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Queensland election Jan 31 2015

QLD will have a new Premier next week and it won't be Palaszczuk.

Newman is goooone.

Certainly quiet in here isn't it ?

No one but a few ghosts it seems.

My apologies to Palaszczuk. I did not think she had any chance. Shows how much I know about QLD.

I feel sorry for QLD (and I don't even live there). In fact I feel sorry for Australia (and I do live there).
What a bunch of no hopers we have in federal and state politics. No wonder the electorate jumps from one party to the other.

I am not going to follow any party ( I don't believe in any political party - is there word for that?) , I am just going to sit back and criticise them! ( I might praise them occasionally).
I am not going to follow any party ( I don't believe in any political party - is there word for that?) , I am just going to sit back and criticise them! ( I might praise them occasionally).

and be amused when people give you a hard time for being rusted on to a party of their choice.

In all honesty no Queensland will be particularly shocked. In my own conversations with Liberal Party oriented friends leading up to this election, it was rather apparent there was a disconnect between the true believers and the people representing them.

The Courier Mail delivered defeat to the LNP, because it as refused to deliver news that was in tune with the facts and also in conflict with social media articles, including the "horse's mouth". It has been patently complicit in editorial cronyism and even the dumbest voter in this state can see it. The paper has gone from broadsheet to Picture Post pulp status.
It's past Noco's bedtime and the Doc has yet to receive his lines from party HQ.
As much as I enjoy posting on this forum, it's not something I can do 24/7. There are other obligations in life.

As for last night's Queensland result, who expected the outcome that occurred ?

The betting markets certainly didn't although their was a whiff of panic in some aspects of Campbell Newman's campaign but it was difficult to judge whether that related to Ashgrove or the broader vote. I did see some of his concession speech and thought what I saw was a better effort than Kevin Rudd's after losing last year's federal election.

Did Labor expect a result where they could claim office ?

The electorate didn't. Queenslanders clearly like to party but now we wait to see the extent of the hangover.

Shorter term though there's the federal implications. TA's press club speech tomorrow will no doubt be keenly watched.
Head lines say stunning win....was sort of but again really a stunning loss.

Australians are just not going to wear arrogance on the scale of Newman and Abbott

A review of the LNP in Queensland would be interesting.

I never would have though the LNP would blown it so much in Queensland, Abbott I understand blowing it he is a tosser and a cabinet of very ordinary second string Howard ministers while real talent sits on the back bench.

Abbott didn't help throughout the campaign.
Bringing out his various gaffes and then his knighthood blunder was just to out of touch and in the last week of the election.
From memory he stunk up the Vic election as well. No matter what he does from here on in he will simply be seen for the negatives.

Fed libs will be gone next election if they stay with Abbott, and labor the one after that if Shorten survives that long. As little as I thought of him the last time Turnbull is the most likely circuit breaker at this time.
Bishop, Morrison or others will only be viewed as more of the same.
Australians are just not going to wear arrogance on the scale of Newman and Abbott


No matter what policies they have, no matter what ideas they come up with, the sheer "born to rule" arrogance of what seems to be the entire party is simply unacceptable. Same in Canberra. Same in Qld. Same in Tas. So it's not just one person, it seems to have affected the party at least federally and in two states. Not sure about the other states.

I know very few people here in Tas who haven't taken some interest in this election in Qld. At any other time, they wouldn't have had a clue which party was in government in Qld and certainly wouldn't have cared about the outcome of an election there. But like many, they've had enough of the arrogance and are delighted to see the Liberal Party given the boot even if it is in another state.

Reading comments elsewhere, it seems that there is still massive denial amongst LNP supporters. It's all about the budget they seem to think, and that excuses anything and everything else. In reality no, it doesn't excuse arrogance. Running a sensible budget is just one of the many things Australians expect a government, be it local, state or federal, to do. It most certainly isn't the only task, indeed it's not even something that should really be an issue. People expect a government to be able to manage finances just as they expect that if they rent a house then it will have floors and running water, or if they start a new job in an office then there will be some sort of desk and chair from which to work.

