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Recent Events Beyond Earth


Yeah, yeah, yeah ...

..... in Pythagoras' day astronomy and astrology were synonomous,
as they still should be today ... !~!

If we DISCARD the man-made interpretations of today's astrology,
then only the mathematics and geometry remain and THEY DO NOT
change, ever ... because that's the God-given stuff .....

... as for the decay in planetary orbits ... it takes place over many
thousands and millions of years ... so for the practicalities of trading,
we can say that, in our puny lifetimes of 100 years (being generous),
the orbits remain essentially the same ... yes???

happy days




Yeah, yeah, yeah ...

..... in Pythagoras' day astronomy and astrology were synonomous,
as they still should be today ... !~!

If we DISCARD the man-made interpretations of today's astrology,
then only the mathematics and geometry remain and THEY DO NOT
change, ever ... because that's the God-given stuff .....

Hi yogi,

In Pythagoras' day the Earth was also flat and the Gods of the time can now be found in museums.
His theorem remains intact though....that's why mathematics has been a terrible subject for Chinese whispers ;)

Geometry is mathematics, and it exists without the need for can`t discard it because it was never involved in the first place... :2twocents

Getting back to something a bit easier, that Hubble photo implies..... 123 quintillion stars !!
= 123 billion billion = 123 million million million = 123,000,000,000,000,000,000
There was once a man named Columbus
who was magic with bludy big numbers,
he counted the stars
in a small patch near Mars
(but it took him mmm 6 thousand slumbers)

He said to the Pope “your divinity
I reckon its in the vicinity
of mmm somewhere out there
twixt a googolplex squared
and a handful short of inifinity"

"Lets put it this way mister Pope
if you take the hair strands from a rope
and you place em uncurled
side by side round the world
you’d pass 1 billion Capes of Good Hope.

think Im right there
if 1 hairs breath = 0.1mm
then there are 10,000,000 hairs in a km
diameter of earth = 12,750kM at equator
circumference at equator 40,000 km

say 12,300km around Cape of Good Hope / Cape Horn
= 12,300 x 10,000,000
= 123,000,000,000 hairs breadths
= 123 billion hairs breadths
which is one billionth of
123 billion billion, the number of stars in the observable universe :)

Trouble is by the time you count em, ther'll be that many again :2twocents :eek:

PS When I told my wife it's a googolplex squared , she said "I've told you a billion times not to exaggerate!! " ;)
Googolplex is the number 1010100.
It can also be written as 10googol,
or as a one followed by a googol (10100) zeroes.

Etymology of the Word
In about 1920, Edward Kasner's nine-year-old nephew Milton Sirotta coined the term "googol"; Milton then proposed the further term "googolplex" to be "one, followed by writing zeroes until you got tired." Kasner decided to adopt a more formal definition "because different people get tired at different times and it would never do to have Carnera [a champion boxer] a better mathematician than Dr. Einstein, simply because he had more endurance."[1]

[edit] How big is a googolplex?
One googol is greater than the number of elementary particles in the known universe, which has been variously estimated from 1079 up to 1081. Since a googolplex is one followed by a googol zeroes, it would not be possible to write down or store a googolplex in decimal notation, even if all the matter in the known universe were converted into paper and ink or disk drives.

Thinking of this another way, consider printing the digits of a googolplex in unreadable, 1-point font. TeX 1pt font is .3514598mm per digit, which means it would take about meters to write in one point font. The known universe is estimated at meters in diameter, which means the distance to write the digits would be about times the diameter of the known universe. The time it would take to write such a number also renders the task implausible: if a person can write two digits per second, it would take around times the age of the universe to write down a googolplex.

Thus in the physical world it is difficult to give examples of numbers that compare closely to a googolplex. In analyzing quantum states and black holes, physicist Don Page writes that "determining experimentally whether or not information is lost down black holes of solar mass ... would require more than measurements to give a rough determination of the final density matrix after a black hole evaporates."[1] In a separate article, Page shows that the number of states in a black hole with a mass roughly equivalent to the Andromeda Galaxy is in the range of a googolplex.[2]

In pure mathematics, the magnitude of a googolplex is not as large as some of the specially defined extraordinarily large numbers, such as those written with tetration, Knuth's up-arrow notation, Steinhaus-Moser notation, or Conway chained arrow notation. Even more simply, one can name numbers larger than a googolplex with fewer symbols, for example,

(maths symbols)
is much larger. This last number can be expressed more concisely as using tetration, or using Knuth's up-arrow notation.

