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Mueller and Russiagate


24 December 2005
This Mueller and Russiagate thing may become a long and interesting saga. It probably needs its own thread as the whole story is exposed over time. Nothing like a bit of intrigue to get the juices flowing!

Investigation Nation: Mueller, Russiagate, and Fake Politics
So the Mueller investigation is over. The official “Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election” has been written, and is in the hands of Attorney General William Barr, who has issued a summary of its findings. On the core mandate of the investigation, given to Special Counsel Mueller by Rod Rosenstein as Acting Attorney General in May of 2017—to investigate “any links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump”—the takeaway conclusion stated in the Mueller report, as quoted in the Barr summary, is that “[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.1”

In the footnote indicated at the end of that sentence, Barr further clarifies the comprehensive meaning of that conclusion, again quoting the Report’s own words: “In assessing potential conspiracy charges, the Special Counsel also considered whether members of the Trump campaign ‘coordinated’ with Russian election interference activities. The Special Counsel defined ‘coordination’ as an ‘agreement—tacit or express—between the Trump Campaign and the Russian government on election interference’.” More...

This is Keith Olbermann’s heavily emotion charged broadcast in 2017 which kicked it all off.

It could also shed some light on the murdered young democrat who is thought to have leaked some Hilary Clinton info to wikileak
He knew too much
With him and Assange gone..maybe suicide in cell, the democrats mostly but also some republicans and some powerful lobbies would breath easier
But just conspiracy theories of course

I would be surprised if Seth Rich's murder will be solved from the Mueller Report but it would be quite a coup for the report if it were achieved! Assange is a whole different subject in its own right.
We are yet to see what the report actually says what the investigation did reveal is the depth of criminal conduct that surrounded Trump
We are yet to see what the report actually says what the investigation did reveal is the depth of criminal conduct that surrounded Trump
It is likely to be so redacted as to be rendered unreadable is my guess. Nothing meaty left on the bones for anyone to pick over.

This may be the last Mueller report indictment...

Ex-Obama Counsel Expects to Be Charged Soon in Mueller-Related Case

WASHINGTON — Lawyers for Gregory B. Craig, a White House counsel in the Obama administration, expect him to be indicted in the coming days on charges related to his work for the Russia-aligned government of Ukraine.

The case against Mr. Craig, 74, stemmed from an investigation initiated by the office of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III.

An Ivy League-educated lawyer who held prominent positions in the Clinton and Obama administrations, Mr. Craig would become the first person who made his name in Democratic Party politics to be charged in a case linked to the special counsel’s investigation. More...
Top Mueller Report Takeaways So Far

Now that the redacted 448-page Mueller report has been released to the public, people on both sides of the aisle have been madly poring over the results of the special counsel's 22-month Russia probe. More...

The Mueller Show: TV Hosts Unpack 448 Pages in Real Time

On Fox News, Bret Baier broke out his reading glasses. On CNN, Jake Tapper read a website U.R.L. aloud. On NBC, the legal correspondent Pete Williams brandished a three-ring binder stuffed with freshly printed pages, holding up a sheet covered almost entirely by black bars of redacted text.

Journalists received their copies of the Mueller report — all 448 pages — at the same time as the general public on Thursday. Except they had to explain it all on live TV, and the sooner the better.

The result, for television viewers, was a halting, if ultimately educational glimpse at the tedious mechanics of real-time reporting: sifting through documents, puzzling over footnotes. More...
One of the clearest statements coming out of the Mueller report is that Donald repeatedly attempted to derail the inquiry. In any situation that would be classified as obstruction of justice.
Trump bid to choke off Russia probe
  • World
    US President Donald Trump tried to seize control of the Russia probe and force Special Counsel Robert Mueller's removal to stop him from investigating potential obstruction of justice by the president, Mueller's report has revealed.

    Mueller laid out multiple episodes in which Trump directed others to influence or curtail the Russia investigation after the special counsel's appointment in May 2017.

    Those efforts were "mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests", Mueller wrote in the two-volume, 448-page redacted report that was made public on Thursday.

    Mueller reported that Trump was so agitated at the special counsel's appointment he slumped back in his chair.

    "Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I'm f***ed," Trump declared.

    The president then tried to have White House Counsel Don McGahn tell then deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein that Mueller must be ousted due to conflicts of interest but McGahn refused.

    The president then directed former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski to tell then-attorney general Jeff Sessions to publicly call the investigation "very unfair" to the president and declare Trump did nothing wrong but the message was never delivered.
Being setup, no wonder. I'd be pissed as well. I think the dems need to be looked at very carefully.
Mueller Investigation Ends With Total Vindication of Trump, But Democrats Will Press On: Wikileaks Saves Trump?
Mueller Investigation Ends With Total Vindication of Trump, But Democrats Will Press On: Wikileaks Saves Trump?
That is an utter lie. Total complete BS. As "factual" as anything Trump says.

