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MUSIC - What are ASF members listening to?

I'll stop soon.
Superlative rock guitarist who tragically wasted himself - Terry Kath

"Terry Kath, the guitarist and lead singer of the band Chicago, is said to have said "What do you think I'm gonna do? Blow my brains out?" as his last words before accidentally shooting himself in the head in 1978:

Kath's death occurred at a party when he picked up a 9 mm pistol and, to calm a concerned friend, showed him an empty magazine. However, the gun was loaded and Kath died instantly. He was eight days away from his 32nd birthday.

Kath was a founder of Chicago and wrote many of the band's songs, including "Introduction", "Make Me Smile", "Southern California Purples", "Free Form Guitar", "An Hour in the Shower", "Song of the Evergreens", "Jenny", and "The Road".

A less rock version, a bunch of young kids harmonising, the black guys background sounds are amazing.
Must admit I prefer your version, but it shows how rehashed old songs still resonate, because they were good songs to start with.

And while on the subject of drummer boys, the Swiss Top Secret Drum Team take some stacking.
Entertainment, you have love it.

I remember watching the tattoo a few years ago and these guys came on.

It was their debut at the Tattoo and me, the crowd and the commentators were all gob smacked, bloody brilliant aren't they.

I have read that they now have a number of troops touring the world full time
Mrs was watching a recording
of one of the preponderance of shows about ABBA while I was on the computer trying to interpret a preponderance of squiggly lines.

It was explaining the weaning popularity of the band because of the advent of the punk rock movement and in particular the Sex Pistols. In my partial awareness I thought I heard it reported that that band was a particular fan of ABBA.

Wut? Wut? WTF?

Sure enough that's what was reported on the show.

Truth is stranger than fiction.
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