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Religion, Science, Scepticism, Philosophy and things metaphysical

Reading your posts @kahuna1 I feel your pain and anger, having fought similar feelings myself lately.
Speaking of true Christians who live in accordance with the New Testament I can only describe their behaviour as unconditional love. They love you and me and everyone else almost as much as a Mother loves her Child. I can only relate your "hello brother" story to that. Take care good Man.
I will be honest,

Its not anger, nor hate. Its not some christian belief, or other religion. It is how we define ourselves as humans.

I have to be honest, and blunt, and it disgusted me. Simple as that. In 25 years of sharing ideas, some macro economic, some demographic some climate ... on a lot of mainly scientific type sites and oh, yep helping others at times on a Mental health site helping people dealing with it .. in 25 years, even at times dealing with very ill people, I have never seen such a display as occurred on three threads here, the Christchurch one, the Jordan Peterson one and this one.

I have no anger, nor hate, nor pity as I know they will not and cannot change. My life has been one of beauty and privileged even at lows, people could not imagine. One takes either learning, or compassion or something out of it, or they take anger, hate and blame is often the case.

Despite being trolled by one person 30 times if not more, labelled a Nazi, and a few other goodies. I have no anger or hate, just, a differing view and acceptance of the world. I do not like bullies, I do not accept hate and violence I learnt many years ago, is where good men are sometimes sent to protect us. A coward, is always a coward, afraid of the dark and asking others to join in their torment or intolerance of others.

I will admit, I found it disturbing, for people to be so openly hateful of places they have never been. Cultures they do not know, and choose to live in fear of the unknown. Death, is death and a place not to be feared. Different is different and also not to be feared and often embraced and enjoyed.

As I learnt a lot, not about cowards, trolls or whatever, but a better understanding of issues driving peoples fears, hate and intolerance, I walk away with a bag full of goodies !! A man to admire. I do wish, I was there, Christchurch, in my youth with some of my friends, a wild bunch, sadly most died in one event now over 35 years ago protecting what we now enjoy. The demented gunman would be still wetting himself in fear and we likely would have barely touched him. Cowards are cowards.

Hello Brother, ... I would use that, but unbelievably even one person stooped so low ... what did they say? He said that because he mistook a white boy carrying guns who already had executed several as a member of ISIS. Such hatred and lack of even respect, well, anger is not something I feel, just disgust.

To be exact a person called Value Collector ... on the previous thread ...
Imagine if the reason he said “Hello brother” was because he mistook the gunman for a member of isis or other Islamic group which he sympathized with.

I would expect this not, from a country I love, nor my fellow Australians and in this I include NZ ... it is not and should not be tolerated, but, it is what it is.

Anger, revenge, hate will get you no where. Compassion, love and tolerance of some people being ill, lets me accept it without anger. Sadly they miss parts that make us human. Having faced violence, hate and people at their worst, Value collector and his fellows are the first to run, cry, beg, or urinate ... I say this with a capacity and background in dealing with violence that, is not based in anger.

Strange to deal with someone just saying NO, without threats, anger and so on. Confusing for those who only fear the unknown and with 1.8 billion Muslims, as the pretty young Canadian girl said, if they were all somehow as described, or even 10% of them, the world would be a different place.
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Hello Brother”. A man, in Christchurch, a man, faced by a rage filled, hate filled maniac, greets a person whom he knows will and is going to kill him with two words. “Hello Brother”.

Very similar happened when the radicals shot up Charlie Hebdo in 2015 and killed police officer Ahmed Merabet.

Any traumatic experiences in the past?
No mental health issues?
Any traumatic experiences in the past?
No mental health issues?

from MO XJO

Trying to provoke me whilst showing your true self ?
Again. a person, who is missing parts. I have no issues, just a different background than most. MO XJO I note from your posts, your lack of compassion, empathy and even decency. Even the cruelest person would be proud of some of your recent uttering s. Bravo .... I hope your not married or have children ?

As to traumatic issues in my past, even the gentlest soul will have some story to tell, it is what makes us unique.

Mental health issues ? Nope, and as you seem devoid of compassion, unable to express remorse and seem to take glee, in this case in others death, I might ask the same question back.

That of course would be rude, to point out that, even though 50 people were killed, murdered, you Mo Xjo like some others seem unable to even acknowledge they were killed. Quite a statement about a human being that they seem to take pleasure in others grief, death and pain.

Congratulations and will pray for your souls, and try and contain my disgust for your type of species. One of your comments about Islam, actually nearly made me sick given the thread was about a massacre and your hate of ISLAM could not be contained. Are you human ? No offense meant but this is the correct thread to ask that ?

Hello Brother as the man said !!
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Islam is a religion of war and conquest, from its very beginning, it is no surprise it is a good fit to a prison population,most of them not meek lambs
It also target a mob who often feel lost, know very well that addictions and idle life is not right, have a hate of society.
Islam is the answer: rules, no place for own questioning, hate against the system, can blame own problem on corrupt society
and by getting out of drugs, the guy can watch himself in the mirror again and join a new tribe
I suspect there is a real danger the lost souls of our aboriginal communities could be the next to join
I have no issues, just a different background than most.

