrong, it’s close enough to make me think you might know someone in my family.

For example you said My mum and dad loaned me money, that’s not actually true, they only signed up as guarantor for a $40,000 component of a bank loan used as deposit for my first homeloan, they never loaned me money it was loaned from the bank.

And they only felt comfortable doing that because of my long track record of saving and investing from 12years old to 19years old.

You also mentioned they “looked after” my property, but you failed to mention that I paid them a management fee for doing so, and still to this day pay my Dad at an above market rate to do the lawns at another property.

By off pursuing sexual fetishes on tax payer coin you are obviously talking about the wage I earned working interstate and overseas serving in the Army, obviously I wasn’t always available to fix a leaking tap at a property, and paying my father who is a handyman to do it seemed like a win win.

As for sexual fetishes, I can assure you I have had less sexual partners than most and have been with the same girl since I was 21.
Yep, exactly the same.

Hence why we should tar all Muslims with the same brush, simply being Muslim (or Christian) doesn’t automatically make you good or bad.

You can cherry pick good and bad from both religions.

I meant to say “shouldn’t” tar all Muslims with the same brush
So, just heard on the radio that the 'Manifesto' has been declared an illegal document. It [apparently] crosses the line of being considered pursuant to 'free speech'.

jog on
At the risk of being flippant and/or pedantic, I point out that a Chaplin Corp would be full of people like this:

The Army mob are actually Chaplains. I don't whether Chaplin or Chaplain is the funnier.
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