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Mr. Trump (The Donald) To Win in 2024

jeez, the MSM just don't give up.
The election has not even been had, but already they are accusing Trump os stealing it.



jeez, the MSM just don't give up.
The election has not even been had, but already they are accusing Trump os stealing it.

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That's because, when you read the evidence, that is exactly what they are doing.

Trump has learned from 2020 that if you want to make sure the election results favour you he needs to do a lot more preparation. In this case it is placing officials in charge of vote counting who will not certify results they don't like. That stops the whole process.

It's shame you didn't offer a connection that could fully explain what is happening.
This is the deeper explanation of how Trump is working to subvert the 2024 election. The rest of the article examines how widely these practices are being employed.

‘A different level than 2020’: Trump’s plan to steal election is taking shape

Trump’s refusal to accept the 2020 election results serves as a preview to expected challenges in November

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About this content

Sam Levine in New York
Mon 12 Aug 2024 06.00 EDTLast modified on Mon 12 Aug 2024 18.46 EDT

There wasn’t anything particularly controversial about Georgia’s presidential primary in March this year. Donald Trump won the Republican contest – picking up a little more than 400,000 more votes than Nikki Haley, who had long dropped out of the race.
Nonetheless, two Republicans on the five-person Fulton county election board refused to certify the election.

Julie Adams and Michael Heekin didn’t point to specific irregularities. Instead, they said they needed more information from election administrators, like chain-of-custody documents for ballots. Adams and Heekin were outvoted.

But it didn’t end there. In May, Adams, who is a part of an election activist network founded by Cleta Mitchell, voted against certifying another Georgia primary election. Again, despite no irregularities, she said she needed more information. With the backing of a group closely aligned with Donald Trump, Adams had also recently sued the Fulton county board, asking a judge to declare that she and other commissioners could choose not to certify the election.

It was an unusual request – verification of ballot totals happens in the extensive process that leads up to certification and state laws generally do not permit those responsible for certifying them the discretion to investigate.

In early August, the Republican-controlled state election board in Georgia adopted a new rule that essentially gave Adams what she wanted. It requires local election board members to conduct an undefined “reasonable inquiry” into any discrepancies before they can certify the election. There are concerns that officials could use that discretion to hold up certification of the election.

The episode in Fulton county, and the new rule in Georgia, could be an alarming dress rehearsal for how Donald Trump and his allies will try to challenge the election results in November if he loses.

That's because, when you read the evidence, that is exactly what they are doing.

Trump has learned from 2020 that if you want to make sure the election results favour you he needs to do a lot more preparation. In this case it is placing officials in charge of vote counting who will not certify results they don't like. That stops the whole process.

It's shame you didn't offer a connection that could fully explain what is happening.
I don't have to, because you just provided it for me.
Placing officials in charge of voting who will make sure the results go your way.
pretty much what Trump said the Dems did.
If you can't beat em, join em.
I don't have to, because you just provided it for me.
Placing officials in charge of voting who will make sure the results go your way.
pretty much what Trump said the Dems did.
If you can't beat em, join em.
What can one say ?:mad::mad:
Donald Trump can't open his mouth without spewing lies. Donald Trump destroyed public confidence in the electoral system with his repeated big lies about rigged voting. In 60 court cases he never provided any evidence for these lies.

He has now convinced many people that if says the election results arn't right then they should believe him and not the counted votes. And these people are now election officials who now have the power to not certify results based purely on their view that "something is not right"

And you think this is OK ? Really ? Is that who you really are Mick ?o_O
I'm just listening to Elon and theDonald on live on Spaces.

Good free electioneering for Trump.

I don't know how long its going for. Check it out it is great entertainment. He's in good form and motoring, the usual stuff, accusing Kamahl of being more left wing than Bernie.

I don't have to, because you just provided it for me.
Placing officials in charge of voting who will make sure the results go your way.
pretty much what Trump said the Dems did.
If you can't beat em, join em.
It's only fair when they do it Mick.
What can one say ?:mad::mad:
Donald Trump can't open his mouth without spewing lies. Donald Trump destroyed public confidence in the electoral system with his repeated big lies about rigged voting. In 60 court cases he never provided any evidence for these lies.