As to traumatic issues in my past, even the gentlest soul will have some story to tell, it is what makes us unique.
Could you expand on these two parts.
It's not to mock. Simply an interest in the background story that is obviously here.
How many of you people have actually read the Quran?
As VC proved in the other thread by his "Christian beating a child to death" vid, the only way is to read it (the Quran or the New Testament) for yourself. Look at ISIS's and Alan Jones interpretations.
You can't use others interpretations.

Et al

I shall pray to for you. Your display of anti Islamic tropes, even asking me if I had mental health issues on THIS thread, because I expressed my disgust for you, and a few others, not anger, merely stating your lack of humanity made me sick ....

What a fantastic joke, a person devoid of even decency given events, thinks someone has mental health issues because they even express a disgust for their ANTI Islam rants ... PRIOR to 50 being killed, as I did with you, and feel even more disgust as well as shame when in the wake of a massacre, you do so AGAIN .... more openly and make normal peoples skin crawl.

I have no mental health issues, nor one about values or boundaries or respect for others. More so in their time of need and grief.

I doubt you could do the same, say your not dealing with issues and this is not an insult, or said with anger or hate as your diatribe clearly is. You disgust me, and make my skin crawl.

Peace Brother !!

PS ditto to others, with 1.8 billion mainly peaceful followers, ISLAM and MUSLIM faith clearly have more faith decency value than your racist rants.
As much as I'd love to engage, I feel like you are in the "too fragile" pile.
I found the bible easier to read. Without the tafsir some of the stories don't make sense. Its a very hard book to read through.
I didn't read it cover to cover.
I found Buddhist teachings more interesting. Buddha does lay down some great quotes.

Have you ?

I have read passages of it but I'm certainly not going to waste my time reading all of it, Like I wouldn't waste my time reading the Bible.

Why do you ask ?
I found the bible easier to read. Without the tafsir some of the stories don't make sense. Its a very hard book to read through.
I didn't read it cover to cover.
I found Buddhist teachings more interesting. Buddha does lay down some great quotes.

OK, good start

Everyone has an interpretation of The Bible .The Quran and Harry Potter. It's ludicrous.
You can't rely on YouTube, TV, Radio, or anyone else really, particularly in this era. Everyone spins it. Look at ISIS, look at nutters doing atrocities in the name of Christianity.
I'll post how you interpret legal statutes when I have time, it's a good guide to interpretation of these things.
Have you ?

I have read passages of it but I'm certainly not going to waste my time reading all of it, Like I wouldn't waste my time reading the Bible.

Why do you ask ?

Because everyone has a personal agenda, you can't trust alot of it.
I am not trying to vilify religion and say it has no value by the way.
But there are those in it who use it for personal gain. The past has already shown that when it is abused by those in power, innocent people suffer.

Again this is not an attack on religion but those who use it in a negative way.

We saw the priests in positions of power abuse their authority. No one said anything out of fear.
There are numerous other examples.

So no. I don't believe religion should get a free pass. However those practicing should not be tarred with the same brush.
Because everyone has a personal agenda, you can't trust alot of it.

Sure. Any criticism I have of Islam is based not on ordinary Muslims who just live normal lives but on the actions of the hierarchy in countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen etc who sometimes violently enforce their primitive beliefs on the population who are really no more than slaves to the "church".

It's the same criticism I have for the Catholic church, but at least Catholics have to live within the laws of the land, whereas the Islamic church makes their own laws.
OK, it 9AM and I've yet to have one coffee you heathens

The Bible and The Quran are basically codes of conduct. Skeptics say forms of social control like Statutes (Laws).
Interpretation of Statutes is done thus:

"The principal rules of statutory interpretation are as follows1) An Act must be construed as a whole, so that internal inconsistencies are avoided.(2) Words that are reasonably capable of only one meaning must be given that meaning whatever the result. This is called the literal rule.(3) Ordinary words must be given their ordinary meanings and technical words their technical meanings, unless absurdity would result. This is the golden rule.(4) When an Act aims at curing a defect in the law any ambiguity is to be resolved in such a way as to favour that aim (the mischief rule).(5) The rule ejusdem generis (of the same kind): when a list of specific items belonging to the same class is followed by general words (as in “cats, dogs, and other animals”), the general words are to be treated as confined to other items of the same class (in this example, to other domestic animals).(6) ...…..

Try it yourself. Be careful though with definitions in The Bible, The Quran, they can have their own, much like Statutes. Be careful whose interpretation of the Bible, Quran, Harry Potter you take. (Yes I see the irony of including Harry Potter).
Dk, after living among mostly muslim migrants in housing estates in french suburbs as a pennyless student, i faced a world far different from my y12 leftist teachers description .i participated at the time to the "touche pas a mon pote"( so called anti racist ) movement, had grand ideas about mankind one world etc
The hatred,violence,disrespect of women and non muslim shocked me
So guess what DK i read the koran.not easy or funny or something i will do again , but i did
Very instructive
And another shock, at how mindless believer must be, on how as a non believer i should be killed directly
And my fellow christian are lucky to have a chance to convert..or die
A middle age backward code of life, similar totan army codecof conduct code well suited to the army hords it was written for initially, but now completely out of wack.
that is my conclusion after reading the book, and there is not much place for interpretation, so when did you read the book DK?
This echos my own views ....

My own disgust and as confusing as it is to some my STANCE and sharing my disgust at their exposed views. Not anger, not hate, just pure love and intolerance of outright demonizing of a faith as has been displayed.
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