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Latest tweets by The Donald

Came across this analysis of how Trump has always stiffed his investors and supporters. This particular analysis highlights Trumps business history of fleecing investors and then discusses how Trump manged to spend a $1billion on his 2020 election campaign with FA to show - except some very healthy outcomes for Trump related businesses.

Not a tweet but a press release...

For the record I don't support this second impeachment effort
Not a tweet but a press release...

For the record I don't support this second impeachment effort
Very few Trump supporters across America have - at time of posting - changed their mind and still believe the election was stolen. This belief continues to be validated by Trump who will not concede (see also Trump's latest tweet immediately above), nor will he do what his predecessors have done to facilitate a smooth transition to Biden, despite declaring he would do this.
So today Trump suffered the ignominy of being the only President twice impeached by Congress.
There was also some bipartisan support as many of those voting had direct experience of the insurrection, and spent hours cowering in various places within the Capitol until order was restored.
I listened to all the speeches in real time, prior to the vote being taken. A key theme of Republicans supporting Trump was that impeachment would continue "the divide" in America and would do nothing to heal the nation. However Democrats were at pains to keep pointing out that the likes of Jim Jordan and others still refuse to say to their Republican base that Biden won the election "fair and square."
Even after Trump was impeached I listened to A Republican Congressman being interviewed and repeating the need for claims of election fraud to be investigated, despite over 60 court cases plus a point by point rebuttal from Georgia's Republican electoral officials proving there was no basis for such claims.
In that light, baseless beliefs will continue to flourish in America, and Biden has no hope of affecting the necessary change.
Anyone who believes that was a free and fair election is living in a clown world. Notwithstanding the failure of the courts to uphold - and there are probably very valid reasons for that which are nothing to do with the unadulterated truth - there were obvious irregularities.

That must somehow be fixed, American democracy cannot survive unless election results are beyond reproach. Clearly that is just not so at the moment.

Additionally, despite Biden's mealy mouthed platitudes towards unity, the Komrades are openly plotting the oppression of conservatives.... Yeah unity bro.

Don't be surprised if you are told to go perform an impossible auto-erotic act.

IMO, a genuine civil war (the war of secession was not a true civil war) it's going to be the least surprising result if Komrades continue to behave like they are.
Perhaps you can offer the evidence that supports your position (ideally in another thread), as thousands of pages presented to US courts on over 60 occasions after the election have shown little more than the petty fraud that occurs with every election.
Trump's teams also fought many cases prior to the election to disenfranchise electors, and their track record was not too good.
You have a long history of latching onto ideas that lack credibility, so here is your chance to bring into the forum something that will astonish us.
Anyone who believes that was a free and fair election is living in a clown world.

It was as free and fair as you can get in a country where elections are run by politicians.

Notwithstanding the failure of the courts to uphold -

A court mostly appointed by Republicans.

Give it up wayne you are just damaging your credibility by arguing the extremes of the elections.

The same system that put Trump into power removed him.

To be clear, do you personally believe that Trump won the election ?

That is not now what is important rederob, if you believe Biden got more votes than Obama then fair play to you. I'm not going to sit here and construct a case the next several hours for your satisfaction, for you to just deny.

What is important, and this is my point, is the perception going forward. I don't know how you do it, perhaps blockchain or whatever, but if whichever side loses can see that they lost fair and square, then we can avoid all this sort of bullshyt.

That's what's important, not me proving you wrong or you proving me wrong.

Conservatives must move on from this situation now and Democrats must be a lot more magnanimous than they are being, otherwise they will be a civil war.

But come next election if this is not fixed it WILL blow up in everyone's faces

To be clear I have no idea whether Trump or Biden won the election, but I do believe there was some shenanigans. Whether that was enough to change the result I have no idea.

After the propaganda from the mainstream media of the last 5 years, and silicon valley meddling, I think it would actually be a freaking miracle if Trump had won the election.

My main concern is the integrity of the system and in that sense it is of no concern to me whether Trump or Biden actually won. I would have preferred for Trump to have won, but if Biden won fairly, then that is democracy.