Some sequences grow very quickly; for instance, the first two Ackermann numbers are 1+1=2 and 22=4, but then the third is =7,625,597,484,987, a power tower of threes more than seven trillion high. Yet, much larger still is Graham's number, perhaps the largest natural number mathematicians actually have a use for.

A googolplex is a huge number that can be expressed compactly because of nested exponentiation. Other procedures (like tetration) can express large numbers even more compactly. The natural question is: what procedure uses the smallest number of symbols to express the biggest number? A Turing machine formalizes the notion of a procedure, and a busy beaver is the Turing machine of size n that can write down the biggest possible number [3]. The bigger n is, the more complex the busy beaver, hence the bigger the number it can write down. For n=1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 the numbers expressible are not huge, but research as of 2006 shows that for n=6 the busy beaver can write down a number at least as big as .[4] It is an open question whether the seventh busy beaver can express a googolplex.

In popular culture
Googolplex is the name of the multiplex cinema in the fictional town of Springfield in the television series The Simpsons.

Google refers to its headquarters as the Googleplex.

In episode IX of Carl Sagan's Cosmos: A Personal Voyage television series, Sagan, illustrating the advantages of scientific notation over decimal notation, starts writing a googolplex on a roll of paper. He unwinds the roll of paper throughout Cambridge University's campus, before finally giving up.


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The Equation of Time :confused:

columbus had many dilemnas
the new world was riddled with tremors
he watched sun going past -
and he lined up the mast -
and invented the word "a-nalemma's"

PS Spellcheck cant decide between "anal emma" or "ana lemma" ;)
Have you ever seen this figure-8 on a globe and wondered what it is? It is simply this: if you could record the position of the sun in the sky at the same time every day, let’s say sometime around noon and subtracting one hour if you are observing daylight saving time, you would notice that the sun takes a rather strange path. You might notice that at certain times throughout the year the sun's position not only varies higher and lower (North and South) as you would expect with the change of the seasons, but also slightly east and west. This figure-8 path that the sun makes in the sky is called the analemma. On some days you might notice that the sun is not in the sky where, according to the time on your watch, you would expect it to be.

The difference in time between what your watch reads and the position of the sun (clock time vs. sun time) is called the Equation-of-Time. If you are in the northern hemisphere and the sun’s position is to the east of where your watch indicates it would be, the Equation-of-Time is negative. If the sun is to the west, the Equation-of-Time is positive.


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The disappointing thing about these wonderous sights out there is the distance to get to them.Even FTL would take more than a lifetime and we would probably turn to jelly with no gravity and on a diet of sui min.

The distances between stars are huge. The distance from the Sun to Proxima Centauri is 4.22 light years which is equal to forty trillion kilometres. To walk this distance would take you about one billion years. Even our fastest space probes would take sixty thousand years to travel this distance. There are currently four space probes leaving the solar system - Pioneer 10 and 11, and Voyager 1 and 2 but we will probably lose contact with all of them within twenty years.

With such large numbers of galaxies beyond the Milky Way galaxy I can`t believe that at least one planet is not life supportive.It is just too freaky for one planet to hold life.I also think that if life has evolved on other planet (s) the evolution would be completely different , unless you believe in the hundredth monkey effect.

I look forward to the Jame Webb telescope in 6 or 7 years time to reveal even more startliing observations in our lifetime.:)

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is a large, infrared-optimized space telescope, scheduled for launch in 2013. JWST will find the first galaxies that formed in the early Universe, connecting the Big Bang to our own Milky Way Galaxy. JWST will peer through dusty clouds to see stars forming planetary systems, connecting the Milky Way to our own Solar System. JWST's instruments will be designed to work primarily in the infrared range of the electromagnetic spectrum, with some capability in the visible range.

