Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Please feel free to make suggestions!

Simply saying a stock will be $10 by Christmas with nothing else to support your view is a ramp. You might as well say it will be $100, it has just as much validity if you are refusing to provide any details. The hard part is presenting a detailed case for HOW the share price will make its way back to $10... and that is what we insist people do. Any idiot can post a price target, but it takes a little more effort (and thought) to present a detailed case to justify that price target. Providing details gives others something to respond to and debate. Just saying a stock will be $10 by Christmas without providing any details is a waste of a post and adds no value to the thread.

It's true, some people don't like that we are tough on ramping, and some people think the fact that we are is the best thing about ASF. Different forums attract different groups of people. It's always been my policy to encourage people who contibute valuable content and chase away those who ramp, spam or cause trouble.

Besides, if all stock forums were the same, how does that benefit the general public? I think it's good that some forums insist on higher standards of posting and appeal to different types of people. I've never wanted ASF to appeal to the lowest common denominator because that's not the kind of forum I want to run. I want a forum with a constructive atmosphere that focusses on quality. I know there's a market for that. The thousands of people that visit ASF every day is a testament to it.

i sincerely wish you the best of luck with it joe. it is probably in my best interests that you achieve you aims as im always looking for some advice of one sort or another.

i havent really much to add to a stock market forum as i dont know much. im probably one of they newbies you are trying to protect from unscrupulous rampers..! however, i have plenty of life experience to protect me from rip off scum..

good luck joe. its already a great forum. im just presenting ideas for discussion. no offence meant!;)
good luck joe. its already a great forum. im just presenting ideas for discussion. no offence meant!;)

None taken, metric.

We don't expect everyone to be a genius, just to make an effort to add some value (in stock threads). You don't have to know a lot to make a valuable contribution. Sometimes an interesting question or two is enough.
Can we merge this thread with the one on "New website design"
Good idea that.

Nearly as dizzy as when I'm clicking on those bloody thumbnails to view the charts.

Charts are charts, big bloody things that fold out, thats why they don't work well on mobiles or handhelds. They need to be seen in sequence, on the one page.

Someone mentioned tabbed browsing for viewing charts in a separate 'window'. Firefox is very good for this. I understand something called Internet Explorer (has anyone heard of this at all?) also offers tabbed browsing now in its latest incarnation.

The other thing that's helpful is if you have multiple monitors then opening the chart in a completely new window and then dragging it to an adjacent monitor works really well also.
None taken, metric.

We don't expect everyone to be a genius, just to make an effort to add some value (in stock threads). You don't have to know a lot to make a valuable contribution. Sometimes an interesting question or two is enough.

what!! are you implying im NOT a genious????:eek: lol
Can we merge this thread with the one on "New website design"

I'm getting dizzy.

Nearly as dizzy as when I'm clicking on those bloody thumbnails to view the charts.

Sorry for the whinge Joe, you did ask for feedback, otherwise I've no problems.

Charts are charts, big bloody things that fold out, thats why they don't work well on mobiles or handhelds. They need to be seen in sequence, on the one page.

Best site there is Joe, so don't get disheartened.


Thanks GG,

I'm seriously considering changing back to full size images but I'm mulling it over. Some people will also be very glad to hear that I've asked the designer to replace the Union Jack in the avatar area with the Southern Cross.

I am taking everyone's feedback on board and will be tweaking the new design over the coming week. So I would be very grateful if everyone could please bear with me while we fine tune the new design... especially since the designer doesn't work on weekends! :D
Simply saying a stock will be $10 by Christmas with nothing else to support your view is a ramp. You might as well say it will be $100, it has just as much validity if you are refusing to provide any details. The hard part is presenting a detailed case for HOW the share price will make its way back to $10... and that is what we insist people do. Any idiot can post a price target, but it takes a little more effort (and thought) to present a detailed case to justify that price target. Providing details gives others something to respond to and debate. Just saying a stock will be $10 by Christmas without providing any details is a waste of a post and adds no value to the thread.

It's true, some people don't like that we are tough on ramping, and some people think the fact that we are is the best thing about ASF. Different forums attract different groups of people. It's always been my policy to encourage people who contribute valuable content and chase away those who ramp, spam or cause trouble.

Besides, if all stock forums were the same, how does that benefit the general public? I think it's good that some forums insist on higher standards of posting and appeal to different types of people. I've never wanted ASF to appeal to the lowest common denominator because that's not the kind of forum I want to run. I want a forum with a constructive atmosphere that focusses on quality. I know there's a market for that. The thousands of people that visit ASF every day is a testament to it.

I think some people (not saying yourself!) point the 'ramp' finger at anyone who gives any sort of price target if it is not within the accuser's target/level of understanding. The accusers are sometimes worse than the rampers.

There is a big difference between ramping and giving a very favourable price target.

For example, I am invested in a company which I believe has the potential to become the largest company in the world. This is based on tireless research on a whole new market. I have posted my detailed research Yet I get accused of ramping because of what seems to be extraordinary price targets.

Personally, I think too many people 'accuse', without doing research first to hold a contrary view. IMO, it's these people should have their backsides kicked.:2twocents
For example, I am invested in a company which I believe has the potential to become the largest company in the world. This is based on tireless research on a whole new market. I have posted my detailed research Yet I get accused of ramping because of what seems to be extraordinary price targets.

Have you posted your research here? :confused:

Like I said before, if people are prepared to provide research and analysis to back up their price target then it's not a ramp. Your research and/or analysis may well be wrong but that's for other people to pick apart. All we require is that the research and analysis is posted with the price target.
Hi Joe, i think the old format was very good and the new is even better,
personally i prefer the small tabs on charts, if someone wants to compare charts, closely, they can save the charts on their PC and Analise all they want... they reduce the size of pages, and so, save space.
I do like how you keep a reasonably tight control over what's being posted....
keep up the good work.
Hello Joe,

I suspect this has already been raised, but could we please have the stock price look up at the top of every page. It's irritating when wanting to look at a stock mentioned in a thread to have to return to the home page to bring up a price/chart.
. Some people will also be very glad to hear that I've asked the designer to replace the Union Jack in the avatar area with the Southern Cross.:D
I'd like to see the aussie flag, with the jack in the corner. Even true republications cannot dispute the British part of Australia's development and prosperity. It represents democracy at work. It shows the importance of being a colony allowed to have independance without having to rebel to have it. It is an example to other large world superpowers that they can give their colonies a free reign and not end up enemies.
Congrats on the new look. I said earlier that "if it wasn't broke don't fix it". You certainly traded it in on a newer better model and left anything that may have needed fixing behind.
Hello Joe,

I suspect this has already been raised, but could we please have the stock price look up at the top of every page. It's irritating when wanting to look at a stock mentioned in a thread to have to return to the home page to bring up a price/chart.

Good call, Julia.
Thanks for the kind words Tukker! :)

To change the order of posts in threads go to the Edit Options section of your UserCP and scroll down to where it says 'Thread Display Options'. You will see a subsection called 'Thread Display Mode'. Change the drop down box to read 'Linear - Newest First' and then scroll down to the bottom and click 'Save Changes'.

...then you're done!

Aha. there it is. Thank you
maybe already suggested, and I've no idea how to achieve this, but...
I reckon the "similar threads" listed at the bottom of a thread could do with a revamp.

For example - I think the "Barack 2008" thread has 'similar threads' listed as
"where is gold heading"?
and "CBH industries" :confused:

Is Barack gonna do something with CBH ? ;)