To repeat once again it must be clear to the American people that the election results are fair dinkum and if that is not clear now, there must be ways to make sure that results are clear and unequivocal.

Without that we are going to end up in violence.
There are. They are called the Courts, the electoral college and the Congress.
These are bureaucratic instruments and clearly not to the satisfaction of the folks.

For instance, our electoral system here goes unchallenged because it is seen to have integrity.

And let's not forget it was Hillary Clinton who 4 years ago was claiming the election was stolen from her.

Somehow election results in the United States have to be seen to be beyond reproach, otherwise there will be violence, how can it be much clearer than that?

This goes beyond you being pleased with this election result or me being pleased with the previous result. We must unequivocally be able to accept election results whether we like them or not.

In the United States, that is not happening at the moment.
You lack credibility, and that is the whole point!
You boldly claim "there were obvious irregularities" and show none.
Across 2 months, despite every Trump lawyer and backer digging for evidence of electoral fraud, their presented claims were regularly vacuous or laughed out of court. Often, as @SirRumpole points out, it happened via judges Trump had himself appointed.
The USA has a major problem with "credibility," and it continue to be perpetuated by the Commander in Chief.
People that think like you are called "enablers." They latch onto baseless claims and repeat them often enough to believe they are true. Moreover, despite abundant evidence showing the claims to be without merit, they hold firm.
A quick fix would be for Trump and his Republican Congress team to come clean. It's really that easy right now.
But as Trump showed in the tweet above, he won't acknowledge that he lost a fair election, and conveniently forgot to tell everyone he had again been impeached. Trump is a proven liar and deranged narcissist, and that's fine with over 70 million Americans.
That's pretty sad.
But it's entirely credible because here you are saying "To be clear I have no idea whether Trump or Biden won the election" because you refuse to believe people who are better informed to determine the fairness of US elections, and who also determined that challenges to the outcome failed to provide any relevant evidence.
It's not me you have to convince Rob.

likewise you are showing you will never concede any point no matter what is placed in front of you so like I said I'm not going to spend several hours doing that.

What you have to do is to convince the American voter, that is my consistent point here which you are dodging in favour of trying to disparage me with utterly faulty logic.

I hope you can do that before the situation in the US blows up in all of our faces, because we will not be unscathed here in Australia.
Whether Trump won or Biden won is now a mute point.
Now that the Democrats are in power they will change the rules and goal posts so that they are the only party in the USA.
But they in turn are only a figurehead for the real rulers, who flexed their power very strongly this week.
The power to ensure freedom, freedom of speech and the ability of everyone to communicate with people around the world is not held by any elected government. It is held by the elites and their power is absolute (at the moment).
Dark days ahead for those that don't conform.
Google monopoly is very dangerous.

Another example...

Are you part of Google's search experiment? Thousands are secretly BLOCKED from reading Australian news sites as tech giant gears up for a huge fight to avoid paying for content

Important for the Democrats to impeach Trump for inciting violence.

Update (1635ET): The House now has voted to impeach President Trump for allegedly inciting last week's riot in the Capitol by a margin of 232-197.

I responded to your post claiming inter alia "obvious irregularities" regarding the November elections, and sought from you what they might be.
You offered nothing.
Now you make a baseless claim that I am "trying to disparage <you> with utterly faulty logic."
My posts have made it clear that no amount of evidence is likely to convince rusted-on Trump supporters unless he acknowledged reality and stated unequivocally that he lost the election, fair and square.
If Trump had an ounce of Presidentiality to his being, his latest tweet could have done that.
Can anyone see that happening?
I just don't get the defending of Trump or the non stop excuses then the follow up with " false equivalence " justifications.

Stan Grant really has been cutting it to the bone.

" The nation's capital looks like Baghdad: heavily armed military on street corners. There are more American troops in Washington DC than in Afghanistan. "

" Poor whites feel like their country has abandoned them and turned to a lying, Manhattan real estate, reality television huckster for salvation. "


Very much so

Jovan Pulitzer & Georgia Senate "ballot fraud detection" testimony Dec 30, 2020 election voter

Jovan Pulitzer: I have just uploaded all the data and evidence of foreign election interference

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