Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Quick question about Computershare letter

4 October 2007
Hi, I'm fairly new towards trading just a quick question about this letter computershare send out.
There is like TFN fill in space for each share i purchase, just wondering to I "have to" fill them in and send it back?:confused:
If you don't give them your TFN you will be taxed at the highest rate.
Hi, I'm fairly new towards trading just a quick question about this letter computershare send out.
There is like TFN fill in space for each share i purchase, just wondering to I "have to" fill them in and send it back?:confused:

You can do it online, go to

and click on TFN/ABN update.

PS. if you throw away the form you mention above after you have amended your details online, make sure you obliterate your HIN/SRN number, its the stockmarket equivalent of your credit card number.
I've threw some away already, didn't think was that important...
so what happen if for those shares I already sold?
should i go back and enter all those detail again online?
thx for the replies

I think the TFN only relates to the payment of Dividends.

If TFN is supplied then no tax is deducted, however, if TFN is not supplied tax is withheld from the dividend and can be claimed as a credit against Income Tax payable.
If you're going to be doing much trading, set up an account with Computershare online so that you can do all the details online. That involves a bit of back and forth with paperwork, but means after that that you never need to fill those forms in again (unfortunately the same can't be said for Link Market Services, or the other various registries that some companies use).

If you're fully registered with Computershare, you can do the TFN, direct credit authorisation for dividends, email address, and selection of annual reports, etc. all online. Beats getting dividend cheques in the mail, and in fact some companies won't send cheques any more.

The main negative is that the Computershare site is often slooooowwww, and I often can't log in at all in the evenings and weekends. And when it comes to updating email address and report selection, you don't get a summary of just the ones you haven't done already, like you do with TFN and direct credit selection, so have to manually go through each share you've ever bought to find the ones you haven't done.

And the other problem is that even if you intend to do everything that way, you can't stop Computershare sending you the forms. Apparently they're legally required to, so you just have to do the short letterbox to bin transition every time.
