Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Life doesn't come to you

I used too avoid Funerals!
Why, burglar? Because it reminded you of your own mortality? Just too sad?

Funerals are not for the dead, but for the friends and family to pay tribute to the person they'll miss.
A very dear friend of mine died from cancer recently. I miss her enormously. She was the 'port in the storm' kind of person - calm and objective. One of the rare people who, when you talked with her, understood as much what you were not saying as the actual words.

She was as philosophical about dying as she was about living, focusing on how good her life had been, anxious only about how her much loved husband would manage without her.

There's a part in most funerals following the eulogies etc where the celebrant asks if anyone would like to say anything. Usually there's just silence. I took a deep breath this time and made my way up to stumble my way through a tearful tribute to her. It was very inadequate but much appreciated by her family.
Might be something to consider in future, burglar?

The older we become the more loss features in our lives. That's just the normal life cycle. For myself I observe the desire for greater simplicity, less stuff. Once there's enough money to provide security, the old drive to go on making money seems to dissipate.

A while ago, in a novel, there was this single sentence in the context of an aging woman, reflecting on her life, which struck me as truthful and beautiful.
It seemed to her that all of life was simply diminution and loss, the paring away by degrees of what had seemed necessary, the learning to do without.

Not an expression of sadness or regret, just simple acceptance of reality.

The older I get the more I realise the most important thing is life is not trying to conquer the world but the friends and family you surround yourself with.
Agreed entirely. Especially if you're lucky enough to have a family. Not everyone does, then friends are even more important, as is a sense of self-sufficiency.

All power to you Burglar - sorry to hear of your loss and also of the death of AdamVW's wife too. I noticed you had a thread about flowers and gardening going there for a while. I love gardening and I'm passionate about bush regeneration and conservation. Life is great eh?
Ditto on the gardening. Will put a photo or two up on the above thread later.
The flowers are smiling in the sun, the flowers on the tomatoes and passionfruit are all setting fruit beautifully.
Then there's the dog running into the sea full of the sheer joy of living.:):):)
Why, burglar? Because it reminded you of your own mortality? Just too sad? ...

Melancholy, I inherited a large dose.
Funerals fuel it.

It is not who I am.
Nor who I want to be.

My uncle's funeral marked his death.
My auntie's funeral celebrated her life.

Not all funerals are the same.
Hope you're doing a bit better burglar.:)

The older I get the more I realise the most important thing is life is not trying to conquer the world but the friends and family you surround yourself with.

Hey McLovin,

I just came across this thread ...
I saw what you wrote and I knew what you meant ...

I always meant to apologise about my subsequent smart crack!

And yes, I am doing a lot better, thanks.