Ahh ..
our new president .... whoops ambassador ... Goldman Sachs lawyer and so too ... the non tax paying evaders ..
Out of head offices mouth ...
Endless Wars, especially those which are fought out of judgement mistakes that were made many years ago, & those where we are getting little financial or military help from the rich countries that so greatly benefit from what we are doing, will eventually come to a glorious end!
VIa twitter ... President Trump ... since on 9/11 in total 28 nations went to war, Australia as well ... our Nation has been on over 60 ... peacekeeping missions, declaring that Mexico is, well ... somehow doing anything other than what its done for 100 years, being tolerant ... is one thing.
The other is, well, as most Australians and our besties NZ ... went to war in 1914 ... and with the UK paid a horrid price .... I am respectful and thankful ... the USA eventually became involved. I say with respect to their losses and thankful the carnage which was WW1 ended and so too WW2 ... USA became involved post Dec 1941, prior to that, it was involved but only via FDR and his lend lease and taking direct and deliberate actions ... against the overall will of the USA people and again, any victory Australia had if one can call it that, PNG with out next best friends PNG and stopping the Japanese for the first time or in that battle in Africa where the Germans were stopped for the first time .... again without USA and NOT being anti American, I say this with utmost respect to the USA and their losses, that was then and THIS ... crap out of him, should alone have the SOVEREIGN NATION and one that right now is NOT run by a president, or EX lawyer for ZGoldman Sachs or Oil companies via remote, for this alone .... bei g actually a Constitutional Monarchy and head of state IS THE QUEEN .... when this new guy presents his credentials to the governor General, its time ...
TO HANG UP .... remember Malcolm Turnbull ... hung up on by this clown ... then finally meeting him, spent 4 hours waiting ... and whilst Malcolm did not mention the phone call and turned the other cheek, it was sadly revealed. The DEAL in question, well its been welshed upon and of course Malcolm is no more.
Interfering in overseas elections if one just doesn't even stretch their memory is something at the moment the debate is whether out of 206 nations the USA has directly influenced up to the point of invading and sponsoring invasion ,... to even worse in wait for it ... 85 out of 206 nations !! The debate is still out there, not about MAlcolm, but how much Whitlam and his declaration of NOT liking Vietnam was one thing but the day prior to the GG sacking him, he was about to reveal we had USA bases on our soil ... Pine Gap ... is still unclear what the USA did because the last paragraph of the briefing is classified for 100 years under national security.
All this is an aside, we are the new Mexico and South America and even they .... THEY have stood up to it. In 1945, they held a conference in Mexico and prior to that, USA declared all of South America was well ,,, theirs ... in 1945 same stuff ... wind forward and in the last meeting, the whole of South America could NOT even agree on a press release as they rejected all and any of the proposals via USA.
One has to ask, and few do, where and WHY ... all these refugees are coming from ? Why are they fleeing their nations ? Is there any relationship between ... the two ? Oh before you think and more than most will, think I am nuts, most obvious and direct actions in recent times ? Well Cuba and bay of pigs and its ... well been removed from being talked about. How about Panama and its invasion in 1990 or 1991 and the leader, Noriega amusingly was the president, Old George ... when head of the CIA his highest paid foreign leader.
But, yep .... send the tax guy to take back the 15 billion the ATO just collected from non paying Companies and STOP pestering the others for tax, ITS CALLED FREE TRADE .... stupid ... that was the message handed to the PM by the new President/ Ambassador of Australia.
An aside, for now to markets as this Regressive tax the USA has, on one hand ... and NOT being anti rich, just that they pay say 30% tax on income like the person on 100k .... instead, as life expectancy in the USA for the lower 80% hits 70 ... Mexico with the second best South American healthcare system and costing 25% of the USA, is being, well ... abused ... for no real point other than racial, Cuba, which we must NOT speak about ... has a life expectancy of 2.5 years more than the official USA number and since I don't accept Hispanics in America, 10% of whom have NO healthcare, thats the illegals and Legal another 10% have NO healthcare .... and 40% of the rest have emergency or bronze Obamacare ... supposedly they live LONGER than anywhere in the world ... ANYWHERE .... in fact 5 years LONGER than the average American and even 3 years longer than Cubans who get to see their doctors at DOUBLE the rate of the USA.
Oh please ? Mr Governor General, both past and new one served our nation. We don't often appreciate the roles of them, or police or people doing bad things to protect us, or things that make us what we are. My personal view and opinion with 5 Great Uncles lows WW1 and my GG mums side gassed in the Somme and well aware, aged 18, a group of friends in 1982 on a helicopter in a place called the Falklands .... Well aware ... and deeply appreciative of the debt we OWE not just our own, but so too, the USA and whilst its sad, we, humans at times come to violence and wish it wasn't so. This comment and a few others via this turnip ... basically and an opinion ... and besides the point, is not respecting our sacrifice, or our besties PNG and NZ or the UK ... who paid even a bigger percentage.
Second side, is economic and sending an ambassador who already is declaring he is on the lookout for China and so on, ... IS NOT APPRECIATED. I suspect, and have faith we as a nation can and HAVE actually said NO ... to China all on our own. What worries me more, is ... the tax and drip down side coupled with Trade issues.
Free trade is FINE but with RULES. If Foreign based companies wish to do business here. we welcome them as LONG as they behave and pay taxes. When we have one company turning over 6 billion, head office declaring a 30% margin on sales and they charge 110% even above GST ... here, suggesting the profit, NET profit is less than 2% ... not 35-40% .... is insulting. Tax office did a stellar job in collecting SOME of this, NOW they have run down another rabbit hole via a new tax inversion ... and surprise surprise surprise ... we now have their lawyer, dressed as ambassador but in reality likely our NEW UN-elected president coming ?
NOT SURE ... what it will take for someone to grow a backbone. Either way, an aside in the greater scheme of things, we didn't need that 15 billion we collected or the ATO did. It only pays for 10 hospitals serving 1 million people and fully funds them for a year. Or could.
Instead, we are balancing our budget in 2020 and that worked out last time in the Asian financial crisis when we almost had a cow going below 49 cents and were junked with Indonesia and every other nation.
Sorry, can we please .... please when the Governor General is presented the credential, as representative of the Queen, he HAS the power to reject them. So too, just don't let him in !!
Of course I live in a world where, well, these things are clearer prior to them occurring. Eventually EU will and given this comment about paying, paying the price, is about them as well ... why do we bother ? Why not invite UK back in to the newly vacated USA bases and tell them to GO HOME.
Its NOT too much to ask, if someone sells something here, makes a profit to pay, tax.
Please send Cindy instead !!