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Mueller and Russiagate

Why would a long time Republican and member of Trumps Transition team decide the President should be impeached ?
Worth a think.

The Mueller Report Was My Tipping Point
I was a Trump transition staffer, and I’ve seen enough. It’s time for impeachment.

Apr 23, 2019
J. W. Verret
Professor of law at George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School

Let’s start at the end of this story. This weekend, I read Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report twice, and realized that enough was enough—I needed to do something. I’ve worked on every Republican presidential transition team for the past 10 years and recently served as counsel to the Republican-led House Financial Services Committee. My permanent job is as a law professor at the George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School, which is not political, but where my colleagues have held many prime spots in Republican administrations.
New report coming out ...this is the opening ...

NO Collusion and NO corruption !! Just Genocide

The demented twitter rants NO Collusion and NO corruption !! from dear leader of the world Trump.

37 indited

6 plead guilty

This from Swalwell on both the House committee for Intelligence and Judiciary

Whilst impeachment NEVER really was an option, TODAY NY State was handed bank records from Deutsche Bank for Trump which likely have the Cohen claim of massive bank fraud, along with TAX fraud as he inflated his assets for loans, deflated them for taxes and of course Insurance Fraud.

I cannot see this NOT resulting in a lot MORE going to jail, and possibly Trump himself. Nor can most impartial legal views on the topic.

Yes a President CAN pardon himself on Federal Laws, NOT on State Laws.

This is a state matter, with the exception of the FEDERAL tax issue. NY State TAX and CITY tax issues, where if found in breach, he cant do a thing about.

In the run-up to the 2020 election, despite the persons Tweets and claims of innocence, claiming an asset is worth 100 million for a loan, 5 million for tax assessment, and then 50 million for an insurance claim, is FRAUD.


This is just the opening ... rest in a day or two ... sad state of affairs.
New report coming out ...this is the opening ...

NO Collusion and NO corruption !! Just Genocide

The demented twitter rants NO Collusion and NO corruption !! from dear leader of the world Trump.

37 indited

6 plead guilty

This from Swalwell on both the House committee for Intelligence and Judiciary

Whilst impeachment NEVER really was an option, TODAY NY State was handed bank records from Deutsche Bank for Trump which likely have the Cohen claim of massive bank fraud, along with TAX fraud as he inflated his assets for loans, deflated them for taxes and of course Insurance Fraud.

I cannot see this NOT resulting in a lot MORE going to jail, and possibly Trump himself. Nor can most impartial legal views on the topic.

Yes a President CAN pardon himself on Federal Laws, NOT on State Laws.

This is a state matter, with the exception of the FEDERAL tax issue. NY State TAX and CITY tax issues, where if found in breach, he cant do a thing about.

In the run-up to the 2020 election, despite the persons Tweets and claims of innocence, claiming an asset is worth 100 million for a loan, 5 million for tax assessment, and then 50 million for an insurance claim, is FRAUD.


This is just the opening ... rest in a day or two ... sad state of affairs.

Jesus kahuni.... You are worse than a climate skeptic with clouding up the truth....
:oops::banghead:Well opinions or facts ?

Only time will tell, then again I note your strange opinion, on display yet again.

Source clearly given ... only a member o0f the USA federal Government. HIM SPEAKING ...
This from Swalwell on both the House committee for Intelligence and Judiciary

Him speaking ...

and as to the Deutsche bank documents, if one could read, the New York Sate Attorney General just got the Deutsche Bank records IN FULL. 25th April 2019

Clouding the truth ? Its factual !!

Deutsche Bank hands over Donald Trump loan documents: reports
The German lender has started providing files to New York authorities related to funding of Trump projects. Investigators are interested in Deutsche Bank as it is one of the few banks to lend to the Trump Organization.

German banking giant Deutsche Bank has begun turning over financial records related to its business with President Donald Trump, in response to a subpoena from the New York attorney general’s office, a source familiar with the matter told ABC News on Wednesday.

