Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

NBN Rollout Scrapped

It has happend many times and this will be another case of that almost certainly. The future might be FTTP or it might be 5G wireless but it isn't likely to be FTTN.

That is the pertinent point, at least at the moment, there is only a $20billion write off. Christ knows what the final write down would have been, with FTTP.
The next obvious step, when it is completed, will be the ability to upgrade your connection from the node to fibre, if you so wish.
Whether that will be at your cost, or a bundle deal with your provider, who knows? At least only those who want it or need it will get it, and it won't be a taxpayer funded hole, that requires heaps more tax increases to fill.

The three dwellings next to our place, have had FTTP since the beginning, it was one of the first roll outs, none of them are connected still.
I'm on my third modem at home, the last one cactus because the copper line in carried a lightning surge that then killed almost all the hardwired network TV's, amps, electronics, cameras, in the place.... and that's a lot of gear. I'm guessing the nodes aren't earthed the same as the old pillars. I now have RJ45 surge diverters on all the end connections.

Last time we got hit by lightning it cost me a surge diverter and a modem
To update on the dropout problem, I had 2nd NBN appointment booked and cancelled a couple of days before as NBN believed it was caused by RFI inside my house. The first tech tested for RFI and the test detected none on the line. Finally had a 2nd tech show up, he ran the same tests as the first one which detected no fault on the line or RFI, he rang NBN co and asked them to reset the port and that if this doesn't fix it he will change my port physically at the pillar next time. Well the dropouts continued, my ISP went back and forth with NBN co who wanted me to jump through all the same hoops again (test different modem, test different lead etc), finally a 3rd appointment was arranged. Well this tech was a no show and no reason given by NBN why he failed to turn up. Now I have gone a week with only 1 or 2 dropouts so the problem for the time been seems to be resolved and I'm yet to find out if this is due to work carried out or not.

I'm semi tech literate and live in a modern house and was able to disconnect my 2nd phone point myself. I really feel for any older members of the community that have this problem as NBN co will always point the finger at the wiring inside your house before their network. I'd hate to see people paying hundreds of dollars to have their house rewired only to find it wasn't the problem and the problem was on NBN's network.
Final update. Had a call from my ISP to ask how everything is going, they could see no drop outs have occurred for a week or so. I asked if NBN had actually done anything to fix the problem and they confirmed that NBN had finally done some work at the pillar to fix my issue. Quite remarkable the amount of hoops I and my ISP had to jump through to finally get NBN to fix the problem on their network. No doubt this is part of the problem with using infrastructure that is coming to the end of it's use by date. How much money is going to be continually chewed up fixing these issues that wouldn't exist on FTTH connections.
Final update. Had a call from my ISP to ask how everything is going, they could see no drop outs have occurred for a week or so. I asked if NBN had actually done anything to fix the problem and they confirmed that NBN had finally done some work at the pillar to fix my issue. Quite remarkable the amount of hoops I and my ISP had to jump through to finally get NBN to fix the problem on their network. No doubt this is part of the problem with using infrastructure that is coming to the end of it's use by date. How much money is going to be continually chewed up fixing these issues that wouldn't exist on FTTH connections.

It's the triple handling of everything, with remote Indian tech centres doing all the co-ordination. Everytime a (telstra) NBN tech rings them to install or replace a modem, they have to sit through a 20 minute Indinglish lecture on how to install and configure.
Well the 5G roll out commences.

From the article:

SUPERFAST mobile internet has arrived in Perth with Telstra today switching on its first 5G-enabled base station.

Telstra customers living or working near the Narrows Bridge will now have access to internet speeds up to 20gigabits per second through their mobile data plans.

That is 200 times faster than the best available NBN plans, which currently boast a maximum speed of 100 megabits per second
It may end up being a god send, that we rolled out fibre to the node, "what I don't believe I said that". lol :roflmao:
The Government will probably have to write off $30b, if they had run out fibre to the premise, it would be double that.

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