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Queensland election Jan 31 2015

What corruption are you claiming.....Is it more than the previous Labor government...Gordon Nuttal is still in jail just to name one.

Did any of the Newman government MP's go to jail?

I'd highlight three things: the attempt to neuter the CMC, stopping the prosecution of an LNP donor and the shenanigans that went on with mining licenses.
I'd highlight three things: the attempt to neuter the CMC, stopping the prosecution of an LNP donor and the shenanigans that went on with mining licenses.

Did any of the Newman MP's go to jail?

Identity, ethnicity, race, culture and not the least, heritage all play out for this guy. There a few taboos in those that restrict open journalism and mean the media trial is based on sensationalism, bias, mischief, gossip and politics.

He is showing his true believer credentials by not ratting on Labor because they showed him the door.... very old skool.
And that's how the fight began ..........

Qld MPs reject voting change

But Mr Gordon and the two Katter's Australian Party MPs voted against the motion to side with Labor, meaning it was defeated 46 votes to 42.

So all is well in QLD politics again ... Pffffffffffttttttttttttttttttt
Apparently Campbell was busy giving the go ahead on questionable projects while in caretaker election mode.

I wonder if the govt will pursue shonky deals through the police or if they will do the same as all Labor ghosts of the past and do nothing
Good money for a Labor hack who got the job by proxy ...
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