But then Trump is total and complete BS as are the blind and wilfully ignorant supporters of this supremely venal and corrupt shyster. Hi Ann and co.

For anyone interested in reading how deeply corrupt this administration is the following url offers the details. In any case when Mueller has to speak to congress more will be forthcoming. The fact that half the guys didn't even know they were committing crimes, that evidence was withheld, destroyed, or encrypted, that the main reason Trump couldn't be charged with "obstruction" was because at least 3 different members of his staff refused to follow his orders should speak for itself !

It is a legal document. It doesn't get parsed into (lying) 3 word clips.

14 Must-Read Moments From the Mueller Report
A breakdown of the massive, 448-page document
Obstruction of justice with regard to the investigation. What did Trump do and what will Congress have top say about it ?
What is the legal position of a person who demands his employees take illegal action on his behalf ? Lets find out shall we

It includes lengthy legal musing by Mueller’s team about whether it would be appropriate to charge the president with a crime – a step Mueller ultimately elected not to take. But among the episodes of the president’s conduct that Mueller investigated as potential obstructions of justice were:
  • Trump’s efforts to fire Mueller.
  • Trump’s firing of the former FBI director James Comey.
  • Trump’s efforts to hijack oversight of the Mueller investigation.
  • Trump’s order to the White House counsel, Donald McGahn, to deny that Trump had tried to fire Mueller.
  • Trump’s conduct with regard to associates who have pleaded guilty to crimes, including Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen.

  • Trump’s “repeated efforts to get McGahn to create a record denying that the President had directed him to remove the special counsel” are held up for special scrutiny. Trump told McGahn twice to order the deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein, to fire Mueller, McGahn told Mueller

“McGahn recalled the president telling him ‘Mueller has to go” and ‘Call me back when you do it’,” the report says.

“If we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state,” the report continues. “However, we are unable to reach that judgment.

“The President’s efforts to influence the investigation were mostly unsuccessful, but that is largely because the persons who surrounded the President declined to carry out orders or accede to his requests,” the report says.

While the Mueller report declines to recommend a prosecution by the justice department, Mueller notes that Congress might do so.


There was no Russian collusion. Trumps a sht bag. But all the bs coming out of the dems is bloody psychotic. It was a bs investigation in the first place, basically a perjury trap.

And here we are again trying to make something out of nothing. Media scratching around insinuating more bs theories. It will all amount to nothing.

US people can use their vote very soon to vote him out- if thats what they choose. And if he wins again I'll pml.
MoXjo do you actually read what is said in the report or just blindly follow the lying rubbish pushed out by Trump and his cronies?
"Something out of nothing" Are you totally deluded ?
MoXjo do you actually read what is said in the report or just blindly follow the lying rubbish pushed out by Trump and his cronies?
"Something out of nothing" Are you totally deluded ?
Show me the collusion.
I'm not in trumps fan club. But I think the dems are helping him win a second term.
Show me the collusion.
I'm not in trumps fan club. But I think the dems are helping him win a second term.

Tell me why Trump's campaign manager would be sharing internal polling data with the Russians?
But then Trump is total and complete BS as are the blind and wilfully ignorant supporters of this supremely venal and corrupt shyster. Hi Ann and co.

Bas, I put this stuff up here as a point of interest. It is in the news, people will find interest from it. I don't cherry-pick the information, as I see it come through the news feeds I put it up. I personally have no interest in it one way or the other. I just think it is fodder for the eccentrics of this site to get themselves into a lather...

Well there you are Ann. You don't cherry pick information. You profess no idea about the topic itself. You just seem to throw up whatever the Fox news centre gives you.
And to think you started this thread with a post that suggested it was just the beginning of the conversation rather than 2 years down the track with numerous criminal charges already laid and people in jail for a variety of criminal offences.
if you say you were never fined based on the fine you beat in court then it's a technical jibbajabba, so when it is claimed Nixon was never impeached that is an incorrect statement, he had 3 articles of impeachment drawn against him, when it came time to prosecute, new evidence was uncovered BECAUSE of the impeachment process and THAT evidence is what caused him to resign, the idiot recorded himself and everyone else, the recordings brought him undone

i enjoyed all the stuff in that period even tho i was in my early teens

speaking of idiots- luya Don, really really do....youre a ....peach
oh, yeah, this bit:

Mueller said:
“The conclusion that Congress may apply the obstruction laws to the President’s corrupt exercise of the powers of office accords with our constitutional system of checks and balances and the principle that no person is above the law.”

the best way to read this sentence (pun!) is to read it aloud .....think about the lack of punctuation...the only thing that separates the inferences and implied conclusions within allows the sentence to mean two completely different causes of action .......

please don't @ me ....not returning to these shores .....
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