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Religion, Science, Scepticism, Philosophy and things metaphysical

Again with the insults.

What have I said that leads you to think I don’t have empathy?

I am an ethical Vegan, because I have empathy not just for humans but for animals also, that alone proves I have more empathy than most.

You just have your nose out of joint because I have pointed out that simply being Christian doesn’t automatically make you a good person.

I challenge you to link a comment I have made that shows in any way that I am a sociopath lacking empathy.
They usually always know if they are intelligent, if not they end up in jail, but psychopath and high iq is a scary mix.
There is plenty of nasty things we could do with hardly any chance of getting caught but do not.
Be it crime fraud tax evasion but both empathy and a system of values are the brakes
And in certain situations they know how to thrive.
No, I think you agreed on his point, just not the way he went about it.
You would have to agree that there are those who practice and a large group that just preach.
No, I think you agreed on his point, just not the way he went about it.
You would have to agree that there are those who practice and a large group that just preach.

Not sure about your first sentence, but on your second one Yes. But those who preach without practicing can hardly be called true Christians - they are frauds, or failing to live as the New Testament teaches.

And those who live loving self sacrificing lives should not be attacked.
but both empathy and a system of values are the brakes

Agreed, but religion doesn’t automatically create empathy in fact it can hinder it, because it creates “in groups” and “out groups”.

Religion can also reinforce “values” that are not good, and in some cases totally immoral or at a minimum prevent progress onto better values.
And those who live loving self sacrificing lives should not be attacked.

And I have never attacked them.

As you continually fail to see, I am simply pointing out that most Christians don’t meet your strict definition of what a Christian is.

Take a moment to actually look up what the “no true Scotsman fallacy” is, it’s a real common logical fallacy that applies to lots of areas, and you are commiting it here.


It is also rather telling that you have gotten so emotional about it that you have attacked my character rather than my points.

You have called me a liar, a sociopath and have said I am attacking innocent good people none of which is true.

All I have done is point out a logical fallacy you were making, and give a few examples and you have flew of the handle and started throwing insults.
Please watch this short video that describes the fallacy.

You will see Dark Knight wanting to rule out all the examples of Christians that do things he don’t agree with is a perfect example of he no true Scotsman fallacy.

Please watch this short video that describes the fallacy.

You will see Dark Knight wanting to rule out all the examples of Christians that do things he don’t agree with is a perfect example of he no true Scotsman fallacy.

Is it still valid if it plainly goes against the teachings or rules of the religion or topic at hand?
If a Christian went against teachings and killed people in the name of Christianity.
He isn't really a Christian?

Just so I understand it better.

There are many interpretations of the Bible, and alot of Christians don’t believe all killing is wrong.

They will agree murder is wrong, but they may agree with there death penalty and killing during war etc as being totally acceptable under Christianity.
We just need to clearly stamp the word "Fiction" across the covers of bibles and leave it at that.

Was at a bookstore yesterday trying to find a title and was told. "no we don't have any of that sort of thing anymore, it's all just fiction"

So it should still sell well.
There are hard and fast rules to Christianity though.
Lets say I started playing soccer. And proceeded to box and knockout the ref and every player on the field. Then freely kick goals.
I'm playing soccer so I'd be classed as a soccer player. I could identify as a soccer player. But you wouldn't be accepted under the rules or other players.

On the flip side what if greater numbers accepted my method, does it then become accepted as legitimate soccer.

If there are rules, does it just become about choosing who you identify with and using the label?

I understand what you are saying in regards to interpretations though.
Plod, everytime VC gets proven to be lying through his teeth you jump in to deflect attention off his blatant lies.
Don't give me any of your pre-election BS "can we be friends and sort this out". Too many strikes.

He's a disgrace.
Interesting to point out that in the current paradigm it is completely cool to bag out Christianity.... as it should be in a free society with free speech.

...but it is hate speech to bag out Islam.

Let that sink in... again.
Interesting to point out that in the current paradigm it is completely cool to bag out Christianity.... as it should be in a free society with free speech.

...but it is hate speech to bag out Islam.

Let that sink in... again.

Imagine how much the BS will amplify if the Greens get more power.
Darc Knight, I am intrigued to know why you chose not to be a Christian?
Darc Knight, I am intrigued to know why you chose not to be a Christian?

Can't live the Creed Mate. I love a drink and a good time and I don't believe in God. But I have done a lot of volunteer work in the past. A security Mate used to "work the door" of a major inner city Church Didn't he cop some stick.

They are the most beautiful caring people though.
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