He has now convinced many people that if says the election results arn't right then they should believe him and not the counted votes. And these people are now election officials who now have the power to not certify results based purely on their view that "something is not right"

And you think this is OK ? Really ? Is that who you really are Mick ?o_O
No Bas, its not my fault you lack the ability to see both sides of any story.
Everything is black and white for you, no shades of grey.
Just because I think Trump has been treated poorly by the MSM and the elites does not make me a Trump supporter.
Just because I don't like trump does not then by default make me an acolyte of Biden or Harris.
Lighten up.
No Bas, its not my fault you lack the ability to see both sides of any story.
Everything is black and white for you, no shades of grey.
Just because I think Trump has been treated poorly by the MSM and the elites does not make me a Trump supporter.
Just because I don't like trump does not then by default make me an acolyte of Biden or Harris.
Lighten up.
Mick there is no "two sides" to the election fraud story. I can see grey where there is grey. I can discuss how Trump has been treated.

But lets be clear. Donald Trump perpetuated a monstrous lie about the 2020 elections which has poisoned the US community. He is now laying a platform to enable the people who believe his lies to stop certification of the 2024 election if the results don't suit him.

I posted a long story on another thread which examined this situation in more detail. The Guardian story also went into depth on the risks posed to a fair election by what Trump is doing.

Brushing aside this issue as just an example of how MSM/elites are treating Trump is pure sophistry.

Check the American Politics thread for the other discussion.
I'm just listening to Elon and theDonald on live on Spaces.

Good free electioneering for Trump.

I don't know how long its going for. Check it out it is great entertainment. He's in good form and motoring, the usual stuff, accusing Kamahl of being more left wing than Bernie.

Just finished listening, vintage Trump.

Elon has offered the same to Kamala. I personally would like to listen to that.
The article I posted on the American Politics thread was pretty incendiary. And The Bulwark, believe it or not, is a conservative leaning website. There were a couple of choice observations I thought were worth highlighting here.

This is why I am white hot about any pretenses on Donald Trumps behaviour in relation to electoral issues.

I want to leave you today with a single thought that illustrates how the Republican party has ceased to be a functioning political party and become an authoritarian institution.

Why has the “stolen 2020 election” become dogma for Republicans? There is only one reason: Because Trump said so.

Imagine that, the day after the 2020 election, Trump had said, “It was close and if things had broken differently we would have won. But don’t worry: I’ll be back in 2024 and I’m going to beat Sleepy Joe like a drum.”

In that alternate reality no one in Republican politics would have said that the election was stolen because there was no evidence that it was stolen.

No serious person in Republican politics would have even thought to suggest that the election had been “stolen” absent that command from Trump.

We are where we are because the Republican party is an autocracy and the maximum leader declared an idea to be true; adherence to this falsehood became a loyalty test.

And anyone who failed this loyalty test has been read out of the party.

Here is something I wrote shortly after January 6th:

There are always people who believe elections are fraudulent and that the government of the United States is illegitimate. (See Timothy McVeigh and the long history of American militias.)
What is different today is that at no point in living memory has the defeated president of the United States, along with the majority of his party, proclaimed that a national election was fraudulent and that the incoming president is illegitimate. In all prior instances, they did exactly the opposite: They testified to the legitimacy of the new government in an effort to tamp down the conspiratorial falsehoods which always exist in small numbers.
Today, the president and his party are the wellspring of these falsehoods.
And here is the point which you must understand:
Nothing can get better in American politics until this lie is repudiated by the main body of the Republican party in the public square, with enough force and repetition that the majority of Republican voters cease to believe it.
Even if armed insurrection is not a weekly occurrence, a government cannot function when a third of the citizens believe it is literally, not rhetorically, illegitimate. It is not be possible to legislate or build consensus or even enforce the laws when you begin with a substantial minority who literally believe that the government is the product of a coup.
What the Republican party has done over the last two months is akin to having dropped polonium into America’s political groundwater.
And the radiation from their lie has poisoned everything.
The article I posted on the American Politics thread was pretty incendiary. And The Bulwark, believe it or not, is a conservative leaning website. There were a couple of choice observations I thought were worth highlighting here.

This is why I am white hot about any pretenses on Donald Trumps behaviour in relation to electoral issues.

I want to leave you today with a single thought that illustrates how the Republican party has ceased to be a functioning political party and become an authoritarian institution.

Why has the “stolen 2020 election” become dogma for Republicans? There is only one reason: Because Trump said so.

Imagine that, the day after the 2020 election, Trump had said, “It was close and if things had broken differently we would have won. But don’t worry: I’ll be back in 2024 and I’m going to beat Sleepy Joe like a drum.”

In that alternate reality no one in Republican politics would have said that the election was stolen because there was no evidence that it was stolen.

No serious person in Republican politics would have even thought to suggest that the election had been “stolen” absent that command from Trump.

We are where we are because the Republican party is an autocracy and the maximum leader declared an idea to be true; adherence to this falsehood became a loyalty test.

