The low oil price is a big stimulus to the USA economy, it will mean broad stimulus across the nation, even the parts that have been missing out on the shale jobs..
Are you sure?
Let us break up the American workforce into 2 groups.
Group1 (those working in the shale oil industry):
These are the ones that have almost 100% accounted for the increase in the American workforce.
It is becoming clear that these highly paid workers $30 and higher per hour workers are going to be squashed like a cockroach under a boot. Within 1 year that industry will be dead.
These are the people that have had the greatest disposable income and have been spending it.
Group2 (the ordinary peasants):
These are the ones that have seen almost no drop in unemployment.
Worse still, if one looks at their employment breakdown, over the past few years, the ratio of full time employees to part time employees has been decreasing. More and more of these people are being pushed from full time employment into part time employment and their income has been steadily declining. Unemployment may have stayed steady, but the value of the average job has gone down. With the huge amount of debt that this group have amassed over the recent past, any drop in fuel costs will go towards paying off a small fraction of that debt rather than wildly spending on consumer items.
Rough American money flow for oil:
Very approximately ........ America produces around 50% of its own oil as normal oil. This will keep going even at these low oil prices.
America produces 25% of its oil requirement also from shale oil (LTO), and imports the last 25% of its oil requirements externally.
When finally shale oil gets squashed, then America will be importing roughly 50% of its oil requirement.
Although oil imports will have to double, but with the price of oil now halved, there should be virtually no net change in Americas money flow because of this.
As one can see ... with one group of employees losing their jobs and eventually being forced on unemployment, and likewise decreasing by a large margin the money spent on discretionary items, while the other group of employees slowly being impoverished by being moved from full time employment to part time employment and not being able to help by increasing discretionary spending, the way for America looks to be slowly downwards.
Yes there may be a small flurry upwards in the market in the short term (next 6 months) .... but longer than that and it is looking grim.
We still have not taken into account a potential significant financial crisis that may be caused by all those shale oil bonds that may default over the next year or so ..........
As I said: "We DOOMED I TELLS YA!!!!!!!! DOOMED"