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qldfrog weekly Skate inspired system

I never thought it was going to be as easy as selling metro housing for a minute , i would have bought brother inlaws property at Bollier for the price they sold it knowing the work and capital he put into it , they didnt really care as they were going from acreage to acreage albeit smaller .
a week the ASX200 would prefer to forget..Super fared quite well but slightly down:
-> overall down just 0.2% thanks to PM exposure and down 0.5% for the AUsSuper ( my asx200 selection):
Total super still up 4.36% since 20/12/2023..but I noticed the ASX 200 is not far from flat since that time.

overall a very good week as the minimal loss of Super paper value was widely compensated by out of Super PM exposure, some of the gains actually realised.
Not yet keen to get back in and add yet as I find this market still overly optimistic
another fall for my super last week :
-> overall down just 0.3% : losses on PM but slight gain on the AusSuper ( my asx200 selection):
Total super still up 3.64% since 20/12/2023 but overall failed vs the asx 200 which got some slight gain

Nothing to worry about so far, and I hope PM will hold.
I noted a lot of my asx entries are now negative for the first time in the last few weeks..
17 negatives out of 30
The significantly positives ones are mainly:
Silver ETF, IAA (asia etf) and IEM (emerging markets ETF) as well as VTS,MQG and the uranium plays
Compared to many other portfolio, not too bad.
for the sake of accuracy:
I noticed today a changed balance for my super, nearly $2k less!!
yet yesterday i checked that the last pricing for my shares were in..
but I believe taxes, various fees and brokerage fees as well as the updated value for the $20k or so of money still with AusSuper funds might actually be updated later on Saturday,
so updated slightly lower figures are:
Total super up 3.38% since 20/12/2023

From now on, I will wait for Saturday evening before updating status..which often coincides with their system down notices LOL
For comparison purposes the XJO is a flawed metric , you really need to use something like XJO accumulation index for a fairer comparison .
For comparison purposes the XJO is a flawed metric , you really need to use something like XJO accumulation index for a fairer comparison .
True, I could do that ..will do
My figures also includes taxes(super rate) and management/broker fees
So not an exact reflection of pure share performances.
But point taken, for my systems, from memory, I was baselining on xnt
Here, I am restricted to top shares so an accumulation asx200 should do.
And this will be the xjoa,I will update the spreadsheet and graph accordingly..
this week so so
-> overall down 0.1% : losses on PM but slight gain on the AusSuper ( my asx200 selection):
Total super still up 3.28% since 20/12/2023 but overall failed vs theXJOA which went up.7% on the week
a very good week for the super with asx doing well and oil/PM going up, reaching an ATH
-> overall up 1.4% : even my AusSuper ( asx200 selection) beats the XJOA:
Total super up 4.6% since 20/12/2023 beating nicely the XJOA (up3.3% on that period)

More please...
and I got more:
a good week for the super with asx doing very well and PM going up, reaching an ATH again
-> overall up 1% : but my AusSuper ( asx200 selection) lost to the XJOA:
Total super up 5.6% since 20/12/2023 hardly beating the XJOA (up5.53% on that period)
loosing competitiveness

next week result might be delayed or absent as I travel north in the coming fortnight.
back from FNQ:
loss a bit since leaving for the trip, in line with the market:
this is yesterday results: I also have trouble finding the XJOA values reliably so will use XJT which is essentially the same

roughly 25 to 30% in cash overall (cash & TD)
A good week it seems but I am beaten by the XJT now:
Total super up 5.6% since 20/12/2023 eaten by the XJT (up 6.18% on that period)

Not too bad as I have still a fair % in cash..returning 4.5% a year..loosing against inflation but "safe"..relatively
@qldfrog, a glance at the recent posts by @peter2, @ducati916, and myself, alongside the insights from the “AI vs Expert” post, reveals we’ve all navigated through a turbulent week. The recent period has posed challenges across the board. While the results encountered may not mirror our efforts, they are often shaped by external elements beyond our control.

When the market's dynamics become apparent, it's usually the case that multiple traders are experiencing a similar level of challenge. During such episodes, there is merit in steadying the course amidst the market's ebb and flow, trusting in the robustness of our respective trading systems or philosophies.

Although the outcomes may fall short of expectations, sometimes accepting that "good enough" can be "good enough" when trading.

tentatively as one of our super fund decided all access is gone for 2.5d as they do their EOFY tricks..
lost .5% over the week and end up the half year (as I started roughly end of december) beaten by XJT...arrrg
Agregated super up 4.6% in the last 6 months vs XJT up 5.1% on that same period, last week and weaker PM making the difference I think,
If I can get another 5% in the next 6 months, I might...beat inflation but then the tax man will come..
Unsure yet as to when my taxes are taken on these Super funds..I might have a bad surprise in the coming weeks...
Have all a great week end, enjoy the snow down south, in NZ, the cooler weather here in qld
end of week update, made some profit but less than XJT;
I also corrected the graph to take into account a $2k contribution end of last FY and ensure it was not misplaced as profit
I lose against the XJT

Total super up 5 % since 20/12/2023, below XJT 5.8%
Total super up 5 % since 20/12/2023, below XJT 5.8%

@qldfrog, rather than comment on the progress shown in your screen capture, I'd like to focus on the patterns being displayed by the lines that represent your progress. The line chart is a direct representation of the emotional tussle among market participants. Even the most skilled traders have to contend with these patterns, just as we do. Trying to make sense of these patterns is an ongoing struggle, and capitalising on them is even more difficult.

Good day all,
a great week on the market and my own super went well but XJT still beats me since dec 2023
Considering the amount I have kept in cash and paper PM in the supers as well as taxes and fees included, not unhappy

Total super up 6.2 % since 20/12/2023, below XJT 7.7%
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