As mentioned ...
two issues ... Not Mueller or Russia ... tax fraud ... insurance fraud and so on ... New York state now has the banks records and tax records and is in the process of getting the insurance claims.
Second ... Impeachment. No Collusion with Russia ... never was going to occur. Trump did not arrange the Russian stuff ... he however was lying about his business dealings.
Obstruction ... and deliberate obstruction by Trump was in 10 cases in the report very clear.
Here is an impartial look at Trump V Nixon ....
So do they impeach ? For obstruction and other crimes ? Possibly even knowing one house needs a 66% margin to IMPEACH and its unlikely. A president running for 2020 that HAS been impeached ... and say Clinton was found guilty of it in ONE house of the USA govt ... but the other did NOT pass the full impeachment ... it still sent a message.
Clinton at the time was serving his last .. second term and USA Presidents only allowed two terms. So the action against Clinton who was NOT able to run in the 2000 elections was an aside. In this case however, even knowing likely the Republicans will NOT roll over on trump even in the face of evidence he deliberately obstructed justice, the lower house MAY still decide to impeach.
The TAX and Insurance fraud cases at a state level in NY are crimes presidents cannot gove pardons for. Trump junior, Kushner and all his children and Trump himself likely to be charged.
There are now 21 states REFUSING to put a Presidential candidate on the ballot ... for 2020 and poised to
pass into law, that a presidential candidate CANNOT appear on the ballot for a Federal election unless they have released TAX returns.
It has emerged the extent of Trump directing his cabinet and heads of departments to NOT produce or co-operate at all with any and all investigations. On the tax issue the House, with the power to request anyone's tax returns ... ANYONE ... Treasury secretary Munchin, ex Goldman Sachs, a disgrace his post GS actions and a bank that foreclosed on someone ... taking their house .... owing 27 cents was just one stunt, Munchkin ... refuses to produce as instructed by the HOUSE the tax return of Donald Trump.
I suspect, they may actually go so far as to jail him if it continues.
I look for at times a catalyst for change, a catalyst for what drives markets and big directional moves. I have never seen stuff like this and was too young to follow Nixon on his antics back then.
Political hate, polarization of the USA is so extreme its absurd. With a white house person actually accusing a Muslin new representative of having something to do with a shooting at a Synagogue was another of the racist rants that come out of this place. I might add, the shooter, as with all mass hate killings in USA in 2018 and now 2019, was white, Nazi following, white supremacist idiot. Suggesting he was inspired by a Muslim when his dialogue included hating all people from both Jewish and Islamic faiths, is yet another example of Trump. He even went and mentioned another new fresh politician in the USA AOC, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a Hispanic and called her out for not expressing regrets over the attacks in Sira Lanka when they occurred. Turned out she was in Puerto Rico, visiting her grandmother and
internet services STILL have not been repaired there 12 months after a Hurricane.
It is unlikely all of this, will be avoided by Trump. It is impossible for it to occur and whilst the Russian collusion was always unlikely, the obstruction that occurred and corruption in other activities uncovered remains OPEN and unlikely to get better as 2019 and 2020 elections occur.
This is just starting, the fun and games.