JWST will have a large mirror, 6.5 meters (21.3 feet) in diameter and a sunshield the size of a tennis court. Both the mirror and sunshade won't fit onto the rocket fully open, so both will fold up and open only once JWST is in outer space. JWST will reside in an orbit about 1.5 million km (1 million miles) from the Earth.

The Nearest Groups of Galaxies


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just going back to that number 123 million million million, being the number of stars in the observable universe.... and how big is that number??..

Firstly the concept of a hairs breadth being a tenth of a millimetre....

if we laid down hairs side by side ( 10 to the millimetre, 100 to the centrimetre) you have enough to sail round the world, - via Cape of Good Hope, and the Horn, and NZ - one billion times.

the concept of a "square hair's breadth", 10x10 to the square millimetre.

Suppose you spilled some hair restorer, and it somehow covered the entire surface of Earth, including the oceans, and hair grew just everywhere, 100 to the square millimetre
i.e. about 100 to the HEAD OF A PIN!! (seriously tighly packed dreadlocks here folks)

or 100x1000x1000 = 100 million to the m^2

and this density covered the entire earth !!!
as well as ALL the other planets !!!

and the area of the earth is (pi. D^2 = 3.142 x 12735^2 = ) 510 million m^2

then there are 51,000 million million hairs on the entire surface of the earth,

and adding in all the other planets there is 250 times this area (see table)
12.3 million million million hairs on ALL the planets totalled.

NOW the number of STARS is 123 million million million

i.e. the number of stars is about TEN times more than the number of hairs that would cover the entire Earth, and all the other planets put together !!!

(That is one hairy concept :2twocents)
PS (E & OE) ;)


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The positioning of the Earth is too perfect!A freak of nature or a well executed plan from you know who?;)

1 Chronicles 16:30: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable.”

Psalm 93:1: “Thou hast fixed the earth immovable and firm ...”

Psalm 96:10: “He has fixed the earth firm, immovable ...”

Psalm 104:5: “Thou didst fix the earth on its foundation so that it never can be shaken.”

Isaiah 45:18: “...who made the earth and fashioned it, and himself fixed it fast...”
O.K. now we know it was all fixed.
Exodus 26:16...Each frame is to be ten cubits long and a cubit and a half wide,

Exodus 26:17.. with two projections set parallel to each other. Make all the frames of the tabernacle in this way.

Exodus 26:19..and make forty silver bases to go under them—two bases for each frame, one under each projection.
Ok so now we know JC was framed ;)

Exodus 26:36 .... "For the entrance to the tent make a curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn and finely twisted linen—the work of an embroiderer.

Exodus 28:15 "Fashion a breastpiece for making decisions—the work of a skilled craftsman. Make it like the ephod: of gold, and of blue, purple and scarlet yarn, and of finely twisted linen.

Psalm 29:9... The voice of the LORD twists the oaks and strips the forests bare. And in his temple all cry, "Glory!"

Psalm 56:5... All day long they twist my words; they are always plotting to harm me.
And everything has been twisted by man ever since.
Earth coming up to middle age ( by my reckoning )
i.e. the earth and moon system is 4.5 billion years old
and the sun will apparently start to become "difficult" in about 5 billion more years - so we are coming up to middle age here.

this bloke seems to think he knows what will happen - be interesting to see how right he was :confused:
As I wrote above ( ), the Sun will not explode. It will throw off a significant portion of its mass to form a planetary nebula, but this is not an explosion. The material thus thrown out will probably eventually cool and mix with other interstellar gasses and dust and even be incoporated into a new bunch of star systems.

No, the Sun will not explode. To explode indicates that the internal forces will eventually overcome gravity and violently tear the Sun apart. This is not the fate in store for the Sun. As Clark described, the Sun will eventually start to burn helium to produce Carbon. However, that is as far as it will go. The Sun does not have enough mass to generate the heat required to burn carbon to produce heavier elements. As helium builds up in the Sun?s core, the hydrogen fusion will move to higher levels in the Sun. This will more strongly heat the outer layers of the Sun causing them to expand. (This is not an explosion.) The Sun will eventually expand to swallow Earth and possibly even Mars. At the same time the core will contract raising the temperature until helium fuses to produce Carbon. The Helium will be burned up fairly quickly. Once it is gone, the core will begin to collapse down to a white dwarf and the outer layers will relatively quietly separate from the core and move outward to form a planetary nebula ( . This is the fate that awaits the sun.

