Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

MUSIC - What are ASF members listening to?

Love to track down some of that wash board music 1800 style.. has just about every thing you need then set it up in I tunes or Imesh.
cd's have a used by date and a mold get in betwen the disc and metal backing.. best to put it on to a hard drive ..
Thanks for the band names will down load a few more.
For non-Precious Metal holders over the best part of a decade on ASF who never decided to buy gold/silver bullion or PM stocks and followed the horn-blowing noisemaking short-term traders

Here's a tune for ya!

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Both Country and Western songs are good :

I still miss my Wife but my aims getting better.

She got the Gold I got the shaft .

I keep my pants held up with twine J Cash
Classic moments - First Chorus and from 2:02 onwards...

Posted on the joke thread. Awesome tune!
Ok not everybody can make it to Orchid on a Friday, so here's a little bit for you..

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