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Queensland election Jan 31 2015

It looks like Labor will form government.
You seem to know more about Qld politics than we do ourselves, drsmith.:)

The two from KAP, afaik, haven't announced which way they will side. Yesterday Peter Wellington said he hoped the three of them would be able to make a combined announcement which presumably would only happen if the KAP members also went with Labor. That hasn't happened, and I'd have thought KAP was more ideologically aligned with the Right than the Left.

Then there's the likelihood of the by election in Ferny Grove due to the PUP candidate turning out to be an undischarged bankrupt. That person received 800 votes. The ALP is ahead of the LNP in Ferny Grove by 400 votes, so a revote could see some of those 800 changing the situation.
One rotten apple found in the new Labor Government in Queensland......Palaszczuk may be short lived if there is a bi-election.

Bill Gordon, member for Cook, abused his partner and reneged on paying child support and has not filed a tax return for some years.

No doubt if he owes money, the Labor Party will pay his bills to keep him in Parliament just like Gillard did with Craig Thomson.

The abuse allegations are contained in a 10-page statement by Mr Gordon’s former partner and a letter purportedly written by the MP to the woman in 2006 after their relationship ended.

A police investigation is a nightmare scenario for the minority Palaszczuk Government, which is clinging to power by a single seat.

In a letter to Police Commissioner Ian Stewart, Ms Palaszczuk said she had immediately forwarded the woman’s allegations to Labor state secretary Evan Moorhead on March 18 and he had encouraged her to make a complaint to police.

Mr Moorhead said Mr Gordon, not the Labor Party, had paid the arrears and the MP would continue making proper payments.
Mr.Gordon may have received a brown paper bag.
There is no doubt whatsoever who controls the Queensland Labor left wing socialist government....Palaszczuk is the CMFEU puppet and she must dance to their tune.

The Royal commission into union corruption has revealed the corruption and stand over tactics by these criminal thugs and Palaszczuk is proud to stand along side these same thugs in Labor rallies.

“The evidence indicates that a number of Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union officials seek to conduct their affairs with a deliberate disregard for the rule of law,’’ Heydon said.

“That evidence is suggestive of the existence of a pervasive and unhealthy culture within the CFMEU, under which the law is to be deliberately evaded, or crashed through as an irrelevance.’’

He said union officials “prefer to lie rather than reveal the truth and betray the union”.

“The reputations of those who speak out about union wrongdoing become the subject of baseless slurs and vilification,’’ Heydon said.

He recommended criminal charges against key CFMEU officials including Queensland secretary Michael Ravbar, a personal friend of several unionists who are now members of Parliament.
One rotten apple found in the new Labor Government in Queensland......Palaszczuk may be short lived if there is a bi-election.

Bill Gordon, member for Cook, abused his partner and reneged on paying child support and has not filed a tax return for some years.

No doubt if he owes money, the Labor Party will pay his bills to keep him in Parliament just like Gillard did with Craig Thomson.
Not an option as that was just the tip of the iceberg,

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has expelled MP Billy Gordon from Labor over a string of undeclared criminal offences.

Speaking to the media in Townsville, the Premier said Mr Gordon's position was untenable.

The Cook MP posted a statement on social media last night outlining a criminal history dating back to the 1980s and also revealed his mother took out an apprehended violence order against him in 2008.

Doc, I believe it will be a blessing in disguise for Palazczuk if she were to lose a bi-election.....It will be an excuse for her to avoid the problems of having to clean up the Beattie/Bligh mess Labor left behind. ...I really don't think she was relishing the job some how and furthermore she has no idea what to do even before and after the election she gave no policy on how to pay back the debt except to break her election promise of not selling the assets.

One of the things that does puzzle me is who is responsible for back ground checks those nominated for election.

