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Life doesn't come to you

22 November 2010
Life doesn't come to you.

You need to go out and grab some!
Testify! *waves arms in the air*...

"Testify" comes from the Latin "witness" and has nothing to do
with "testicle" which also comes from the Latin for "witness".

Which is really off topic! IMO
Life doesn't come to you.

You need to go out and grab some!

Last time I went out and grabbed some life it happened to be attached to a hot girls posterior.

She was keen to reciprocate and grab life by the errrrr... horns herself (excuse the pun)

What goes around comes around!
And here was I, thinking to start a serious topic!

Life is short, procreation might well be the best answer!

Indeed it is Burglar. My late wife died of bowel cancer in 2010. It was not fair that she died at the age of 46, the only thing she did wrong I suppose in hindsight was to eat too much fatty food as I suspect that is what resulted in her falling victim to an illness that normally claims older folk.

Anyway in regard to taking life by the short and curlies.......I was laying in bed one night listening to her struggling to breath properly in her sleep, thinking to myself of a way to overcome this problem when it suddenly occured to me, in life, sometimes you do not have choices! Now this may seem like a bad thing but what it made me realise was that for the most part, yes we do have choices and it up to us to make the most of them because there will come a time when the luxury of a choice is not an option at all.

So indeed, take life by the horns and enjoy it. I stress less about it now because I know that some things are out of my control so they don't worry me so much, but I can tell you, I am enjoying life more because I know I can go out and grab life and make the most of it!
I was laying in bed one night listening to her struggling to breath properly in her sleep...

That's really heart breaking mate, so sorry to hear that you lost her...

Don't know what I'd do if i lost my Jenny...

That's really heart breaking mate, so sorry to hear that you lost her...

Don't know what I'd do if i lost my Jenny...


I know exactly what you would do would get off your sorry ass and do all those things your lovely wife would expect of you.

When Linda passed away at 4.00am, I had to drive home from the hospice and get our 16 y/o son ready for school as he had his last year 11 exam that morning. I couldn't tell him his mum had died. So, I then waited for 4 hours at home waiting for him to return so that I could break the news to him. How many ways do you think I tried to devise of a way to get out of doing what I had to do? But anyway, he got home and I told him. We cried together.

That event empowered both of us. Aden went on in year 12 to win the Defence Force "Long Tan Award for Leadership", came 1st in WA in year 12 Business and came 3rd overall at the school academically. I asked him later on how he did it and he said he knew what his mum expected of him and he did not want to let her down.

I have changed jobs, new gorgeous Indonesian wife, more kids and an entirely different future mapped out as we intend to move to Indonesia in 5 years and retire/have a small business. I have also just completed the Diploma of Management and will do Cert IV Bookkeeping shortly so I can take on a new business from home perhaps.

So, yeah, life can work in sometimes tragic ways, but never believe that is the end of it. Remember the past but never dwell on it, the future beckons! I am sure that is what your Jenny would expect of you too. :star:
I lost a buddy on Friday,
... can't sleep,
... but I will need to get off my sorry ass.

Sorry to hear that burglar.

I am 35 and statistically I should have lost 1 or 2 close friends by now, I'm lucky to have not been touched in that area yet.

I have no wise words that will help, but I will try. Tomorrow you get up and grab life by the balls and you squeeze that ball sack harder than you've ever squeezed until that sonamabitch gives you something it has never given you before. Drain every stinky drop of life juice from life's wrinkly nads!

I'm not sure exactly what that means, but it still makes more sense than a Labor party policy.

My thoughts are with you.
Sorry to hear that burglar.

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Do it for him Burglar, it will make you feel so much better.

I used too avoid Funerals!
But I don't need to feel guilty for 8+ months.
Half a day ... did it for him ... did it for me.
I feel a heap better.

Life is short!
Hey Burglar, I know what you are saying, but the opposite is just as valid too. I know too many people who get too anxious about life and who get caught up in the minutia and just need to go with the flow. I agree you've got to have a go and get on with it, but to do so also involves dropping the anxiety and worry too. Having a go is just having a go - jumping in and swimming with the fish.

Life's hard, but for the grace of God, I certainly can't complain compared to others.

[edit] Oh- this is what I wanted to say - I sometimes tell younger people who are bored enough to listen to me that life is also long and that there is time, plenty of time, so no need to be anxious about the big picture - it's just a journey. [/edit]

Sitting here at the computer, drinking red wine listening to Pink Floyd's 'wish you were here' and reading about the price of gold. Haha - never thought that listening to Pink Floyd would be the sign of an old man.
Hope you're doing a bit better burglar.

The older I get the more I realise the most important thing is life is not trying to conquer the world but the friends and family you surround yourself with.
Milk in the fridge.
Petrol in the car.
Did not mean to complain.

And I love Pink Floyd.

All power to you Burglar - sorry to hear of your loss and also of the death of AdamVW's wife too. I noticed you had a thread about flowers and gardening going there for a while. I love gardening and I'm passionate about bush regeneration and conservation. Life is great eh?
... Life is great ...

My physical garden is all about Hippeastrums, Brazilian bulbs.
A splash of colour!

My love of trees has passed on to my daughter.
She volunteers for "Trees for Life"!
They are about regeneration for modern day farmers.

If you have some photos, I'd love to see them!
Life is great!
Hope you're doing a bit better burglar.

The older I get the more I realise the most important thing is life is not trying to conquer the world but the friends and family you surround yourself with.

I'm not about conquering my friends and family, ..
Well, not just yet!:
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