FYI, when astronomers talk about a star exploding, they are usually talking about some sort of nova or supernova. The Sun has nowhere near enough mass to do that.

And now for the weather forecast ...

Monday, ...the Sun will expand to swallow Earth and possibly even Mars. At the same time the core will contract raising the temperature until helium fuses to produce Carbon. The Helium will be burned up fairly quickly.

Once it is gone, possibly late Tuesday, the core will begin to collapse down to a white dwarf and the outer layers will relatively quietly separate from the core and move outward to form a planetary nebula.

Then by Thursday we can expect a change, with light to moderate winds from the south east, and 15% chance of scattered showers....
2020....I just had a realization....A human life is so short in time because if we lived longer then one would have to keep moving house so as not to get flooded out.:)Everything in constant motion.

Late Proterozoic 650 Ma...This map illustrates the break-up of the supercontinent, Rodinia, which formed 1100 million years ago. The Late Precambrian was an "Ice House" World, much like the present-day......Where is Australia?

Late Cambrian 514 Ma...Animals with hard-shells appeared in great numbers for the first time during the Cambrian. The continents were flooded by shallow seas. The supercontinent of Gondwana had just formed and was located near the South Pole.

Modern World...We are entering a new phase of continental collision that will ultimately result in the formation of a new Pangea supercontinent in the future. Global climate is warming because we are leaving an Ice Age and because we are adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere...........Earth is slowly defrosting.

Future World 50 Ma...If we continue present-day plate motions the Atlantic will widen, Africa will collide with Europe closingthe Mediterranean, Australia will collide with S.E. Asia, and California will slide northward up the coast to Alaska..........I won`t have to fly after all.:rolleyes:


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2020....I just had a realization....A human life is so short in time because if we lived longer then one would have to keep moving house so as not to get flooded out.:)Everything in constant motion.
...Future World 50 Ma...If we continue present-day plate motions the Atlantic will widen, Africa will collide with Europe closingthe Mediterranean, Australia will collide with S.E. Asia, and California will slide northward up the coast to Alaska..........I won`t have to fly after all.:rolleyes:
Lol - good one WysiWyg , and just in time if we can walk to Europe, because there won't be any aviation fuel left by then :eek:

But if you think about evolution - if 4.5 million years we have gone from mudpies to man....
imagine what we can achieve in the next 4.5 billion ;)
probably spend so much time in front of computers, we'll have sockets in out temples for the power chord, and no need for a monitor lol.
and Columbus sailed south till he saw a new star (never seen in UK for example)
and asked his mate what he should call it ... and the reply came back "Far Can Opus" (in honour of his opinion of the senior management of the ship)-
but somehow it's been abbreviated with time to Canopus ;)

Call it the poor man's (northern hemispere) southern cross/ southern star, - before they saw the REAL southern cross ;)
To anyone living in the northern hemisphere, but far enough south to see the star, it served as a southern pole star. (Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning). This lasted only until magnetic compasses became common, of course.

In modern times, another navigational use has been found. Due to its brightness and position away from the orbital plane of our solar system (the latter being in contrast to Sirius' position), Canopus is often used by American space probes for navigational purposes, using a special camera known as a "Canopus Star Tracker" in combination with a "Sun Tracker
The other etymology of the name is that it comes from the Egyptian Coptic Kahi Nub ("Golden Earth"), which refers to the way it would appear near the horizon in Egypt and be correspondingly reddened by atmospheric extinction from that position.[citation needed] There is also a ruined ancient Egyptian port, Canopus, apparently specifically named for the star, near the mouth of the Nile; its site was the location of the Battle of the Nile.

Or it could be that Menelaus's legendary pilot was named after the port, and the port was named "Golden Floor" because of the many valuable cargoes that passed across its quays and the profits made by merchants there.

It is known as 老人星(Lǎorénxīng, the Star of the Old) in Chinese.