And anyone who failed this loyalty test has been read out of the party.

Here is something I wrote shortly after January 6th:
The above illustrates the point, as sadly in so many cases that you are not dealing with rational people .
If you are someone who has seen others going through a bad divorce, there is unfortunatly the chance you have seen something similar... the difference here is that we are seeing people divorced from reason and reality and don't like it being exposed.

As to the odds ... I'm more these days taken to the exotics; like which country will Trump seek 'political' asyllum to stay out of jail: Russia, Saudi, Nth Korea..... mmmm the idea of Donald as a asyllum seeker, almost enough to keep you warm on a cold night.
jeez, the MSM just don't give up.
The election has not even been had, but already they are accusing Trump os stealing it.

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I was reflecting on the rather heated exchange I had with Mick today with regard to the post he made (above) and his subsequent defence of it.

I may be wrong but I suspect that Mick saw this post on a website he was visiting. Essentially, someone clipped 3 articles from different sources on the same topic (electoral malfeasance) and framed it as MSM attacking Donald Trump for election rigging even before the election ! Wow it's off to the races if your starting position is that Trump is unfairly maligned by MSM.

I can recognize that sort of propaganda. Instead of actually addressing the issue raised by the reporters just reject them in total as the usual MSM attack. The fact that the clippings never went beyond the headlines reinforces the fact that there was never any intention to allow readers to understand what was happening. It was all about trashing the reporting of what was happening across electoral offices across the US.

What is happening ? Many 2020 election denying Trump supporters are gaining positions of power in these electoral offices and they are getting powers to stop certification that they didn't have previously. What could possibly go wrong

Just saying.;)

Georgia election board proposes an ‘inquiry’ before certifying results

Republicans on local election boards have voted against certifying recent results

Credit: Arvin Temkar/AJC
State Election Board members Sara Tindall Ghazal, Ed Lindsey, John Fervier and Janice Johnston, along with Executive Director Mike Coan, center, are seen at an election board meeting Tuesday at the Capitol in Atlanta. The board is working on a proposed rule that would make changes to the certification process for elections. (Arvin Temkar / AJC)
By Mark Niesse
May 9, 2024
The State Election Board started writing a new rule Wednesday that would require a “reasonable inquiry” before certifying Georgia elections, granting a request from a Republican county election board member who refused to sign off on this year’s presidential primary.

If certification rules are changed, local election board members could use them as a justification for voting against approving the results of upcoming elections, state board member Sara Tindall Ghazal said.


I was reflecting on the rather heated exchange I had with Mick today with regard to the post he made (above) and his subsequent defence of it.

I may be wrong but I suspect that Mick saw this post on a website he was visiting. Essentially, someone clipped 3 articles from different sources on the same topic (electoral malfeasance) and framed it as MSM attacking Donald Trump for election rigging even before the election ! Wow it's off to the races if your starting position is that Trump is unfairly maligned by MSM.

I can recognize that sort of propaganda. Instead of actually addressing the issue raised by the reporters just reject them in total as the usual MSM attack. The fact that the clippings never went beyond the headlines reinforces the fact that there was never any intention to allow readers to understand what was happening. It was all about trashing the reporting of what was happening across electoral offices across the US.

What is happening ? Many 2020 election denying Trump supporters are gaining positions of power in these electoral offices and they are getting powers to stop certification that they didn't have previously. What could possibly go wrong

Just saying.;)

Georgia election board proposes an ‘inquiry’ before certifying results

Republicans on local election boards have voted against certifying recent results
View attachment 182507
Credit: Arvin Temkar/AJC
State Election Board members Sara Tindall Ghazal, Ed Lindsey, John Fervier and Janice Johnston, along with Executive Director Mike Coan, center, are seen at an election board meeting Tuesday at the Capitol in Atlanta. The board is working on a proposed rule that would make changes to the certification process for elections. (Arvin Temkar / AJC)
By Mark Niesse
May 9, 2024
The State Election Board started writing a new rule Wednesday that would require a “reasonable inquiry” before certifying Georgia elections, granting a request from a Republican county election board member who refused to sign off on this year’s presidential primary.

If certification rules are changed, local election board members could use them as a justification for voting against approving the results of upcoming elections, state board member Sara Tindall Ghazal said.

No I did a duck duck go about the topic.
You assume to much.
No I did a duck duck go about the topic.
You assume to much.
Fine. So what did you make of substance of the story ?

So you did a search, clipped and pasted the headlines and provided the observation.
You therefore take full responsibility for what I was alluding to in post 775 ?