Those things are, or ought to be, givens. Nice carpet doesn't excuse a crap landlord. A fancy chair doesn't excuse workplace bullying. Balancing a budget doesn't excuse sheer arrogance.
Those things are, or ought to be, givens. Nice carpet doesn't excuse a crap landlord. A fancy chair doesn't excuse workplace bullying. Balancing a budget doesn't excuse sheer arrogance.
A budget is about more than nice carpet and a fancy chair. It's ultimately about the roof over one's head.

A big problem for this government is that it's not in control of the economic narrative on the budget and for the electorate, that should be the Coalition's bread and butter.

Same in WA.
Just look at "Elizabeth Quay", Premier's new office, Council amalgamation, Browse Basin, and on and on.
'"King Col'n" knows best, and bugger the people.

A budget is about more than nice carpet and a fancy chair. It's ultimately about the roof over one's head.

True. But it still doesn't excuse poor behaviour and sheer arrogance.

We've had governments in the past, in all states and federally and both Labor and Liberal, who have been able to manage budgets in a sensible manner without the "born to rule" mentality coming into play.

Looking specifically at things in Qld, the downsizing of the public service. It may well have been necessary, but it was done in an unnecessarily wasteful (financially) and cruel manner which seemed more about pursuing ideology than actually saving Qld money. The same basic approach is being taken federally with budget matters and also in Tas with much the same issues as in Qld. There's plenty of money for pet projects and ideological beliefs, but apparently we're flat broke if someone wants so much as 5 cents for anything else.

We desperately need some actual leadership in this country.
I bet you interstaters didn't know Campbell was parliamentary head of the LNP before he got elected last time around and ....... if the LNP does win the majority of seats Campbell can continue being Premier even though he fluffed his own election. True.
My apologies to Palaszczuk.
There's no need for you to apologise to her.
On another forum a discussion about her is titled "An Accidental Leader".

She presented nothing more than objections to the LNP government rather than making clear exactly what Labor were offering as an alternative. The document purporting to be "Costings" was similarly vague.

The result of the Qld election just underlines once again the extreme volatility of the electorate, probably born out of general overwhelming disappointment in and frustration about politicians, both State and Federal, and the reality that governments lose elections rather than oppositions win them.

Mr Newman's abrasive, pugnacious style and its results should be an impetus to Mr Abbott to review his own similar characteristics.
I doubt that will happen, however, and it's probably too late for Mr Abbott anyway.

I cannot think of a single politician, with the possible exception of Nick Xenophon, in whom I'd be up for placing even a small amount of trust.
I don't think Palaszczuk has much of a plan but given what the LNP was doing with developers and the CMC etc. the LNP had to be booted out lest Queensland once again become the Moonlight state.
I cannot think of a single politician, with the possible exception of Nick Xenophon, in whom I'd be up for placing even a small amount of trust.

That's being a bit unkind. There's errr and umm and what's her name and that bloke from ...

Come to think of it, you're right.


I did say she would not be Premier but I do agree with your post generally and that she will be an "An Accidental Leader".

You have to chuckle that a state votes in a party whos' leader does not even know what the GST rate is (primary students would know this).

She obviously has no idea about business (atypical of a Labor Party politician)

Poor old QLD.
Well she did thank the unions, and we know all about that, here in Victoria.

As far as this here "interstater" is concerned, you've lost your bet.
He is still Premier, albeit in a caretaker role, until a new Cabinet has been sworn in.

Didn't a particular Liberal party acolyte have problems with an monetary rate a few years back? I'm guessing he came in for some stick from some of you too?

Everyone knows the GST is 10%, it would be silly to suggest otherwise. She has political pedigree and is no fool, but I still don't particularly warm to her or the prospect of her colleagues reintroducing spend on public services that don't benefit the community, only the departments they serve.

I didn't vote for the majors, but I'll take the umpire's decision and work around it as usual. The LNP govt increased my business oncosts and overheads with their legal compliance bull$4it, so hopefully that will be devolved more to free market.

I just want to see that juvenile, supercilious Jarrod Bleijie get his comeuppance for being the fascist style prat that he personified.
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