Is it an effort to be so ... well that would be rude to finish the sentence.

Does a fact or two, which the above is, concern you or change your views ? Likely not !! As to the last Genocide thing, as I have NOT as yet finished the article, maybe ... maybe you may understand ... then again, likely not.

If I just said for NOW .. the TRUTH verses Trumps twitter assertions has been in effect killed and a victim of Genocide ... would it be close ?

Not that this was what I was referring to ... a broader issue surrounding him was to be the topic. Factually ... there has been a Genocide via twitter much like most of Trumps trade wars, via twitter, war threats via twitter .... your SACKED via twitter, threats to sack via Twitter. ... USA Fed ...

The truth, factually will come out, despite your or my opinion, or beliefs. Factually and impartially. Clearly there is a lot lot more coming.

No amount of deluded name calling, tantrums. racial hatred, threats, or stupidity by you or Trump types, or the Trump twitter person, will alter the outcome.

Facts, sadly are facts. The law is the law. Its going to amuse me a lot. Cohen may have pleaded guilty, but implicated all Trumps kids, and Trump himself.

Trumps efforts to block tax returns, just became an aside. NY state and a few others will proceed with Tax fraud and Bank Fraud and Insurance Fraud despite any tantrum he or you have.

So so so sorry ...:banghead::troll::troll::singing::singing:
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Na you muddied the convictions, alluded to criminal acts........

Stick with the facts not conspiracy theories.
Your extreme bias is showing.o_Oo_O:mad::p

Again ...

A conspiracy ... is to An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action., since this is about PAST events ... 6 convictions .... its pretty CLEAR ... of so I thought.

Past convictions ... A FACT

And a theory verses fact ... a theory is a principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena,. I did think 6 felons ... and the links were factual along with NY State Attorney Generals comments on the matter clear up if the theory is

The fact is 6 people were and have been convicted, likely 7 when they finish with Stone.


Apparently not. According to you .... in your reality at least.

Their evidence along with testimony and convictions is WHY the BANK evidence was requested and supplied.

Their testimony ... giving up Trump ... is why it has been supplied. A fact, not conjecture or theory.

Criminal ... relating to crime or to the prosecution of suspects in a crime ...

Its not hard to work out that someone is being prosecuted and the suspect is clear even to ... well sorry ... most I suspect.

Please don't let your bias, dogmas and beliefs, all be non factual, cloud the issue.

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Good God!

Just shaking my damned head.

Sad isn't it Wayne..:( You just don't get close to unerderstanding how an investigation that indicts and convicts so many people around Donald Trump could possibly have any ramifications for the Dons involvement ion these affairs.:confused:

And now Deutchse Bank is handing over loan documents that Trump used to obtain hundreds of millions of dollars at a time no one else would touch him with a 20 foot barge pole.

Naturally if The Don has ensured proper financial records and accounting procedures he has absolutely nothing to be worried about. Lets see how that turns out.

And remember this the guy who insists his lawyers don't take notes because you know where these notes can take you don't we ?
Well, sure bas.

Let's put the Clintons and Obamas under the same scrutiny.

That'd be interesting eh?
Naturally if The Don has ensured proper financial records and accounting procedures he has absolutely nothing to be worried about. Lets see how that turns out

Ooooohhhhh ... classic ... And I got accused of being cynical.

Nicely summed up ... all BS aside ... this is serious.

A trapped person is the most dangerous.

Where are his tax returns ?

They NO LONGER matter, in this case its Tax state side, and they ALREADY have them, NY state and CITY TAX RETURNS .... not being blocked by Goldman Sachs ex employee Munchin now treasury Secretary.

Not being blocked by William Barr the USA Federal attorney general ... it is in this case and 5 other states ... a STATE issue.

Like Australia USA federal laws supersede State ones if their prosecuting and that IS NOT the case. Federal laws don't set aside state laws either.