[edit] Astronomical details
Canopus is a yellowish-white supergiant star. It is located well into the southern hemisphere, at a declination of −52° 42' (2000) and a right ascension of 06h24.0m, and is visible on the southern horizon of even the southern US States as far north as Virginia or Kentucky or the African coast of the Mediterranean Sea. From the southern hemisphere below the tropics such as in Australia, South America and South Africa, Canopus and Sirius are both visible high in the sky at once when they reach their highest points in the sky 21 minutes apart.
By the way it's second brightest after Sirius.

correction apologies ,as if anyone cares lol -
Previous post should have read :-
But if you think about evolution - if 4.5 BILLION years we have gone from mudpies to man....
imagine what we can achieve in the next (also) 4.5 billion
Capella (star)
Declination +45° 59' 53" Capella (α Aur / α Aurigae / Alpha Aurigae) is the brightest star in the constellation Auriga and eleventh brightest star in the sky. ..

[edit] Physical characteristics
A yellow star, ... It is closer to the north celestial pole than any other first magnitude star (Polaris is only second magnitude) and as a result has played a significant role in many mythological writings. A tablet dating back to 2000 BC refers to Capella.

[edit] Cultural references
The name Capella means 'little she goat' in Latin, as in Roman mythology the star represented the goat Amalthea that suckled Jupiter. It was this goat whose horn, after accidentally being broken off by Jupiter, was transformed into the Cornucopia, or "horn of plenty", which would be filled with whatever its owner desired.

In Hindu mythology, Capella was seen as the heart of Brahma. The star is also often labelled "the shepherd's star" in English literature.

In Persian literature, Capella (Bozbān, Ayyuq) is a metaphor for a huge distance and also the light red colour.

In Australian Aboriginal mythology, Capella was Purra, the kangaroo, pursued and killed by the nearby Gemini twins or by the Orion hunter ([1],[2],[3]), or near the Orion belt twins canoe ([4]).
Was Capella even seen in (most of) Australia?
Declination 46 deg N means that it is seen at 44deg S at the equinox
and (+/- 23.5 degrees either side of that at the solstices) it would be seen at 67.5 deg S which includes all of Aust. answer yes.

"Capella was Purra , killed by the Gemini twins??? or by the Orion Hunter?? etc"

must be a pisstake - lol - Wikipedia is making it up surely. Since when would Ab mythology include references to Gemini, Orion etc ;)
A mate went to the north coast of NSW recently - found this photo on his camera. He reckons it's Battle Star Gallactica passing over at noon, bristling with turrets. ;)

Anyway, an interesting photo with various colours (similar to clouds), shapes and "vagueness", etc . I'll add another photo under separate post .


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LOL but I`m pretty sure it`s Faster than light!

Here is something else you might enjoy 2020 et all.

A little look into the strange world of Quantum Physics ...but don`t let it know you are watching ;)

Thanks all to those who contribute to this thread. It's the most interesting buy far.
Spooly do you remember what was the name of this clip?
Also, does anyone know where I saw the link to the tenth dimension clip? Can't find it, has it dissapeared or my eyes need checking?
Spooly do you remember what was the name of this clip?
Also, does anyone know where I saw the link to the tenth dimension clip? Can't find it, has it dissapeared or my eyes need checking? Dr Quantum - Double Slit Experiment

pat - if you click on the youtube insert anywhere else but on the central triangle , then you're taken to the website. :2twocents
Well this event may not be recent but it will happen soon.

The Total Lunar Eclipse on August 28th 2007 will be visible in its entirety for all of Eastern Australia and New Zealand, and will be in progress at Moonrise for the remainder of Australia and most of Asia.

Link to Ice in Space

The lunatic is on the grass
The lunatic is on the grass
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path

The lunatic is in the hall
The lunatics are in my hall
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day the paper boy brings more

And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon

The lunatic is in my head
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade, you make the change
You re-arrange me 'til I'm sane
You lock the door
And throw away the key
There's someone in my head but it's not me.

And if the clouds bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon .

Lyrics Copyright: Roger Waters - World Copyrights Ltd. 1973


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