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CNN projects U.S. Senator John McCain will win the New Hampshire primary in the race to become the Republican party's presidential candidate. In the Democratic race, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are neck and neck.
Explanation for the surprising results on both the Democratic side and Republican. Everyone has one vote only and many have appeared to vote for McCain, increasing his projected vote and subsequently reducing the vote for Obama.

After 40% of the vote counted: Clinton 40%, Obama 36%, Edwards 18%, Richardson 4%, Kucinich 1%.

No projection yet for Democratic vote.

After 35% of the vote counted: McCain 38%, Romney 29%, Huckabee 12%, Guiliani 9%, Paul 8%.

McCain has made his victory speech and Romney has conceded.
41% of the Republican votes counted: McCain 38%, Romney 29%, Huckabee 12%, Guiliani 9%, Paul 8%.

McCain declared winner. War in Iraq and Immigration most important factors.

45% of Democratic vote in: Clinton 39%, Obama 37%, Edwards 17%, Richardson 5%, Kucinich 1%.

Declaration not made.
Democrats - 62% votes counted: Clinton 39%, Obama 36%, Edwards 17%, Richardson 5%, Kucinich 2%.

Republicans - 60% votes counted: McCain 37%, Romney 31%, Huckabee 11%, Guiliani 9%, Paul 8%.
I don't know what chances Gulliani has , probably very little at this stage , but I must say this .

I thoroughly admire the man , in my books he is a top shelf leader , 9/11 will forever be etched into my life , I lost a friend that day , so much so it's hard to hold back the tears , when I think of it , I'm not ashamed to admit that ' another associate of one of my best mates survived , they were on the same floor too . After that day I went against a major principle of mine and wanted him turned into Chateau Bid Laden , liquified with extreme prejudice , may the Lord forgive me for it .

But , that day I saw Gulliani urging a team towards the falling towers , many top shelf had started to flee at a greater scale than Katrina saw . Gulliani took the lead and marched into the ash dust and debris zone at great risk to his own person ....... That's a leader in my book and a hero too , they're the ones that stay that extra five minutes or more in defiance of danger to themselves , in the name of duty and compassion .

Rudi Gulliani for all the bad thrown at him , he's just human , but he's one human who was there for his constituents in the city taking control in chaos .

It would be a disgrace for America to discount his actions on that terrible day.

I don't know that much about Obama , apart that he was a loner , which I can relate to , but your never lonely if you have a book to read , he read a few and has some good views , except the no child in poverty , which he will be forced to back down on manages to if he gets in . I knew he had Indonesian blood in him , I would presume he has the same general warmness the majority of Indonesian do , beautiful people always smiles and friendly .

He would be one of the idealogy changes that are to occur , a lot already are including our patch of sunshine , India Nationalist ( Hindu ) was another . France another again , there's a few more already too and quite a few on the cusp .

Hillary should haved dumped Bill after Monica , but in doing so she would cut her own throat , harder for a single gal to get the post , yet alone a married one , both the candidates have a uniqueness with the relation to being President , either would be a first . If it was Obama , he'd need a mentor to help him through , one not afraid to tell him the truth , that will put the pitch fair square in his hands after that . The US no matter withdrawals , some troops will have to stay in Iraq for years , the first sign of a total pullout is fiscally irresponsible , not to mention the order follower head count reduction cost .
American families have already given up there greatest assets , there sons and daughters doing there duty , sub-prime is just news talk and background noise at present to most of these families I'm sure . Their all heroes .

But , now due to the damage done to the Iraq way of life any withdrawl will see major conflict/s . Do any of the candidates have a good grip on this compulsory obligation they have now ? I doubt it to be truthful .

Gulliani is a creap and god willing will not be elected to public office ever again. Serial wife cheater, corrupt, opportunist - a man that even his own children hate.

The funny thing is that he was the laughing stock of New York right up to 9/11 - it always shocks me how good press can turn someone like him into something he is not.
All over now......5,000 vote gap between Hillary and Obama. With the trend that has been showing Hillary will take New Hampshire.

Not a massive victory but a victory never the less.

We have a contest!!!!!!!!

Good on ya Hillary.:):)
Hillary Clinton has been declared the winner of the New Hampshire Primary.

72% of votes counted for Democrats: Clinton 39%, Obama 36%, Edwards 17%, Richardson 5%, Kucinich 2%.
I've never before really been interested in the US selection primaries, but this one is quite different - fascinating.