Bank fraud, Insurance Fraud and TAX Fraud are crimes both on a state level and Federal one. Federal laws pertain to Federal tax laws, State deal with State tax, city tax and local tax laws. As do banking and Insurance ones.

The Federal Attorney General has no power nor does the president even over State laws, nor does the supreme court unless its a case of which law supersedes the other and THAT is a NULL point as Federally with a corrupt Treasury head refusing to supply as is required by law the Federal income tax returns, the State ones ALREADY are in the hands of the NY State Attorney General .... now the banking records ... and 6 sworn testimonies and whatever else they need.

Which is NOTHING.
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Clinton and Obama whilst not lilly white ...

did not commit tax fraud and its never been suggested ... until NOW.

Convicted for what? not friken collusion linking trump to russia. They got done on obstruction from perjury traps laid by the fbi.
The Russians that were linked to the operation were linked to trump how?

Thats how you muddy the water and you of all people should know how frustrating it is when bs gets put up to drive an agenda. All the 'whatabouts' or alleged incidents that don't hold weight.

It has nothing to do with how I feel about trump. Its about laying truths out, without the additional lies to fluff up the opinion and lead the uninformed.
Well, sure bas.

Let's put the Clintons and Obamas under the same scrutiny.

That'd be interesting eh?

Really ? Like we would find 10 years of unshown tax returns ? No tax paid anyway because of creative accounting ? Commercial deals done across the world where countries know that supporting a Trump business gets them access to the chief crook ? Where their lawyers an staff all ended up indicted and convicted on tax evasions. money laundering, obstruction

Give us a break Wayne.
Really ? Like we would find 10 years of unshown tax returns ? No tax paid anyway because of creative accounting ? Commercial deals done across the world where countries know that supporting a Trump business gets them access to the chief crook ? Where their lawyers an staff all ended up indicted and convicted on tax evasions. money laundering, obstruction

Give us a break Wayne.
Clinton foundation, bas?

There is bias, then there is outright stupidity.

I find it alarming that you teach children
oh, yeah, this bit:

the best way to read this sentence (pun!) is to read it aloud .....think about the lack of punctuation...the only thing that separates the inferences and implied conclusions within allows the sentence to mean two completely different causes of action .......

:stop: please don't @ me ....not returning to these shores .....

had to return to these shores because this

from 20.10 onwards, a judge comments:
Historians Roast Trump

I love how they run out of jokes ....

He is toast, not via Russian stuff, his dealings in tax fraud and all the rest.

Enjoy the next 18 months
Clinton foundation, bas?

There is bias, then there is outright stupidity.

I find it alarming that you teach children

I find it downright scary that your still on the streets!:eek:

In which xxxxxing universe can you find comparable examples of the malfeasance Trump evidences in the works of President Obama or Hilary Clinton ?

Of course there are rabid, lying twats who could stroll out pizzagate, the killing of untold numbers of Clinton staff, in fact I would acknowledge that in the sewers of the net there are a thousand lying maddies from Alex Jones down who you could site as "evidence"

And all that would do would paint one with the same dribble as these pieces of merde.

Yep. I am a bit worked up about this issue. We currently have the most blatantly dishonest President who ever set foot in the White House. He has used the Presidential office to enrich his businesses and family. He has repeatedly used his Presidential power to stop investigations into these corrupt practices.
And all his crazy supporters can say is "Duh Obama and Clinton would be as bad. "
Ah yes, the recurring wet dream of you brownshirts, arrest all dissenters and have them shot.

I can't wait till you people actually try that, that's when things will get interesting.

Just so some proper researchon the Clinton foundation and other activities.... with the blinkers off
Here is that research ...

hot off the press ...

Never has one man brought out so much insanity in so many people.

HE is NOT going to get impeached .... not when 2/3 of the Senate voting is needed.
Obstruction ... irrelevant.

He actions in NY State and fraud are.