If she does lose and Springboard becomes premier, it will be interesting to see how the two Katter Party fellows play their part....No doubt they will wield the big stick.
Anna Palaszczuk’s new government is taking a belting ..... ( direct all complaints to this guy :shoot: )

A woman who read about the Billy Gordon case has since contacted the premier, to say her own abuser is now a member of Ms Palaszczuk’s government, Fairfax media reports.

The woman does not name the MP, giving only a description of a former job.

“My abuser is now a member of your government and he is not Billy Gordon,” the woman wrote to the premier, according to Fairfax.

“My former partner habitually assaulted me with his fists, leather straps and any other implement that was handy,” she wrote. “ ... in light of your attitude to the Gordon matter I believe my experience should be made public.”
It would appear that the LNP are behind the grubby tactics of smearing the second Indigenous person sworn in to Queensland parliament.

Separately, Liberal National Party MP Warren Entsch, whose federal seat overlaps the Cook electorate, has confirmed the LNP was linked to the initial domestic violence complaint against Mr Gordon.

Mr Entsch told The Australian newspaper he had helped Mr Gordon's ex-partner with the child support issue after being approached by the LNP's ousted member for Cook, David Kempton.

He reportedly said he released details about Mr Gordon's past to the media because of Ms Palaszczuk's inaction.

The media is starting to open up their eyes on this one :eek: BUT the headline 'They're hunting Billy Gordon down' is going a little bit too far don't you think? Whatever sells newspapers I spose.
It would appear that the LNP are behind the grubby tactics of smearing the second Indigenous person sworn in to Queensland parliament.

The media is starting to open up their eyes on this one :eek: BUT the headline 'They're hunting Billy Gordon down' is going a little bit too far don't you think? Whatever sells newspapers I spose.

If the boot was on the other foot, Labor would not hesitate to dig up as much dirt as they could.

They all have to suck it up.
There is no doubt Palaszczuk covered up the Billy Gordon scandal until after the confidence vote in parliament.

She received the information on the 13th March and did nothing until it became public and then she hit the panic button......She said after the election she would be open and accountable....Not a very good start.

Billy Gordon is going no where in the immediate future so it will be interesting to see how he votes after being expelled from the Labor Party......Will he support Labor of will he become vindictive?

Looking forward to the next Parliamentary sitting.
Here is some more proof.....the communist dominated unions are well and truly in control of the Palszczuk Queensland state government will be YES comrade...No comrade...What ever you say comrade.

Risking sounding like a broken record; where is the communist linker, how does one lobby group expecting favours differ from the others on the other side of the fence and finally the Courier Mail is a pulp fiction that self evidently is the propaganda arm of the LNP in QLD.
...and yet she got in despite not even knowing the GST rate.
What does that say about the alternative government?
...and yet she got in despite not even knowing the GST rate.
What does that say about the alternative government?

She got in on the rhetoric of no asset sales with no alternative and the naive fell for her....I am still waiting for Palszczuk to tell us how she is going to pay back the Beattie/Bligh debt.

There will be increased debt....more unemployment.....more Labor public servants.....fall in business confidence.

The naive now have what they deserve....They might think twice next time.
The people get the government they deserve - Joseph de Maistre

To be fair she also did not know that Artie Beetson and Darren Lockyer played their junior football in Roma. She replied "Ipswich". As a TRUE Queenslander she should have known this common fact. Annastacia Palaszczuk hang your head in shame.

She also replied to the GST question ... "I want to change it" :banghead:
"A monster" story is about to bring down a government. Not for political gain ... Pfffttttttttttttttttttt !

BESIEGED Queensland MP Billy Gordon has fired back at the media after his former partner described him as a "monster" in a television interview to be aired on Thursday night.
KRISTY Peckham, who has broken her silence on domestic violence allegations levelled against Mr Gordon on the Nine Network's A Current Affair, denies airing the claims for political gain.
I think the level of corruption in the former government were too much even for queenslanders.

What corruption are you claiming.....Is it more than the previous Labor government...Gordon Nuttal is still in jail just to name one.

Did any of the Newman government MP's go to jail?