Great result for Hillary today. Hope she can maintain it.

Re the Republicans: what is McCain's policy re Iraq going forward?
Re the Republicans: what is McCain's policy re Iraq going forward?

Iraq not specifically mentioned as far as I could see...

McCain has been a strong opponent of the Bush administration's use of "enhanced interrogation techniques" in the War on Terror, and has specifically referred to waterboarding as torture
That article starts off well (as above), but the more you read about him, the more you become certain that a Democrat will win, if you ask me. :2twocents)

Since two of his sons are in the military, I guess you could assume he's for continued involvement - but that's a guess on my part.

The traditions McCain was brought up under have extended to his own family. His son John Sidney IV ("Jack") is enrolled in the U.S. Naval Academy,[21] and his son James enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in 2006, began recruit training later that year,[200] and by the end of 2007 was stationed in Iraq as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom

btw, Operation Iraqi Freedom is the new name for the Iraq War.

Has some stange habits - reliant upon lucky charms etc :eek:

McCain has a history, beginning with his military career, of lucky charms and superstitions to gain fortune. While serving in Vietnam, he demanded that his parachute rigger clean his visor before each flight. On the 2000 campaign, he carried a lucky compass, feather, shoes, pen, penny and, at times, a rock. An incident when McCain misplaced his feather caused a brief panic in the campaign.[187]

and not above foot-in-mouth disease...

In 1998, McCain was chastised for making an off-color joke at a Republican fundraiser about President Clinton's daughter, Chelsea, saying "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because her father is Janet Reno."[191] McCain later apologized to President Clinton and Clinton accepted his apology

Sheesh - more to the point - did he apologise to Chelsea !!

It seems that ...
His grand father was John Sidney McCain Snr
His father was John Sidney McCain Snr
and he is John Sidney McCain III (the turd as they say in Vienna ;))
- and his son is ditto IV !
Mit Romney - 37%, Republican, wins Michigan. McCain 31%, Huckabee 17%, Paul 7%, Thompson 4%, Giuliani 3%.

Hillary Clinton leading in Michigan 'though not all candidates standing and voting will not count due to a dispute over the vote being brought forward. Mitt Romney
You'd be brave to bet against this bloke surely - for the Republican ticket..

Good news is Giuliani is doing badly. ( even Ron Paul got twice as many votes as G did)

Dont discount Giuliani, he has put no resources into any of the primaries that have been contested yet; he is focusing on the big ticket states only. He and his wife have actually moved to Florida to try and pick up that state.
Dont discount Giuliani, he has put no resources into any of the primaries that have been contested yet; he is focusing on the big ticket states only. He and his wife have actually moved to Florida to try and pick up that state.

doesn't have a brother there by any chance - Governor or some such ? ;)
McCain is good , Gulliani is good , both can read maps , been there done that material , but they've both got heaps of Republican trouble now .

George the saviour , the man that saved us from Saddmatt , has an economic financial plan .

I can wait for this , he can't even read and he's got an economic plan .

And Ben ....... he's got a 50bps cut for the market , but he won't hand it over until George gets back and gives him the okay , now that's independent democratic economics for ya .

He's making it hard for FFT ( Free , Fair & Transparent )

............ and if a vote for Hilary is their vote for change , let's leave the planet , we'll go squat on the I.S.S. , at least we could look down and P on em all .
Hillary Clinton Wins Nevada Dem Caucuses

CBS News Projects That Hillary Clinton And Mitt Romney Will Win The Nevada Jan. 19, 2008

(CBS/AP) CBS News estimates that Sen. Hillary Clinton will win the Nevada Democratic caucuses.

With 88 percent of the state's precincts reporting, Clinton had 51 percent support. Barack Obama had 45 percent and John Edwards had 4 percent.

CBS News also estimates that former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney will win the Nevada Republican caucuses.

With 78 percent of Nevada precincts reporting, Romney had 53 percent support. That put him 40 percentage points ahead of his nearest competitors.
Latest Delegate position (magic number 2025):

Clinton 210
Obama 123
Edwards 52
Kucinich 1

Romney 72
Huckabee 24
McCain 19
Thompson 8
Paul 6
Giuliani 2
Hunter 1 (candidate has now withdrawn)