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LYC - Lynas Rare Earths

If I have this view I would short the stock
Plenty more down size, why not short them ?

Roger also had the stipulation on his valuation that REE prices need to remain high. Based soley on the EPS forecasts in commsec, I actually agree with Roger's future valuation but those EPS forecasts are based on high REE prices.

So, I think LYC is "cheap" IF:

1. Rare earth prices stay reasonably high (the $200 basket price is unrealistic. It will probably fall once LYC is supplying)

2. LAMP is constructed and running by the end of the year

3. LAMP expansion goes to plan

There are a lot of ifs there so beware.

Honestly, I think Julia makes some good points but so do others. In contrast to Julia, I hold long.
I would say the only real risk to LYC is a massive global economic slowdown which causes a slowdown in the adoption of more expensive green technologies.

If the price of oil plummets, unemployment rises worldwide in developed countries (even more), then there will be less willingness by people to buy green products, less willingness by governments to invest in anything (including green projects?), less demand for high-tech electronics. Basically all the stuff RE is used for.

On the other hand, what better stimulus to use in order to restart the world's economy than a massive green technology investment plan by G20? Millions of electric cars to end the OECD's dependence on foreign oil, wind farms, etc. A bit too optimistic though....
A massive global down turn? Surely not. I mean the stock markets are forward looking indicators and there's nothing wrong there is there.
Frankly I found it pretty amazing how overpriced Ipads and Iphones have been so huge in what is supposed to be such a crapy global situation. I mean really a $1000 phone? Need to have or nice to have when things are tough?
Amazing what free to air marketing will do for a product. Every news paper and service plugs iphones and Ipads for nothing all the time. Oh look at the cues for the Ipad release. No wonder the old media is going broke. How stupid are they. How many advertising dollars lost there?
Jim Rogers, one of Rogers mentors is shorting tech stuff.

Where am I?
Don't get me started on would be my dream if they went bankrupt during some depression because people woke up and smelled the roses. But no, they have been purposely paying crap all dividends in a pathetic attempt to build enough capital to remain solvent hoping things will return to "normal".

Millions of electric cars to end the OECD's dependence on foreign oil, wind farms, etc. A bit too optimistic though....

A nice thought, maybe.

But you wouldn't want those millions of electric cars powered byelectricity generated by dirty coal-burning plants. Nuclear, perhaps? After all, new generation batteries are still just storage devices, they don't generate their own power.
Excellent point. They never seem to provide specs on how much your I pad is really costing u after you have recharged it every day for 2 years!! $5000, $10,000. My that is expensive!
Then of course there's your I phone, I Pod. I CeAge.
Excellent point. They never seem to provide specs on how much your I pad is really costing u after you have recharged it every day for 2 years!! $5000, $10,000. My that is expensive!
Then of course there's your I phone, I Pod. I CeAge.


Slight over-estimation.


The "old" Julia returns. With the same old whatiffs. Maybe we should add "what if we get hit by a meteorite", just as likely to happen as all those negatives. If I had such a negative attitude of a stock I certainly wouldnt even read forum posts about it. ( unless of course I was shorting it and my shorts were on fire.)

The anticipation of risks and "whatiffs" normally is THE most important skill of a successful investor. Until greed steps in of course.

You are sarcasticly comparing the event of getting hit by a meteorite with the event of politicians retaining power by delaying unpopular decisions. Is this a smart thing to do? Think about it.

Disclosure: closed my short position monday and tuesday (see above). Looking for new short engagements above $ 2
You could have filled that this morning!

As you can see, LYC is incredibly strong. I think this is driven by irrational unrealistic price and earning projections but it is as it is and if would ignore that, I would be a poor investor.

Asian markets.. wow! This is a historical day IMO. Wallstreet tanks 4-5 % and major indices in asia close green or almost untouched. I have been waiting for this to happen. It shows, that people begin to realize that these crooks in NYC are not the centre of the (financial) world any more. I wonder if politicians around the globe get the message of these crazy times. If the FED, banks, especially investment banks will not be regulated now, we are all doomed. UK riots show, what can and will happen to our democracies if banking crooks will continue to have a free ride for almost anything while we pay for them over and over again. If we don't oppose now, our children and grandchildren will receive the big bill.

1979 regards

Again why you come here and spill your arguments. What are you gaining from this??

Why do you care about the other investors that have their money invested in this stock? Telling them its overvalued, the bubble is going to burst, It's not going to make it?

If you don't think it's not worth investing in, then don't buy it, sell it, do whatever you want. We don't care what you do with your money. Why care about us and what we do with our money? If we loose money what do you have to gain from us loosing?

Surely if i came across a stock I don't like, I just move on and don't go telling all the share holders to sell because of how crap I think the company is.

You say its over priced, yet there's 100's/1000's of investors that think this is cheap and buying. If the majority of the market thought it was overpriced, then the stock price wouldn't be where it is today. Supply and demand - If there was more people like you thinking it was over priced, then obviously the SP would be lower? So what's going on?

Must be a reason why your down ramping this stock. What are you gaining from this? getting paid to down ramp Lynas? working for Arafura? You sure know abit about of company to to not be involved in it and go around and spill the goss.
Rare earth is not rare

but processing it to a usable form, something apple can use for the iPhone is rare outside China

I think I said this previously, China been selling it too cheap ... its not that cheap to produce Rare earth
it has issues, it leave behind radioactive stuff ..... The world gave control to China some years ago because
it much easier and cheaper buying from the the table turns, you cant no longer go on selling this
stuff cheap...

I do have Lynas recently I think I said that too, I'm forgetful

If thing goes according to plan, this baby can have a very nice cash flow machine in a few years, but like all stock investment there are risk involves so buy with care.....

And I have no issues with people ramming my stock down, when they go low enough I buy more ...
Stuff I buy should stand decent attack from fundamental fronts and rumour mongers.

I encourage people to short stocks I own
And I have no issues with people ramming my stock down, when they go low enough I buy more ...
Stuff I buy should stand decent attack from fundamental fronts and rumour mongers.

I encourage people to short stocks I own

I like your attitude
Again why you come here and spill your arguments. What are you gaining from this??

What is your point?
you think, we should all leave here?
Not allowed to question investments?
Very strange indeed IMO

Market is waiting for a waste management plan these days.

Good news for ARU today. BTW

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